Latest News

Solpets: Open Beta + New Pet!

[center] We are now officially in Open Beta and to celebrate we are releasing our "new" pet the Chimare. It is available for everyone to create and in all colors. :)

[img][/img] [/center]

Wajas: I'm testing a theory of mine

Firstly, if you haven't read them already, please see the previous news posts. Jen and I have been fixing a lot of Wajas with missing HEX codes, (you can still post any needing fixing on this thread CLICK HERE )and trying to see some sort of pattern, but there seems to be none. But I have noticed clusters around certain Waja ID's, and I wondered if any of you that are going to breed your wajas over the next few days could indulge me in testing out a theory. My theory is, and I could be completely wrong, that if a number of Wajas are being bred at the same time, then it's affecting the code. DO NOT BREED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS, but if you are breeding today, or over the next few days, make a note of the time you're breeding (Wajas time, top banner, under your name), check how many are on line at the time, (it might be an idea for you to keep it on the mothers profile). And then once the pups are born, PM me with the URL of the mother (that is found in the address bar of y

Wajas: Trivia

Trivia has been updated. The theme is Superheroes!

Solpets: Ready for Easter?


The Holiday shop is now getting stocked for Easter with some yummy goodies! :)[br][br]

ANNOUNCEMENT: Thursday, May 1st we will be going into Open Beta. Within the next couple weeks leading up to it we will release some sneak peaks for everyone to see![br][br]

BUG FIX: User shop\'s are now fully functional. There was a problem with editing prices and removing items - this is now fixed.[/center]

Solpets: Auctions and Censors

Auctions are now completed and tested for user's to use. If any weird or odd activity occurs please be sure to report right away. You can currently find the link under "Explore" in the left sidebar.

There is now a new setting which allows users who are 13 years or older to view certain words or phrases that may be inappropriate or offensive to read. For users under the age of 13, we will have them all blocked automatically and cannot change the setting until they reach the appropriate age. We would like everyone to note we do not encourage use of inappropriate or offensive words.

Solpets: Happy Late St. Patrick's Day


Our new artist Snail has made this beautiful Shamrock for Solopians to buy in our holiday shop.

Solpets: Gallery and BuddyFeed

Gallery's are now available for everyone to use, create, and view.

The BuddyFeed is still in beta, but is coming along. Users who have solBuds will now automatically notify current solBuds about making a new shop, new club, new gallery, new pet and even making a new solBud.

The BuddyFeed will be able to do much more once it is complete.

Solpets: New Features!

Notice board and the User Market are now available for all users under the "Interact" tab.

Custom club pages have been added. Premium users and Staff can have a maximum of 200 pages. Other users can have up to 100 pages as there maximum.

Now when you create your pet you will notice a slight change. The Solpets "likes" options have been slightly changed and renamed.

Also, if you have not yet noticed the login is now fixed. And no problems should occur from now on.

Solpets: New Games!

We have 3 new games for everyone to play!

High or Low (luck and chance): For just 50 sPoints you can tell me whether the mystery item is priced too high or too low. If you think you know your items well enough, take the challenge.

Heads or Tails (luck and chance): If you manage to guess the right side I will give you double what you bet. If not, you loose your bet. It\'s that simple.

Me Active (contest): All you have to do is click the button once a day.

We have also fixed all known issues with the Spinner game. If any other problems are found please report them.

For staff and beta testers there are now (or soon will be) Slots and SolQuests to test out.

Solpets: Lots Going On . .

Now you can set up your very own wishlist. For most users you can have upto 4 items in your wishlist depending on whether you are a beta tester, premium user, or a staff member.

User shops are now upgradeable. For each level you upgrade to you will get space for 5 more items. You can also now edit your shop sock prices quickly and easily.

Random Events have been officially added to the site, so explore the site as much as you can!

Official SolShops restock every 30 minutes now for your convenience.

We have several new item descriptions added by Mint now floating around the site. Can you find them?

Latest Feature: \"User Nav\" - the user nav is every user\'s very own list of custom quick links. Links do not have to be Solpets related.

In Progress: Auctions. Auctions should be up and running for beta testers within the next week.

Solpets: Welcome Mint! :)

Everyone give a warm welcome to our new SolWriter, Mint! She is a new addition to our SolStaff. She will be writing item descriptions and more for us - so keep a look out. ;)

Solpets: New Year!

A week into the new year of 2014 we are releasing SolClubs. They are still in the beta state and are missing some important features. However all the basic features are put intact. You can go view other members SolClubs or Create your own by clicking "solClubs" under the "INTERACT" section.

Please report any errors/mistakes immediately.

Solpets: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :)

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas this year. Enjoy family time, time of work/ school and have some fun joining in on gifts. :)

This year on Solopia we do not have much to offer to our beta testers this holiday season. Next year we will do our best to make up for missing out on this year.

Like I said . . . Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :) - (Was I the only one thinking of the Nsync song?)

Solpets: New Host!

We now have a new webhost for Solpets. :) Server issues should now all be gone and we should not have any more \"lag\" (if you noticed any). Yay!

Solpets: Bug Fixes and Halloween

No bugs have yet been reported by any users (including beta testers) . . however I know there are many. I am unsure why these are not being reported right away (or going unnoticed). This is a problem - please report errors to me, cutielou22, by sMail or report in the Errors forum.

Now to the bug fixes and additions: - Login has been changed slightly to work even better and safer. - Users Online count is now accurate. (If a user has not been active for 15 minutes they will not show up as online.) - User Profiles: You can now Trick or Treat users for Halloween. Just go to their profile. - Added buttons to certain pages for easier access. (Instead of plain links. - Examples: On SolBuds pages, Forums . . .) - New beta tester only games added. - We changed webhosts yet again - hopefully it will be more reliable. (In November we are planning to switch Solpets to a even more reliable host.)

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Happy Halloween. :)

Use the "Contact" link for more information