Latest News

Solpets: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Hope your day is full of food and savings. :)

As a way to celebrate Thanksgiving, the SolTeam would like to thank you all for being apart of our community with some item revamps. Our artists have been working hard to make new and improved items for you all, so please give Lolly and Loki a big thanks for all their hard work.

New default avatar:

Thank you. Enjoy the holidays.

Solpets: New Layout and Art!

Our new artist, Lolly, has been busy working on some pretty awesome artwork for Solopians.

Lolly has also made us new forums icons for our new and improved forum page!

You may have also noticed our new layout? Yeah, she did that too!

Solpets: Welcome Our New Artists!

[center] We have added 2 new artists to the Solpets Team.

Please welcome [user]Distracted[/user] and [user]Lolly[/user]! [/center]

Solpets: New Fourth of July Colored Pets!

[center] There is only a limited amount available for each.

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

We have also added a new feature for premium users to change their pet's name whenever you like. For free users, you can unlock this feature once your pet reaches level 10.

Happy July. :) [/center]

Solpets: New Pet + Avatar!

[center] One day the Rimulus mysteriously appeared on Rainbow Falls with out warning. To this day nobody knows for sure how and where these strong and brave creatures originally came from.


Plus: New Rimulus avatar to use on the forums!



Solpets: New game and goodies!

[center] [img][/img] We have added a new game to gamble on. Both you and the dealer will throw 5 dice. If the dealer wins you lose 100 sPoints, if you win you receive a reward of 250 sPoints. The cool part is rolling special combos will get you extra points up to the grand jackpot.

Play now?

And you know those referrals your trying to get? We made some icons and banners to help you.


Check them out!


Solpets: solContests

We have added new solContests to our games! To get there go to "Games", "Contests", "Active Contests".

There are several different types of contests that can be held:

Poetry/Short Story Contest: This can be a poem or short story (unless stated otherwise in this contest's additional rules).

Digital Art Contest: This type of contest allows users who own a Digital Art Program to design possible new art for the site.

Sketch Art Contest: This type of contest allows a user to submit hand drawn sketches. The sketches submitted may or may not be digitally altered for use on the site. Sketch Art contest are good for Solopians who do not operate digital art programs well or prefer to do hand drawn work.

Upon submission all art and writings becomes site property and may only be returned by the consensus of the site's lead administrators and owners.

All content submitted must meet with our site rules as well.

Our first contests have been added. Good luck.

Solpets: Happy Valentine's Day!

Some new Valentine items have been added to the Holiday shop.

New LOVE avatar now available to all Solopians!

Solpets: Are you ready to Adopt?

[center]The Solopian Adoption Center is now open for business! You can adopt a new pet, transfer a pet to another user, or drop off your pet to find a new owner.

You can get there by going to our explore map in Shine City and go left. Don't forget if you want quick access to this area to add it to your "My Nav".

Our new Pet Leaderboard can be found on our Stats page (the link is in our footer).

Pet biography have been added to the revamped Pet Profiles. Make your pet come to life! To do this go to "My Pets" > Choose A Pet > And Click "[Update Pet Profile]" under your pet's picture.

Want to send money to a user? Well, if you have a Solopian Bank account, you can transfer sPoints for free!

Happy Groundhog Day Everyone! [/center]

Solpets: Happy Friday!

[center]All solShops have new shop keepers made by amaikitten. Thanks amaikitten!

Plus we have added a new game to our "Luck Games" section! You can now play Crack the Safe!


Solpets: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Solpets! 2014 was our comeback to the web - 2015 will be our uprising as a website, petsite and community. I appreciate all the support and feedback from solUsers and hope for a great 2015.

[center] The solSchool is our first release for the new year. Send your pet to school to gain intelligence and book smarts.

Again, Happy New Year! Hope you have good one!


Solpets: The solDome

"This just in! The first monsters of Solpets have showed themselves! We need to attack and defeat them, quickly too! We estimate that there's at least a hundred of each monster species. The Solar Team have established a BattleDome, where courageous pets can safely battle these monsters without harming civilians. From these pets, we may soon have a trained army to guard off the place from new invaders. We are certain of it."

To get to the solDome look in the navagation under "Explore".

Solpets: Introducing The solCloset!

[center] The solCloset is made just for your collectables, snugglys, and snowglobes. Show off the ones you have and the ones your waiting to get to complete your collection.

There is one catch about the solCloset: You can't remove any of the items from it (ever). Just warning you.

You can find the link to your solCloset under "Personal". You can view other members closets by going to there profile. (It's like a extra gallery.) [/center]

Solpets: solTransfer!

Have you been with us since the beginning? If you have, we are giving you the chance to get your sPoints, sCoins, Mystery Pot points and your original sign-up date. Doing this will also gain you Beta Tester rank and a "Original Solopian" title.

Just click on "solTransfer" under the Explore tab. You just need to remember either your email or username associated with your old account. There is a catch, you have to remember your old password . . . well not really or you can just enter your birthday and gender.

Solpets: Trick or Treat

It's that time of year when the leaves fall and the jack-o-lanterns come out!

Visit users profile to get a treat or trick them!

Use the "Contact" link for more information