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Lythbound: Lythbound Domain Change Complete!

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Lythbound is here!

Realm of Lyth has officially transferred our domain/URL over to Lythbound! All links should be redirecting to the new URLs. We recommend updating your links to use, but we will be maintaining the redirect for the foreseeable future so that existing links, etc. won't break for now.

We are also in the process of updating our social media information and making our brand consistent across all networks ¢ we will continue this process through the coming week.

Thank you all for your patience and support! We are excited about our snappy new URL and brand and look forward to continuing development with this name! As always please report any errors via Discord or by contacting us!

Other Updates

Comment replies and likes have been added to profile comments. Simply click the "Reply" link on a comment to display a reply box, or click the heart to like a comment. Replies have not yet been added to comments in other areas of the site (news or blog posts), but will be once we have confirmed that any bugs have been discovered and ironed out.

A new interactive size chart has been added, allowing for size comparison between all species and/or specific species. This is linked from individual species anatomy pages, as well as the relevant FAQ question.

Small improvements have been made to Lythian profiles to better display their information, including displaying their full collection of unlocked frames, hiding the Biography panel if no text has been added, and allowing the owner to view who has liked the Lythian.

Other minor updates, improvements, and bug fixes have been added across the site.

Haunted Faire

Don't forget that entries to the Costume Contest will close later today, October 23, 2020, 23:59:59! Get those entries in!

Have you been finding the Eidolons hidden around the site each day?

  • Date Posted: 2020-10-23
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Solpets: New Halloween Layout!

We now have a free Halloween layout available for all users. Premium users still have access to our Premium Only version.

We have also made it as default for when someone is not logged in. (Of course, only for the Halloween season. ;))

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to Zokir on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Spoooooky

Powerpets: Upgrade Statues Released

This month's upgrade statue has been released to everyone whose account was upgraded up until or after October 5th. We hope you all enjoy your Titanium Loris Statue.

To be eligible for next month's statue, make sure to upgrade your account at the Upgrade Center.

Thanks for supporting Powerpets!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner!

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was poetrist's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner!

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was ralmap's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Which Halloween activities have you done on PowerPets for 2020?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Wajas: Chapter Ten

Previous Chapter There was a scream, it shattered the silence that he'd grown accustomed to. He winced as the scream seemed to echo in the emptiness. With a sigh, he turned, slowly making his way towards the sound. Since arriving he'd seen all manner of oddities. Which meant that someone was playing with forces they shouldn't be. It didn't take long before he'd found himself watching quite a humorous scene. Rabbit riding pestering demons surrounding a familiar looking pup - who mind you, was still screaming...a low chuckle passed between his jowls. He gave it a moment before a gruff voice rose above the screams. "You know, the more you scream, the more they will pester you. It's literally in their name "PESTERING DEMONS, and frankly, you're giving me a headache. So might you consider stopping?" Remus' felt his heart thundering, the urge to run grew as the voice spoke. A voice he didn't recognize, from the shadows...who was it? However, they seemed to know

Flight Rising: Hoard & Vault Revamp


Our revamp to the Hoard and Vault systems is now live! This update includes major improvements to searching, navigation, organization, and item usage.

The majority of the post below has been carried over from our Dev Update on the feature.

Hoard/Vault Revamp

Today, we're happy to launch our revamp of the Hoard and Vault systems, both of which have received significant improvements from top-to-bottom!

Improved Searching and Filtering

One of the top suggestions in the Suggestions forum was a search feature in both the Hoard and Vault, as it would enable you to find easily and efficiently find items. We've implemented robust and comprehensive search options to many previous revamps, and this addition is a continuation of those long-term design goals.

We're excited to share with you the different ways that the Hoard and Vault now support narrowing down your item searching, including:

  • Searching by name
  • Filtering by stack size
  • Filtering by item subcategory
  • Filtering by item rarity
  • Filtering by item color
  • Filtering by item's usage in other game features.
  • Sorting items alphabetically


Searching for the term "slime" filters the results to only items with the word "slime" in their name.

Item Interaction Window

While the legacy Hoard allowed for simple functions for only a few types of items (e.g. opening chests, applying genes and vistas, etc.), the revamp now expands the amount of available functions you can perform on a single stack of items.

We handle this through the new item interaction window, which appears when you click on the icon for any stack of items (the term "stack" meaning anything from 1-99). Each item¢s interaction window will display a custom array of buttons that will allow you to perform several actions, including (but not limited to):

  • Converting food items to food points
  • Opening container items
  • Previewing items like familiars, apparel, skins, vistas, and scenes
  • Transmuting a single item from the stack at Baldwin's Bubbling Brew (provided his cauldron is empty)
  • Selling the selected item
  • Selling all duplicates of the selected item, should you have more than one stack of it
  • Listing the selected item for auction
  • Storing the item in your Vault or withdrawing the item to you Hoard

You can dismiss this window by clicking or tapping anywhere else on the page.


The item interaction window for the food item Armored Catfish, showing the array of new actions that can be performed on the stack.

Opening Chests with Random Contents

To expand upon the new actions available in the item interaction window, we've made some improvements to the act of opening chests that have randomized contents.

In the legacy version of the feature, it was only possible to open these items one-at-a-time (1). In the revamp, we've increased that count to ten-at-time (10). This should make cracking open stacks of these chests a little bit easier!


A dialog window asking if the player would like to open ten (10) Iron Treasure Chests at the same time.

Locked Items & Favorites

At the very bottom of the item interaction window, you'll notice two toggles:


This toggle locks all instances of the item in your Hoard from being able to be sold for treasure. In the case of food items, it also prevents them from being converted to food points. If you're holding onto some items for a special purpose, objective, or sentimental value, this is a great way to safeguard them. Locked items will be denoted by reduced opacity for the item container.

This does NOT prevent them from being used in other site features such as Baldwin's Bubbling Brew, Swipp's Swap Stand, or Crim's Collection Cart. It only prevents an item from accidentally being sold for treasure (or in the case of food items, converted to food points) directly from the Hoard.


This toggle favorites all instances of the item in your Hoard. While this toggle doesn't prevent using or selling the item, it can provide you an extra way of classifying items that you like or that are important to you. Favorite items are denoted by a yellow star in the top right corner of the item container.


The location of the lock toggle on the item interaction window, as well as evidence that selling the item has been restricted due to the toggle's state.

A selection of items in the Hoard, some having been locked or favorited by the player.

Both toggles also have accompanying Quick Filter buttons in the top right corner of the Hoard that, when activated, will show you only items that have been toggled into that state.


The locked items Quick Filter is enabled, showing only those food items that have been set to a locked state.

Additional Hoard Options

In addition to everything listed above, we've launched the feature with a few expanded options that you can enable by clicking or tapping the gear icon in the top corner of the page.

Virtual Stacks

Like to keep a tidy Hoard? It is now possible to collapse identical items down into what we're calling "virtual stacks".

Example: If you have three (3) stacks of the same item, all in quantities of ninety-nine (99), enabling this option would collapse them down into a single "virtual stack" of two hundred ninety-seven (297).

Even cooler, this option affects items that don't typically stack above one (1), like familiars and apparel. We hope it's useful for people who like to keep their inventory concise and orderly.


A selection of familiar items; some that have duplicates have been collapsed into "virtual stacks".

This option is purely visual. You cannot manipulate a virtual stack like you can a normal one. Thankfully, clicking or tapping on a virtual stack will take you to a specialized view where the individual stacks are broken apart. From there, you can perform any of your standard item actions on the individual smaller stacks.


A specialized view of a "virtual stack" of plant food items showing that it is comprised of six (6) individual stacks.

Useful Items for Other Features

This next one is one we're particularly excited about. Once this option is enabled, items that have multiple important uses in other site features have their usage case(s) denoted at the bottom of the item container in the form of colorized bars and icons. Mousing over those bars will tell you what the item is useful for.


A screenshot depicting the multiple uses for the item Sizzling Phosphorous. The colored bars and icons indicate it is useful in Baldwin's Bubbling Brew and for a Hibernal Den task.

Items Per Page

When we first developed Flight Rising, we designed a lot of our features to work well within a screen resolution that simply isn't that standard anymore. Now that mobile browsers and huge desktop/laptop monitors are commonplace, we wanted to give players more options for showing items per page.

It is now possible to show up to fifty-six (56) items per Hoard/Vault page!

If the amount of items per page exceeds the height of your browser window, the action buttons that exist at the bottom of the Hoard will "hook" themselves to the bottom of the window instead so that you don't need to scroll all the way to the bottom.


With 56 items shown per page, those that don't vertically fit on the page have been partially obscured by a gradated horizontal bar of item actions. A pair of downward arrows indicate that the player can keep scrolling to see more items.

Self Service: Item Restoration

The launch of this feature revamp also includes a brand new option in our Self-Service support menu. If you make a mistake in hoard-selling an item or multiple items, it is possible to buy them back (for a markup) using this option.

Similar to Dragon Restoration, only items that you've sold within the last fourteen (14) days will be eligible for restoration. Additionally, only items sold from this point forward after the launch of the feature will be logged; you will not be able to restore any items you sold in the fourteen (14) days prior to the feature's existence. Flight Rising Support team members will be unable to assist in restoring items that were not sold within that fourteen (14) day window.


A screenshot depicting the Self-Service hub, including the new option for Item Restoration.

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback over the years about the Hoard and Vault through our Suggestions Forum, as well as those who interfaced with us between the Dev Update and now. Almost all of the major improvements to these systems were a result of your voices.

We're excited to finally launch another major feature in our sitewide refactor, which is now getting pretty close to completion. It's been a long, challenging journey, but along the way, Flight Rising has gotten better for it, and we appreciate you hanging out with us while we make that trip!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: The wheels on the bus go round and round!
The answer was: Happy School Bus.

16 out of 23 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: VirgynSoul

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 2225

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to meadowopossum, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 46,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Astro Skoilo Mirror Shard!

This week's item prize will be Gourmet Swirl Chocolate Drop! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner!

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was mistyeyes' Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Use the "Contact" link for more information