Latest News

Wajas: Chapter Nine

Previous Chapter Remus's Chapter He was angry. His brother. HIS brother! Had chosen that stupid book over him. Romulus didn't even like books! His temperature was rising with each step, and if he didn't have fur covering his face, he'd have been the same shade as a tomato. His anger only spurred him so far though before he realized his grave error. He wasn't a courageous fact, if he had to identify himself, he'd be more likely to call himself a coward. He squeaked, and his steps became more hesitant as he headed towards the shops district. Why hadn't father been there to scold them last night? Why hadn't he been there when they woke up? Where was that creature that had terrified him so badly yesterday?! Why had he thought that branching off alone was a good idea? So many questions... His steps showed how timid he was, they shook, his imagination screaming - creating zombies and ghouls and gobli--wait those were real. He took a de

Lythbound: [Important] Rebranding News!

Lythbound logo
Realm of Lyth is rebranding!

Realm of Lyth is rebranding to Lythbound! You may have noticed that much of our social media presence has used the "Lythbound" name and we are now preparing to change the entirety of the game to this new branding!

Our updated logo is displayed at the top of this news post and we will be updating our URL to "" in the coming days. This url is not yet live at the time of posting this news. When it is live later this week, pages will automatically redirect to the equivalent urls. Please do not be alarmed by this redirect as it will be intentional!

We will also be updating other references of "Realm of Lyth" as the name of the game to "Lythbound" later this week.

The in-game locations are still realms set in the world of Lyth (collectively, "the realms of Lyth") ¢ with this change we are merely updating the branding of the game's name, not changing the lore or location names.

Layout Updates

With this update, we have changed the colors of the default layout to match our updated brand colors! If you prefer the old default, you can change the layout you're using via this page while logged in.

We have also made some other updates to all layouts which may require a hard refresh of your browser (ctrl+F5 or fn+F5) to fully see. Please report any errors via Discord or by contacting us!

Other Updates

The Item Catalog is now available to view! This resource lists all available items, with their flavor text and brief information on where the item originates and where to use it. Some items also contain further information, such as craftable items displaying their recipes ¢ if you have them unlocked.

Haunted Faire

If you find yourself with too many Faire Tickets and nothing to spend them on, the Ringleader will now convert them to Loonoles in her shop. Please do so with care as this cannot be undone ¢ Loonoles cannot be turned back into Faire Tickets.

And finally, don't forget that entries to the Costume Contest will close October 23, 2020, 23:59:59! Get those entries in!

Lythbound: [Important] Rebranding News!

Lythbound logo
Realm of Lyth is rebranding!

Realm of Lyth is rebranding to Lythbound! You may have noticed that much of our social media presence has used the "Lythbound" name and we are now preparing to change the entirety of the game to this new branding!

Our updated logo is displayed at the top of this news post and we will be updating our URL to "" in the coming days. This url is not yet live at the time of posting this news. When it is live later this week, pages will automatically redirect to the equivalent urls. Please do not be alarmed by this redirect as it will be intentional!

We will also be updating other references of "Realm of Lyth" as the name of the game to "Lythbound" later this week.

The in-game locations are still realms set in the world of Lyth (collectively, "the realms of Lyth") ¢ with this change we are merely updating the branding of the game's name, not changing the lore or location names.

Layout Updates

With this update, we have changed the colors of the default layout to match our updated brand colors! If you prefer the old default, you can change the layout you're using via this page while logged in.

We have also made some other updates to all layouts which may require a hard refresh of your browser (ctrl+F5 or fn+F5) to fully see. Please report any errors via Discord or by contacting us!

Other Updates

The Item Catalog is now available to view! This resource lists all available items, with their flavor text and brief information on where the item originates and where to use it. Some items also contain further information, such as craftable items displaying their recipes ¢ if you have them unlocked.

Haunted Faire

If you find yourself with too many Faire Tickets and nothing to spend them on, the Ringleader will now convert them to Loonoles in her shop. Please do so with care as this cannot be undone ¢ Loonoles cannot be turned back into Faire Tickets.

And finally, don't forget that entries to the Costume Contest will close October 23, 2020, 23:59:59! Get those entries in!

  • Date Posted: 2020-10-20
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: It's Time to Celebrate

Confetti 1

October 20th is a special day for IcePets, since it's celebrating it's 11th anniversary today!

The Staff are grateful to all of the Members, as well as present and past Staff, for helping shape IcePets into the great community it is today. We can only boast about having such a compassionate and friendly community thank to our Member's beautiful hearts, which allows people to have a place to relax.

There have been bumps over the years and ownership has even changed hands a few times, but that never broke the spirit of IcePets. Whether you are a new Member or been here since day one, each and every one of you is appreciated, and are the reason IcePets keeps pushing forward. We encourage you to share at least one memory of your time here at IcePets. If you share a memory by October 31st 23:59:59 IcePets Time, you will be given a Birthday Cake as a thank you. The Item will be delivered by November 1st.

Party TrapturParty Traptur Morphing Potion

Joining in the festivities the Party Traptur, funded by @IcePrincess, is ready to celebrate. If you're up for it, they may even join you in a dance contest! The Party Traptur Morphing Potion is now stocking in the Snow Jar Igloo, and in the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Account Users!).

Birthday CakeBirthday Cake Ice CubeBirthday Cake Stamp

Birthday CardSlice of Birthday Cake

With the party in full force, we are pleased to share some updates! As you take a bite into the Birthday Cake the new design may catch your eye. Other delicious looking Items receiving a fresh look are the the Birthday Cake Ice Cube, Birthday Cake Stamp, Birthday Card and Slice of Birthday Cake.

Birthday BalloonBirthday CandleBirthday Face Paint

Birthday HatBirthday Bubble BlowersBox of Birthday Candles

Not to be left out of the redesign, the Birthday Balloon, Birthday Candle, Birthday Face Paint, Birthday Hat, Birthday Bubble Blowers, and Box of Birthday Candles (formerly Birthday Bubbles and Birthday Candles respectively) have also been given an update. These certainly add some excitement to the party.

1 Year Avatar

The 1 Year Avatar has received a facelift of its own as well! Celebrate your own IcePets anniversary with a snazzy, new look.

Scarab Amulet

Finally, the Scarab Amulet has returned again this year. They can be purchased from the I.C.E. Shop, but will only be available until October 23rd, 23:59:59 IcePets Time. Thank you again for being part of the IcePets community!

Confetti 2

Solpets: Candy and more!!

[center] Silcoon has made us some Halloween only candy for our trick-or-treating needs!

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

We have also made it so you can change your base color of your human avatar for 5,000 sPoints. We even added a special green base color for your Halloween needs. *The green base color is only available for premium users and only available until the end of Halloween. It will still cost the 5,000 sPoints to change into it though.*


Pocket Puma Pets: Hey all!

Just a reminder that floo is still giving away pumas! go here: click me read the rules and get a nice puma of your very own FREE! yup! totally free! Just follow the info and get yours today!

  • Date Posted: 2020-10-20
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner!

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was Booyaa's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught Cindermella for this weeks aquarium contest winner! ....Congrats!

"¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

IcePets: Phantasmic Apparitions

Novyn Ghost Happy

As Phantasmoire draws closer and closer to Phantom's Eve, you may notice more and more of Terrafrost's spookiest denizens wandering about... it looks like some familiar ghosts of Terrafrost have been spotted roaming the lands once again! If you're lucky, you might even spot a brand new face as well.

Phantasmoire Banner 1

Phantasmoire is the one time of year that closes the gap between the spiritual realm and ours, so these spectral friends are always sure to pay the land of Terrafrost a visit! From now until October 31st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the ghosts of Pets past can be found once again, handing out tricks or treats to Phantasmoire costumed Pets. These spooky fellows will appear around Terrafrost three times a day, but will disappear for the day should you trick them!

Mini GhostOuija BoardMini Ghost

The Ouija Board has also returned to give you an oppertuhnity to better speak with these ghosts! The item will reset your ghosts for the day and allow you to find them all once more. They can only be used once per day, however.

You can find the Ouija Board as a possible prize from the Spiritual Present until the end of the month -- so head on over to Grave Digger if you want to try your luck!

But if you don't want to wait, or Grave Digger isn't on your side, the Ouija Board is also available in the I.C.E. Shop for 150 IceCash (135 IceCash for Gold Account members!) until the end of the month.

Krittle Ghost CostumeLugra Ghost Costume

Some scary new Ghost Costumes have been spotted floating around as well! The new Krittle Ghost Costume and Lugra Ghost Costume can be found within the existing Ghost Costume and Ghost Costume 2, which can be handed out by our ghostly friends. Track one down if your Pet can't wait to get their hands on these new garbs!

Ghost CostumeGhost Costume 2

Phantasmoire Banner 2

Ichumon: Ignomi Day!

Happy Birthday to all Ignomis!

Ignomi Birthday Cake

Every Ichumon Species Day Duke will be giving away a Birthday Cake for that day only. Today is no exception! Claim your Ignomi Birthday Cake at the Prize Claim Center!

Magical Ignomi Berry

On Ichumon Species Days you have a 50% chance of getting that Ichumon's Berry from the Luwhut Tree in Fargo's Forest. If you don't have a Ignomi, you can now!


If you have a Ignomi enjoy free healing of HP and Diseases at the Heal Center in Lightest Tower all day long for your Ignomis.

Powerpets: 250k Staff Mini Bubbles

Tomorrow (October 20th) we will be holding our monthly 250k Mini Bubbles Challenge.

Staff and moderators will be putting up challenges in the Games Room. Once you have beaten a staff/moderator, please DO NOT challenge them again. It is our goal to get everyone who wants to win a vault code for a Sugarus Mini Bubble. Vault codes will be handed out on Wednesday.

Good luck and may the bubbles be with you.

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 2758

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner!

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was Snowprincess' Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Use the "Contact" link for more information