Latest News

Wajas: You get a Roo and you get a Roo!

Have you heard, there's a rumor in Lunaria, have you heard what they're saying on the street? Although they said just 1 Rooster per account, the glorious lover of Chickens Term intends to go to bat for us and change that number to 2 per account! Check back to tomorrow morning to see if that rebel Term was successful! PS. CodeDerg has implemented a way to kick out Wajas from the shop if they've been in there for too long (3 rotations), no more clogged shop! PSS. (feels like I am in middle school with these PS things) Please make sure you've read the Breeding Contest rules and guidelines of you are partaking in that and also please watch THIS video. Bluee has been awesome to help me out over the last few days as I deal with personal and dog problems, but I've noticed she's getting a LOT of questions that are answered with just a bit of attention to the information provided. So please before asking any questions, make sure you've checked out things, she's also

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at Smudged_Note's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Have you collected all the new Bunny Game freebies for 2022?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 7328

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

IcePets: New Looks Everywhere

Baby Wulfer Baby Wulfer Morphing Potion

The beloved Baby Wulfer is now cuter than ever! This adorable Pet and its respective Morphing Potion have both received a fresh new look. So if you'd like this youthful Pet by your side this Novitaria season, be sure to pick up a Baby Wulfer Morphing Potion at the Snow Jar Igloo. Alternatively, you can find it at the ICE Shop for just 500 IC (450 for Gold Users.)

Novitegg Stamp Woven Basket Stamp Novitaria 2015 Stamp
Chocolate Jakrit Glowing Noviteggs Glowing Novitaria Basket Ice Cube

A bundle of our most memorable Novitaria Items have received a new look! The Novitegg Stamp, Woven Basket Stamp, Novitaria 2015 Stamp, Chocolate Jakrit, Glowing Noviteggs, and the Novitaria Basket Ice Cube are the same Items you've come to love, just with a different look.

If you're having trouble viewing the new changes, try doing a hard refresh using Ctrl+F5 on Windows or Cmd+Shift+R on Mac.

Ichumon: Aquellia Day!

Happy Birthday to all Aquellias!

Aquellia Birthday Cake

Every Ichumon Species Day Duke will be giving away a Birthday Cake for that day only. Today is no exception! Claim your Aquellia Birthday Cake at the Prize Claim Center!

Magical Aquellia Berry

On Ichumon Species Days you have a 50% chance of getting that Ichumon's Berry from the Luwhut Tree in Fargo's Forest. If you don't have a Aquellia, you can now!


If you have a Aquellia enjoy free healing of HP and Diseases at the Heal Center in Lightest Tower all day long for your Aquellias.

Wajas: Breeding Contest and Event Reminders

Hello! I hope everyone is having fun with the spring event so far. I'm mainly here to bring you some more info about the Breeding Contest , but there are some other important notes at the end. I want to remind everyone that your goal is to breed in a marking while maintaining the rooster markings (Feathers Filling and Feathers Lacing) and Rooster Tail. As in, you should be breeding a rooster to a waja with other markings and then working on strengthening the new markings/rooster markings. You should not be breeding your rooster to other roosters and hoping for a random marking to appear. If you made no effort to breed in a marking, your entry will be disqualified. We understand that this breeding challenge may seem hard, but the staff are also trying it alongside you! If you have bred your Rooster to another Rooster to try and up the stats or try to get a certain color before you start working on breeding in your markings, that is fine. But remember you only have a li

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at Erath's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26902_80682296.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Frostbite (Frost), who is now back on track with vax's (read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner HalloweenFemme a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Powerpets: Pegg Intermission!

We are now taking a brief break from Pegg Hunter. We hope you have been lucky finding all the peggs hidden around the cities of Powerpets.

Stay tuned, Pegg Hunter will return soon.

IcePets: Have a Joke to Share?

Prankster Dabu Plushie Prankster Ducky Prankster Ori Plush

Calling all comedians! From today until May 1st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, we'll be holding an IcePets-themed joke contest. So if you've got a joke you've been itching to share, we'd love to hear it. While this contest is being held during Novitaria,it doesn't have to be related to the holiday -- however, it should still be IcePets related.

Want to show Terrafrost your comedic talent? Here are the rules:

Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3- You should not show anyone else your entry; it is to remain anonymous before and during voting.
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - Entries might be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 6 - Must be IcePets related.
Rule 7 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to IcePrincess by May 1st 23:59:59 (IcePets time). It should simply be written out, no images.

Gold Contestant Trophy Silver Contestant Trophy Bronze Contestant Trophy

The top three winners of this contest will win some pretty neat rewards. And everyone who submits a joke, regardless of whether they win, will be featured in an upcoming Book!

Here are the prizes you can potentially win:

1st Place

-Gold Contestant Trophy
-Golden Competitor Stamp
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-150,000 IcePoints

2nd Place

-Silver Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-100,000 IcePoints

3rd Place

-Bronze Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-75,000 IcePoints

So, are ready to spread some laughter? You've got nothing to lose, so give it your best shot!

Powerpets: 250k Staff Mini Bubbles

Tomorrow (April 20th) we will be holding our monthly 250k Mini Bubbles Challenge.

Staff and moderators will be putting up challenges in the Games Room. Once you have beaten a staff/moderator, please DO NOT challenge them again. It is our goal to get everyone who wants to win a vault code for an Alvac Mini Bubble. Vault codes will be handed out on Thursday.

Good luck and may the bubbles be with you.

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at lynxcat's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught Bunchy for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Use the "Contact" link for more information