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IcePets: Novitara's Conclusion

Dovu Egg Necklace Whack a NoviteggBaby's First Novitaria

Novitegg Hunt Plush Fabergegg Ice Cube

Novitaria has officially come to an end. While you won't be able to pick up any more Noviteggs, you can pick up these fun new Items (among many others) at the Novitaria Store! We hope you got plenty of Novitaria Credits, because you won't be able to find the Dovu Egg Necklace, Whack a Novitegg, Baby's First Novitaria, Novitegg Hunt Plush, and the Fabergegg Ice Cube anywhere else.

Novitegg Hunt 2022 Gold TrophyNovitegg Hunt 2022 Silver TrophyNovitegg Hunt 2022 Bronze Trophy

By the way, if you stocked up on a super-impressive number of Noviteggs this year, you may get a trophy as a reward for your hard efforts within the next couple days!

Chocolate Watermelon Sharshel Candy Lemon Rock Candy Chocolate Macarons

While you won't get any more Noviteggs from Quests, there's a great Questiing opportunity going on this weekend! Until April 24th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the prizes and questing opportunities for the Candy Quest are doubled!

Pocket Puma Pets: IMPORTANT!!! MERCH UPDATE!!!

As we continue to work to bring our amazing community only the very best in P3 merch, we have made the executive decision to close down our Spreadshirt storefront.

This means that hoodies will temporarily be unavailable for purchase.

Rest assured, our Spring shop is still open & currently stocked with lots of Moondance goodies for another 7 days! As a reminder, all Moondance merch is LIMITED EDITION and sales will end on April 30th @ 11pm (Puma Time). Moondance festival may be over, but you still have time to grab some sweet P3 swag!

Follow the link to check out all of our limited edition & year-round merch: P3 Spring Merch Storefront

And as always, feel free to reach out with any thoughts, questions, concerns...We love to hear from you guys!


P.S. What's that?...the whisperings of Geeky goodies on the horizon?!

Edited: 04-23-2022 02:27 am

Flight Rising: Clouded Dinosaur Friend


Clouded and Leopard for Banescale, Dinosaur Armor Variants, and a new familiar to befriend can be found within!

Ancient Patterns 361.png 362.png
Clouded and Leopard genes are now available for Banescale dragons. These genes can be found in the treasure marketplace for half the cost of their modern counterparts!

Primary Gene: Leopard (Banescale) - Specialty ItemsSecondary Gene: Clouded (Banescale) - Specialty Items

Dinosaur Armor Color Variants 94.png
Black market dinosaur armor has found its way out of archeological dig sites and into your waiting claws! The following armor is found in the treasure marketplace, and rarely from randomized chests and Pinkerton!

Azure Dinosaur Arm Guards - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Leg Guards - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Breastplate - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Helmet - Apparel
Azure Dinosaur Shoulder Guard - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Wing Guard - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Tail Guard - ApparelAzure Dinosaur Armor - Chests
Azure Dinosaur

The following armor can be found in the arena venue in the coliseum, rarely dropping off opponents as you defeat them!

Moonstone Dinosaur Arm Guards - ApparelMoonstone Dinosaur Leg Guards - ApparelMoonstone Dinosaur Breastplate - ApparelMoonstone Dinosaur Helmet - Apparel
Moonstone Dinosaur Shoulder Guard - ApparelMoonstone Dinosaur Wing Guard - ApparelMoonstone Dinosaur Tail Guard - Apparel
Moonstone Dinosaur

The following armor can brewed by skilled alchemists, level 16 and above. Head on over to Baldwin's Bubbling Brew to concoct your armor!

Scarlet Dinosaur Arm Guards - ApparelScarlet Dinosaur Leg Guards - ApparelScarlet Dinosaur Breastplate - ApparelScarlet Dinosaur Helmet - Apparel
Scarlet Dinosaur Shoulder Guard - ApparelScarlet Dinosaur Wing Guard - ApparelScarlet Dinosaur Tail Guard - Apparel
Scarlet Dinosaur

Oh Fiona... 161.png
Fiona has managed to collect even more new familiars for you to befriend. Her collection is rather large. We're told she has a complete bestiary!

Deadly Glamourtail - Familiar

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: Snow1eopardess won a Magical Astro Dragora Mirror Shard.
2nd: won a Orange Iraknid Muffin.
They have each also won 5,494 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 11 Snails from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Wajas: Quick Reminder Regarding Project Shop Roos

Heya, Peeps! I hope everyone is enjoying the the second round of roos (so many to choose from, so hard to choose), and putting the return feature to good use. As you pick and choose your Roos, though, please remember that the breeding project shop is not a toy . Please do not buy roos just for the purpose of dressing, renaming, etc and tossing them back in. The shop sells out quickly, it's already hard enough to get a roo you like without others buying them for fun or blocking the images with items. Have fun, don't ruin other people's fun, and if you're feeling dressy head on over to the Park. :P

Powerpets: Pegg Hunt Continues!

A few more peggs are being released in the cities of Powerpets. Show off your hunting skills and collect as many as you can before it's over for another year!

Good luck.

Powerpets: POWEX Winner!

Congratulations to Buliwyf, for earning $11499945 in POWEX this week.
You have been rewarded with a POWEX trophy!

Will you be the next POWEX Mogul? Earn the most profit by next Saturday at 3 PM PP Time, and you can show other Powerpets players what you are made of.

Powerpets: Keno is Conquered!

Congratulations to Arada!
They managed to have all their numbers hit in Keno, giving them not only the top cash prize of 15,000,000 PB, but also a Captain Keno Stuffy.

If you want to be our next winner, go play KENO!

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at FalliNg_sTaR143's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Pocket Puma Pets: Winners Chosen

Woot! We have picked our winners in the Prism Scarab design contest

Here Little Bug...

Congrats to the winners!

Thank you all for participating, and coming up with some great ideas. (Honorable Mentioners, please message me for your prize choice.)

Wajas: Chicks, Earths, and a mission not so impossible

First Note: Earths are in the token shop for today. "Can't believe they wouldn't listen to me. What's so great about hoarding those cute, feathery, little chicks in one spot. Well you know what? Bok BOK. Is what I say to that. We should share them! BOK." Term grumbled as they shoved their quietest, most shock absorbent boots on. "I'll show them how good my idea is, one way or another!" A click sounded as they stuffed a cassette tape into their gray walkman. A set of old school, flimsy, earphones were shoved onto their head. The cord winding it's way down to to walkman that seconds later disappeared in the pockets of their jet black hoodie. "Ah yeah, mood music. BOK!" They hit the play button, and a second later, the theme song for mission impossible blared, easily heard by anyone standing around them. "Huh, Term...what are you doing?" The flowery form watched from behind as Term began posing. "Term." She glanced towards the owl perched on the

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at PicklePen's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to blueeyes for winning all five draws! They receive $1,000,000 PB AND an LOTD stuffy!

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

IcePets: Novitaria's Almost Over!

Magical Novitaria Brush Happy Novitaria Stamp Novitaria Basket Ice Cube

After a week of egg hunting and celebration, Novitaria is finally reaching its conclusion! To send off the holiday, the rarity of Noviteggs in NPC Shops will be decreased. That means you'll have more chances than ever to snatch them up!

Blue Novitegg Jigsaw Novitegg Party Novitegg

In addition, all Novitaria events -- including the Novitegg hunt, Noviteggs restocking in shops, and Quests rewarding Noviteggs -- will be ending at 23:59:59 IcePets Time. Make sure to turn in any Noviteggs you need to for store credit!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: This young nestling cannot fly yet, but is very affectionate towards it's master.
The answer was: Birdary Chick.

7 out of 9 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Use the "Contact" link for more information