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Wajas: Breeding Contest Feature Tutorial and FAQ

Hello, hello! Sadi here with the promised tutorial. It does not cover everything the Breeding Feature can/cannot do, we're always growing and this was a massive feature, but it does give you a starting point. Captions are a broad overview of my ramblings as I show you how to use the feature. Click to go to the Video Outside of that, I wanted to cover a few questions that we keep getting, so I will do that now. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to post them on this thread with a ping to Bluee, # 84832 , she's going through and testing right along side you and will answer your questions as quickly as possible. "What do we start with for the breeding contest?" You MUST start with 1 Rooster (the Rooster does not need to be one you own, so if you have not found one you like yet, you can breed with a Rooster that a friend owns). Given the goal of the event is to breed in another marking with a minimum of 80%, your Roosters mate should be

Powerpets: POWEX Winner!

Congratulations to Buliwyf, for earning $5116780 in POWEX this week.
You have been rewarded with a POWEX trophy!

Will you be the next POWEX Mogul? Earn the most profit by next Saturday at 3 PM PP Time, and you can show other Powerpets players what you are made of.

Faenaria: Well, Have a Map!

[size=18]Howdy all!

View now


Pocket Puma Pets: Moondance Merch Reminder


Our limited edition Moondance merch will ONLY be available to purchase for another 15 days!

Sales will end on April 30th at 11pm Puma Time(EST); after that these items will be retired from our merch store, so be sure to grab them while you still can!

Click the link below to be redirected to our Spring store & bring a little piece of P3 home today!

P3 Spring Merch Storefront

Wajas: Re: Rooster Limits

EDIT: We forgot you can't transfer outside of linked caves, so please modbox the ones you want to send back and staff will take care of it. If you do not modbox it, staff will choose at their own discretion. It just came to staff attention that the limit on the shop is not working. If you've bought more than 1 per account, 2 per person, please choose which 2 you wish to keep and send the rest to Vyra 77 for fairness sake. Additionally you should not be breeding the ones you are returning. If you do not choose which 2 you want to keep and send the extras back to #77, Wajas staff will take back all but two, without warning. We will get this fixed ASAP but it is a busy weekend for all of us. If you notice anyone taking advantage of this, please PM any of the Wajas SILVER FEATHER moderators. Thank you, Wajas staff. See the previous news post for event information.

Wajas: Spring Fest + New Feature + New Merch

Why hello there. It's a hippity hoppity good morning if I do say so myself. Do you have any big plans for the weekend? I'll be hopping around between Wajas and family things, so I'll for sure be super busy. Not too busy not to have some games for y'all wonderful folks. I know a bunch of you are already hunting some eggs, but I want to post a quick reminder. Auto clickers, scripts, etc - are not allowed as per our TOS. If you are suspected of using one, you will be immediately frozen. These eggs are NOT worth your account being lost. Please hunt for the eggs as you browse the site. Additionally, spamming f5 will not find you eggs any longer. If you need some tips for what to do to find eggs, these ones are good ones: - Do your mining digs!. - Go through and name your unnamed Wajas (I know you got some). - Talk on the forums! - Breed your Wajas! There is of course other things you can do, there's no right way to do this, but make sure you're playing fairly.

Wajas: Roosters are back in Shop!

Alright, after that blip, I think we're back in business. Roosters should be stocking every hour in the Breeding Shop . Please note, you can only get one Rooster PER account, so that's two total if you have two accounts. Remember, two is the maximum number of accounts you can have. Make sure you love the Waja you buy as it cannot be exchanged. Be sure to read the rules of the Breeding Contest before buying. We will NOT exchange Roosters if you're unhappy with them. If you have Roosters from the 2016 release, you CAN buy Roosters this time. If you already bought in that first round released where there was a mistake, refer to this message: Please modbox the ones you want to send back and staff will take care of it. If you do not modbox it, staff will choose at their own discretion. You can only have TWO roosters TOTAL. On the next hour you should see some in stock and should be able to buy 1 per account. Please see the previous News Post for Event infor

Ichumon: April 2022 Shoutbox Colors

The little  Canary  hides away in her nest during the  April Showers . As the  Spring Clouds  clear, she hops down into the  Strawberry  patch. She flutters along, through the  Spinach Leaves , searching for some juicy worms.

This month features 5 colors available from the "Random Monthly SB Colour" item in the Cash Shop.

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Did you participate in Junk Wars: March - April 2022?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Most Caring People!

Congratulations to the following people for handing out the most treats and toys this month:
First Place: QueenFlower
Second Place: huameifan

If you want to win, hand out as many treats and toys to other pets as you can! The next draw will be on the 15th of next month.

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at MeliAnni's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Tectowl being TOO CUTE and COLORFUL!
The answer was: TeeniWeeni Easter Tectowl Figureeni.

9 out of 9 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: corycatstar

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 2743

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Use the "Contact" link for more information