Ichumon: Lycan Day!
Happy Birthday to all Lycans!
Every Ichumon Species Day Duke will be giving away a Birthday Cake for that day only. Today is no exception! Claim your Lycan Birthday Cake at the Prize Claim Center!
On Ichumon Species Days you have a 50% chance of getting that Ichumon's Berry from the Luwhut Tree in Fargo's Forest. If you don't have a Lycan, you can now!
If you have a Lycan enjoy free healing of HP and Diseases at the Heal Center in Lightest Tower all day long for your Lycans.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-20
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 6353
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-20
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Pearadise Festival Winners
WINNERS FOR PEARADISE The winners of the Pearadise contests have been chosen! Thank you for partaking in the different events. I will be sending out the main prizes tonight (Tokens and CWP prizes). Part prizes will be sent out a bit later. Keep a look out for them. Also necessary pings will be done in the winner thread, and prizes will follow shortly after. Have an amazing week, and thank you once more for all of your support! Coloring Contest LILAC/5255 - Silver IS Token ALEX/ 67488- 10 CWP SKYE/357155- 5 CWP KIMBO/43466- HM (butterflies) EGG Dressup LILAC / 5255 - GOLD IS Token SKYE / 357155 - SILVER IS Token CHIKA / 67109 - 10 CWP EGO / 68063- 7 CWP ANWYN / 53238 - 5 CWP Choice Is Yours + I Spy This is the answer key for the choice is yours event and the bonus event that went along with it. The prizes for this and the I spy evnt have been sent out. Link He
- Date Posted: 2024-05-20
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Raffle + Trivia + Trophies
Raffle Result
This weeks raffle was won by k_liandra.
They received 1,438,200 IP!
Trivia Result
Trivvy has a new question for you! Click here to try question #228. Trivia #227 was answered correctly by 12 people!
Game Trophies
The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:
First Place, with a score of 261:
Second Place, with a score of 227:
Third Place, with a score of 171:
First Place, with a score of 48570:
Second Place, with a score of 10720:
Third Place, with a score of 10470:
First Place, with a score of 24755:
Second Place, with a score of 4165:
Third Place, with a score of 2480:
No leaderboard scores for this game.
First Place, with a score of 1390:
Second Place, with a score of 1187:
Third Place, with a score of 741:
First Place, with a score of 119:
Second Place, with a score of 49:
Third Place, with a score of 4:
First Place, with a score of 2040:
Second Place, with a score of 1400:
Third Place, with a score of 140:
First Place, with a score of 200:
Second Place, with a score of 118:
- Date Posted: 2024-05-19
- Posted By: autobot
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Battle Royale
Anne won last week's Battle Royale with a time of 66 seconds! All who completed the Battle Royale have been awarded their cP prize and first, second, and third place have also won trophies for their profiles.
Sign up your Ichumon in this week's Battle Royale Contest!
You will need to kill 17 Blue MistGhost in the Battle Royale Map as fast as you can. The quickest user to complete the battles will receive the top prize of 25,000 cP!
- Date Posted: 2024-05-19
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Game Trophies!
Congratulations to the following Card Game Trophy Winners:
First Place Card Player: TheMetal
Runner Up Card Player: SweetFire
If you want to be a winner, play the card games bonus games!
Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: KiwiKittyNZ
Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: WindHallow
Dicey Mice Leather Badge: 30140
Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: SweetFire
Mini Match Titanium Badge: goodwitchev64
Mini Match Leather Badge: Cindermella
Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: chiquitabonita8
Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: fifercats
Crash Extreme Leather Badge: Bubbles2024
Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: lynxcat
Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: -tiger-tiger-
Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: arjteen
Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: SummerMaple
Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: coolkitten2888
Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Skitters
- Date Posted: 2024-05-19
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Restock Race
1st: Natsu won a Rainbow Star Plushie.
2nd: qnb733 won a Root Beer Float.
3rd: meadowopossum
They have each also won 9,549 iP and trophies for their profile!
A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 13 Red Dragira from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2024-05-18
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Persona of the Week
The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to Brett on winning this week's competition.
This week's theme: TeeniCon
- Date Posted: 2024-05-17
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2024-05-17
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Inquiring Minds
The poll booth has a new poll available for you.
This time, we would like to know:
Has the lag improved for you for the past several days?.
Go There: Poll Booth
Thanks for participating!
- Date Posted: 2024-05-17
- Link: Original Post
Flight Rising: Firebreather
More dragons begin to display molten markings alongside announcements for the 2024-2025 elemental holiday season!
Firebreather Additions
Aether, Banescale, Gaoler, Sandsurge, and Veilspun dragons are beginning to display molten markings! Firebreather is now available for these Ancient breeds. Tertiary Gene: Firebreather can be earned at the Acclaimed Achievements Association, and the scrolls for specific Ancients can be traded for at Glass and Gloss' Genuine Genes.
Festival Item Plans
Here are the plans for the Brightshine 2024 - Greenskeeper 2025 festival season items:
- There will be one unique apparel piece per festival, that will be available for purchase in festive favors exclusively for this year's festival, before becoming a part of Spare Inventory Crate¢s randomized pool.
- There will be one unique familiar per festival that will be available for purchase in festive favors exclusively for this year's festival, before becoming a part of the Spare Inventory Crate¢s randomized pool.
- There will be a piece of apparel this festival cycle that is themed (elemental swords) that will be introduced this festival cycle that may be purchased from Festive Favors. This item will not be removed from its respective holiday, and will return each year in Festive Favors.
- The Ancient genes from prior years will return to Festive Favors and will continue to be available in future elemental festivals.
- The Ancient festival genes will expand to new Ancient breeds this festival season.
- The scenes from prior years will return to Festive Favors and will continue to be available in future elemental festivals.
Skin Contest Changes
For the Brightshine 2024 - Greenskeeper 2025 festival cycle, the number of potential winning entries is being expanded to 20 slots. The the following changes will take effect for the skin contest:
- 2 additional slots will be added for exclusively for hatchling skins.
- These skins will be purchased through festive favors, and will not appear in the gathering or coliseum chests, ensuring that players who don¢t want a hatchling skin will not receive one in lieu of a dragon skin.
- 2 additional slots will be added for dragon skins, bringing the total slots for dragon skins to 18 adult winners (up from 16).
- One of these slots will go to an additional chest that drops from gathering/coliseum, bringing the total amount of chests per festival to 8 (up from 7)
- Artists may submit up to 2 dragon entries (same) and one hatchling entry for a maximum allowed total of 3 entries. We increased the cap so that submitting an entry for a hatchling skin slot doesn't interfere with your ability to enter the usual two dragon skin entries.
Greenskeeper Gathering Contest
The eleventh annual Greenskeeper Gathering will begin on May 26, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
Additional Updates
- In preparation for the future introduction of hatchling skins, we have additional rules applicable to our baby dragon designs to announce.
- The skin Rules & FAQ has been updated with the new hatchling additions.
- Dragon Share Theme Week: MerMay MerDragons!
- Many typos and errors with text across the site have been corrected.
- The Orb and Weaver Expansion Errors thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Orb and Weaver genes, please report them to the Backlog - Modern Gene Errors or the Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors thread depending on the dragon type effected by a technical issue.
- Arc & Loop for Veilspun are have been updated to be a limited category gene to match with their coliseum acquisition method.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-16
- Posted By: Undel
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: What Am I Results
Last week's round of What Am I has ended.
The item description was: It looks to be real, but you will soon find out it is just painted gold.
The answer was: Golden Painted Egg.
7 out of 7 Ichuans answered correctly.
A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2024-05-16
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Snapz!
Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: M947382
If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-16
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 9613
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-16
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to , who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 10,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Demon Corvus Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Black Crystal! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2024-05-15
- Link: Original Post
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