Wajas: Youtube Live
Admin Announcements: ID Thread Tonight's topic will be all about the Doodlecorns and the new features :)
- Date Posted: 2021-03-25
- Link: Original Post
Eqcetera: Update Day & Downtime
Hello everyone!
¢¨ Downtime
Expect downtime in the late afternoon on Sunday, March 28th for our monthly update. This update is the largest we have pushed in Eqcetera history which requires testing on the live site. Expect the site to be down for at least 2 hours.
° Chat Party!
To celebrate the update and answer your questions we will be hosting a chat party Sunday, March 28th at 8 PM EST/Gametime on our Discord server. We will be answering all of your questions about the update and clarifying information about the new features. For those of you without a Discord, a form post with a live-updated GoogleDoc will be posted with specific Q&A questions.
° Social Media
Be sure to follow Eqcetera on Facebook (Eqcetera) and Instagram (@eqceteragame). We have exclusive social media content such as sneak peek and games!
Have a great rest of the week and we will see you Sunday!
The Dev Team
- Date Posted: 2021-03-24
- Posted By:
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Savory Shrooms
It looks like Hazel has been rather busy this month getting in some fresh new stock! If you've got a hankering for some tasty little toadstools, you can now find the Button Mushroom, Enoki Mushroom, and Shiitake Mushroom restocking at the Glacial Grocer. These can make a wondeful addition to all kinds of Terrafrostian dishes, or you could even have them as snacks on their own!
The Candy Quest will be happy to reward these new Items, while the Space Quest will be looking for them in a week's time.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-24
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Flight Rising: Marketplace Revamp
Hot on the heels of our developer update, the Marketplace Revamp is now live! We've made improvements to performance, usability, and introduced treasure flash sales, and we hope you enjoy them.
A majority of Flight Rising's major features have been refactored and revamped in our ongoing quest to optimize and upgrade the code base, and Marketplace has now also been crossed off that list!
Changes and Improvements
As with all our revamps, we have been working hard to not only convert the code of features, but add some oft-asked for improvements. You can read all about the changes to the Marketplace in our very recent Dev Update by clicking the banner below:
Marketplace Shuffle
The gem marketplace has shuffled as a hoard of cycled items re-enter it for the season. From now until March 31, 2021 22:00 server time, these items will be available, after which they will cycle out once more:
- Date Posted: 2021-03-24
- Posted By: Akiri
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to Harmonys1743, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 62,500 iP and the item prize was The Grim Biography!
This week's item prize will be Magical Astro Skoilo Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-24
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner
Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.
This week, the award goes to Rosie, who needed a new home and Akkrenskarin now has a new spider friend! -- (read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner Akkrenskarin a free account upgrade! Congrats!
Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zoneand ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!
Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-24
- Link: Original Post
Eqcetera: Clubs, Create a Breed, and Grade Horses!
Hello everyone and happy update day! Today, we are rolling out part 1 of 2 for the Club and Association changes. This update comes with quite a few changes to crossbreeds and even introduces something very exciting¢¦
¢ Clubs
In V2, clubs were only used to bring together those who share a common interest in something and only offered a forum and the possibility to register horses. We wanted to expand the idea of clubs to not only create more of a community but also expand crossbreed gameplay. You can view more information about club features in this help site article.
With the launch of V3 clubs, there are a few club types to know about:
Community Clubs: Clubs can opt to be just community-based, meaning the club is used as a place to talk about a common interest. Ex. A club that focuses on equine news. These types of clubs can register horses and default to accepting all breeds and all disciplines.
Breeding & Discipline Clubs: Those who wish to have a club with breed or discipline guidelines can do so in the club settings. Clubs can choose to be breed- and/or discipline-based. Horses can be registered in these clubs and club owners may pick what breed(s) or discipline(s) are allowed. Ex. Flaxen Breeders Club or Show Jumping Arabians Club.
Crossbreed Clubs: There is now a new club type which is replacing the Crossbreed Association (Read more in Associations below). These clubs are for each of the game recognized crossbreeds where these breeds can be registered. These are game owned and auto accept all those who register. A crossbreed-specific club will be created for each new game-recognized crossbreed. And speaking of...
°´ Create Your Own Game-Recognized Crossbreed!
On top of these changes to clubs, we have added in a new highly requested feature which we are calling ¢Crossbreed Campaigns¢. In the past, players have often asked about being able to create their own crossbreed and previously, we did not have a good solution or answers as to how or when this would be possible. Worry no more! Starting today, it is now possible for players to join together, create, and crowdsource their own in-game crossbreed which will receive its own artwork and breed designation! Do you want to breed Arabaloosadales, maybe Mustland Ponies, or even Friesian Cobs? Now you can! Through Crossbreed Campaigns, you will be able to create any crossbreed you want, but there are some steps required to do so. More information about Crossbreed Campaigns can be viewed here.
¢¨ Club Stars
Since crossbreeds no longer have a registry, they now earn stars by being registered with a club. Horses that get their stars from a club now have purple stars rather than yellow stars. Along with this star change, all horses registered in a club will also receive stars such as generic crossbreeds or purebreds that aren't in a registry. Note, if a horse is in a registry it will display yellow stars, not purple.
° Old Clubs
Clubs that had previously been made have been transferred with members and horses registered removed. Fees and images have also been removed and all clubs are currently set to private. If you had a club in V2 that you no longer wish to keep, please message Curly or email support to have the refund credited to your account. Refunds for V2 clubs will be honored until March 28th, 2021.
° Breeding in New Colors
We have also added in a new and exciting change which involves being able to breed colors back into any breed. This was previously done using the Brumby in which breeding any color into a Brumby was possible. Now, it is possible to breed any color into any breed, but this comes with a few things to know.
Breeding Back & Grade Horses
Breeding back to at least 95% of a breed now means that horse will convert to 100% of that breed. For example, if you bred a line of Clydesdale crosses to have tobiano and eventually had one with 95% Clydesdale and tobiano, it would revert to 100% Clydesdale and display a tobiano pattern on the Clydesdale base. Horses that have had a color bred into them like this will have a designation of ¢Grade¢ in front of their breed, Ex. Grade Clydesdale, and are not eligible for association registry. Read more about grade horses in this help article.
With grade designation, the breed standard for grade horses will be based on the purebred they are shown as. Ex. A Grade Clydesdale will have a breed standard the same as a purebred Clydesdale. This is to simplify the breed standard calculation for players to more easily know what their grade horses ideal BS is. In order to get a star value for grade horses, they must be registered into a club.
As color is bred into a breed, artwork will be made for them. Should you be able to create a grade of a breed that needs artwork done, please post to this forum post with a link to the horse. These artwork layers will be made on a rolling basis and, depending on demand, may take up to 1 month.
Wild Type Breeds
In-game we currently have two ¢wild¢ breeds, Brumbies and Mustangs. Brumbies have previously been able to have color bred back into them but never could be 100% Brumby even though they displayed the Brumby base. With the change of breeding in color and ¢grade¢ designation, we have excluded these wild breeds from being labeled as ¢Grade,¢ meaning they will be able to be registered in their breed association. Now, any Brumby or Mustang that is 95% Brumby or Mustang will revert to 100% purebred and have their Breed Standards based on Brumby or Mustang standard and will not have ¢Grade¢ before the breed name.
°¥ Associations
Associations have been renamed to ¢Breed Registries¢ and will only be used to register purebred horses. We have also removed the discipline associations so players may make their own clubs centered around a discipline or a breed and a discipline. We will be completing associations in next month's update with personalities and careers.
° Forums
Several of the forums have been cleaned and some categories have had rule updates. Please read all rules before posting.
Hope you all enjoy these changes and have a wonderful weekend!
The Dev Team
- Date Posted: 2021-03-23
- Posted By:
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Zirafa Day!
Happy Birthday to all Zirafas!
Every Ichumon Species Day Duke will be giving away a Birthday Cake for that day only. Today is no exception! Claim your Zirafa Birthday Cake at the Prize Claim Center!
On Ichumon Species Days you have a 50% chance of getting that Ichumon's Berry from the Luwhut Tree in Fargo's Forest. If you don't have a Zirafa, you can now!
If you have a Zirafa enjoy free healing of HP and Diseases at the Heal Center in Lightest Tower all day long for your Zirafas.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-23
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Flash game for my early people
We did this yesterday afternoon, but here's a round for my early peeps. Don't forget your ID. If you had to name a waja the last thing you ate + the closest object to the left of you, what would it's name be? Keep it pg 13. One entry per person. Ends at 7 am. I will then staff only it. 10 users will win 1 cwp.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-23
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner
The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught bumpergirl89 for this weeks aquarium contest winner!
¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!
- Date Posted: 2021-03-23
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Miles Magic Box
It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!
- Date Posted: 2021-03-23
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Some Curious New Companions
Some whimsical new Companions have scuttled into Terrafrost! It loves adventures, snacking on cheese cubes, and making themselves nice and cozy in your coat pockets. The Ratbes are the perfect new Companion to keep you and your Pets on their toes. They even comes in four different variants -- the White, Brown, Grey, and Black Ratbe! These adorable new additions were funded by @Lokki.
All four Ratbes can be found a Jacobi's Companion Reserve. Head on over if you'd like this Companion to be a part of your family!
- Date Posted: 2021-03-22
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Flash game.
Don't forget your ID. If you had to name a waja the last thing you ate + the closest object to the left of you, what would it's name be? Keep it pg 13. One entry per person. Ends at 12 pm. I will then staff only it. 10 users will win 1 cwp.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-22
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Last week of Spring Cleaning on Etsy
Etsy Shop Just a quick notice that this is the last week for 10% off of our Etsy store. Prices will go back to normal soon. After that I will give it a week (time for stuff to get shipped/delivered), and announce our next Social Media contest. As always, thank you everyone who is able to support us. We are very blessed to have a wonderful community and we love and appreciate everyone of you. Have a fantastic week. PS. There might be a "surprise" live soon (in the next little bit) hosted by Sadi featuring games and the like.
- Date Posted: 2021-03-22
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2021-03-22
- Link: Original Post
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