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Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was michelle2244's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: kiimiix won a Staff IchuCard.
2nd: Sketo won a Bugzzy.
3rd: MythicalBat
They have each also won 36,354 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 11 Pink Box of Chocolates from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Faenaria: This is Halloween! Trick or Treat!

As you are walking along, lost in the deep forest, a quirky village suddenly comes into view. Alarms starts screaming inside of you to run away but then a slow, graceful motion in the corner of your eye catches your attention. A pale figure comes into view, gliding by as if the ground doesn't exist. She turns her head your way, long pallid locks flowing in the cool night air. She offers you a charming smile and beckons you closer with a single, translucent finger. Her lips move and a haunting serenade echos in the distance. Every instinct in you shifts from fleeing immediately to following this mesmerizing mass of vaporous mist...


Flight Rising: Mire Expansion


The Mire's environment has changed, and new creatures have come to inhabit it!


Mired in the Wetlands
The Mire venue of the coliseum has been updated with a new look, new creatures to encounter, and new materials to find!

Swamp Wolf - FamiliarSilt Wolf - Familiar
Pond Plates - PlantWolftail - OrganicsWater Shield - PlantReeds - Organics

Lion's Mane Seeker - FamiliarWhisper - Familiar
Lion's Mane Emu - MeatHank of Emu Fiber - DragonmadeWhisper Emu - MeatHand-Dyed Hank of Emu Fiber - Dragonmade

Furry Fiddle - FamiliarMuckbottom Catfish - Familiar
Fiddle Puff - PlantFiddle Leg - OrganicsDandelion Puffs - PlantCatfish Leg - Organics

Marsh Kelpie - FamiliarVilevenom Kelpie - Familiar
Marsh Barb - SeafoodKelpie Mane - OrganicsVilevenom Barb - SeafoodSeaweed Silk - Organics

Acid Ant - FamiliarInk Ant - Familiar
Acid Ant Pupae - InsectAnt Acid - OrganicsInky Baby - InsectAnt Ink - Organics

Fungal Garden - FamiliarArmored Colony - Familiar
Hornworm - InsectFungal Leather - OrganicsArmored Hornworm - InsectArmadillo Leather - Organics

Vista: Mire II - Forum VistaScene: Mire - Scene

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Have you visited The Witch this month for 2021?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 7582

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Wajas: IBPs in CWP Shop!

Just a small announcement, but Instant Birth Pears have been put in the CWP Shop and will automatically be removed when it rolls over to November. Worried about not finishing your breeding entry in time for the contest? Well, now this can help you out so you can make it in time!

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was Debowski's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to lavender133 on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Orange and Black

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was Strykker's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: A old fashion chocolate milkshake.
The answer was: Chocolate Milkshake.

25 out of 26 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: QueenFlower

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Lythbound: Exploration Editor and UI Updates!

Exploration Editor

Lythians can now create their own realms for exploration, and visit their fellow Lythians' realms as well!

Lythians can canonically create "sanctuary" spaces which are basically small pocket realms, and explorations may be used to create an adventure through these realms. If you would like the adventure to be about that, that is.

If you would like the adventure to be something else, you can do that too!

Areas/Pages may utilize HTML for further customization!

Essentially, this is a choose-your-own-adventure creator that creates an adventure associated with each of your Lythians. When you create these, you can mark them as private until you're ready for the world to see them. Then change them to public and they will be displayed in the Lythian Explorations Index and on that Lythian's profile!

Unlike "Sanctioned Explorations," these explorations do not have system rewards. Please have fun telling stories for others to adventure through!

UI Updates

- "Market" has been added to the navigation, and links related to shops and trade have been moved from Explore to this tab. A new link to owned shops has been added.

- Shop Quickstock can now be used to move multiple items from one's inventory to one's vault.

- Shop Quickstock and Stock Edit have received minor UI updates.

- The "Friend Feed" of your Dashboard will now display when friends have made a new forum post.


Entries for the Haunted Faire's costume contest close at October 22, 2021 23:59:59 EDT! Be sure to enter if you plan to do so.

Have you found any of the hiding Eidolons? They will appear in various places across the site until the end of the month. Work with your fellow Lyth residents to find them!

  • Date Posted: 2021-10-20
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Sensipets: Scary Season Begins Now

Ghoul evening my fine SensiFolks

I am here with an actualnews post - finally! To begin, we wanted to thank everyone for their patience. Over the past few weeks we have been moving and taking a bit of time off. During this time, we have seen users continuing to join and explore what Aegis has to offer and we're excited to get back to it.

To start it off, SensiUsers can now begin trick-or-treating! You can visit most Character pages and see what they have to offer. You can trick-or-treat once every 20hours, and it will decrease as we get closer to All Hallows' Eve. There are a LOT of new spooky items, created by our fabulous artist @Liz.

Note: Spooky Season lasts from Oct 20th until Nov 5th.

We have more features and fun tricks during this season so be on the look out. That is all for now, need to take a breather for the evening after adding so many items! Let us know your thoughts and happy trick-or-treating!


@Howey and @Heffrad

Use the "Contact" link for more information