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Eqcetera: ? Shetland Pony Redo & HoFa Transition

Hello everyone and happy few days until HoFa!


°´ Breed Redo: Shetland Pony!




Surprise! Today, the redo of Shetland Ponies has come a bit early. We figured it would be more fun for all to have a few days before HoFa transitioned to enjoy the new Shetland Pony art. Note: The custom generator images for Shetland Ponies are currently broken. A fix is coming shortly. :) The custom generator has been fixed!


° Grade Images

Several grade horse images have now been completed! Congrats to players Holli, Raine, WildBrumby, LilCat, Daria, and Shokubeni on their hard work!!


Arabian: Palomino, Golden Palomino, Leopard, Varnish Roan, Light Palomino, Cremello - complete Seal Buckskin


Clydesdale: Classic Champagne, Leopard, Blanket, Varnish Blanket, Varnish Roan, Golden Palomino, Chocolate Palomino, Buckskin, Tobiano, Overo, Splash White


Shetland: Varnish Blanket, Varnish Roan


Fjord: Pearl, Varnish Roan, Varnish Blanket


¢¯¸ Ingot Sale


As a reminder, ingots are  on sale for up to 35% off! Included in the ingot sale, we have brought back packages which include spectral and magic token sacks. The ingot sale will run for today until October 15th, 11:59 PM EST/ gametime. 


¢¨ The Transfer

We will begin the transfer to Horse Fable on October 16th at 10 AM EST/ gametime. We expect downtime to be roughly 5 or so hours, but this could take longer. This means no one will be able to access the Eqc site and a message will direct you to HoFa once we are live.


During the transfer time we will be chatting on the HoFa Discord and hosting a few games. Be sure to join us over there! 


°¤ What Moves Over?

All horses, ingots, items, currency, etc. will move. Anything on your account will move over to HoFa except EXP. 


°¥ New Things!

HoFa has many new things, but they will be slowly released from October 16th - November 6th. This is to ensure the game plays as it did before and is bug free before we add in the big new features. When you are able to log into HoFa, you will notice a very new layout and navigation changes. There will also be several newer features for you to see such as a few quality-of-life edits (mass unequip) and more!


° The Eqc Discord

The Eqc Discord will be archived and a mass message sent to everyone with the invite link to the new HoFa server. When on the HoFa server, you will have to follow directions to be able to join and view all message channels. This also applies to everyone currently on the server. Please note, as we transition some channels, it may take awhile for some to go live such as crossbreed campaign channels. It may take a few hours to edit the server to display all channels for you properly, but we will be working to get it back to our usual!


°¥° Patience is Key!

Bedouin and I are a team of 2 working to move a massive number of files and a huge code base. Although the massive amount of coffee we will consume should keep us on our toes, we ask during the transfer for everyone to hold off on any non-emergency messages or emails.  On the 16th, we will mostly be away trying to ensure everything is running smoothly and everything moves over properly. We thank everyone for your patience while we are going through such a wild time! We would have never gotten this far without you all, and we are glad you have stayed with us during this transition. If we are greatly needed during the transition, please contact a moderator via Discord or email [email protected]


If anyone has questions between now and the transition, feel free to comment below, on Discord, or via email.



Bedouin & Curly

IcePets: A Scary and Sweet Statement


GD Item 1Sweet PresentGD Item 2

Boo! Did we scare you? Phantasmoire is in full swing, and the sweet n' spooky season is bringing tons of scary surprises for you and your Pets! Grave Digger is open once again for Phantasmoire this year, with all new prizes -- wait, is that a Sweet Present hiding down there...?

Grave Digger will refresh every 30 minutes once a present has been found! You can search once every 30 seconds (or once every 15 seconds if you have used the UHD on select features around the site, found in the I.C.E. Shop). Grave Digger will be available until October 31st at 23:59:59 IcePets Time, so get digging while you can!


For the rest of this weekend, the Snowman Quest will be buffed! From the 15th until the 17th at 23:59:59 PM IST, all Snowman Quests will have double the daily limit, and double the prizes. What a chilling surprise!


Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to whiteredeyedwolf on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Monsters!

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Are you participating in the Pumpkin Patch contest for 2021?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Most Caring People!

Congratulations to the following people for handing out the most treats and toys this month:
First Place: eblair7
Second Place: huameifan

If you want to win, hand out as many treats and toys to other pets as you can! The next draw will be on the 15th of next month.

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: *shakeshake* Such a simple instrument, but so much fun to use!
The answer was: Maracas.

22 out of 23 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Happy Birthday, d4rk_saga!

We want to wish d4rk_saga a very happy birthday today. Hope you get spoiled. FREE BINGO all day!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 2275

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: Serendipitous

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was gavriela's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Lythbound: Welcome, Jackyls!

Welcome, Jackyls!

We briefly interrupt your Haunted Faire festivities to bring you some new friends: Jackyls!


Jackyls were created by 40mg(DeviantArt) and then owned and developed by TropicalPrimate (DeviantArt) and EXxiilED (DeviantArt). We have recently obtained ownership of this wonderful species and are excited to bring them into the realms of Lythbound!

You can read all about Jackyls on their newly-added species page and there are also two subspecies added to Gryfons and Axomaurs respectively, based on species designs by NorthernRed (DeviantArt) and TropicalPrimate (DeviantArt) respectively.


Other than new information, we will be porting the original Jackyls masterlist on-site today! No ownership will be changed during this import and Jackyls will also be receiving an announcement on their end regarding this update!

If you own a Jackyl and already linked your account to DeviantArt before this announcement, please contact us via Support Ticket to get those ownerships updated! If you newly join after this announcement, simply link your Lythbound account to DeviantArt and your Jackyls will automatically be added (as well as a special achievement for having been involved prior to Jackyls joining us here)!


Additionally, Jackyls will be available for creation via MYO tickets as soon as the masterlist import is complete! You may also want to take a look at their subspecies, as a rather monstrous one is available right away which might interest current Haunted Faire visitors... (Monster Jackyls can be created via the Moonsbane Potion, currently available from the Haunted Faire!)

Once again, welcome to our new friends!

(Thanks to Raishiteru and CakeBird for species adaptation work!)

  • Date Posted: 2021-10-13
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: The Ghosts Have Returned!

Ghost Novyn Ghost Traptur

As of recently, you may have noticed some spooky happenings here and there. Perhaps you feel a sudden chill while you're alone in the house, or you hear a creak in the floorboards during the night. No need to fear, though--it's just the ghosts of Terrafrost!

These ghosts are super friendly and will do you no harm. In fact, if you happen to encounter one, you'll have the opportunity to "trick" or "treat", and possibly get a prize out of it. These ghosts speak in ancient spooky tongues, however, so they'll have trouble communicating with your Pets... unless they have a Phantasmoire colour. The ghosts will disappear again October 31st 23:59:59 (IcePets Time) so if you want to pay them a visit, do it soon!

Oujia Board

There's a limit to how many ghosts you'll encounter in one day. However, if you obtain a Ouija Board from the I.C.E Shop, you'll be able to reset the counter and meet even more ghosts! They'll be in stock until the end of the month, and at 150 IceCash (135 for Gold Users), it's certainly worth the price.

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to Roshi, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 80,500 iP and the item prize was Magical Newborn Ichu Mirror Shard!

This week's item prize will be Magical Demon Arro Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Wajas: FLASH GAME: What's your favorite spooky critter

Hello, hello! It's been a bit since our last flash game, so lets have one now! I will draw TEN winners from all valid entries to pick their choice of Fall Seasonal Doodlecorns. "What is your favorite SPOOKY critter/being?" Does not have to be real. You must include your ID. You can explain why, but it's not necessary. That's all folks! I will staff only this post once it's over. Ends: at 1 PM EST time.

Use the "Contact" link for more information