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Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught -CL- for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Powerpets: Scary DeadHead Stuffies

Our October giftpack is now available. Each DeadHead giftpack contains 3 deadheads. Collect them all.


Powerpets: Shell Collector Trophies

Congratulations to the top 50 shell collectors for this summer. You now all have a shiny new award on your user lookup for finding so many shells and returning them to South Beach.

We hope to see you again at next year's event!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Flight Rising: That's some good points!


A new tertiary gene arrives! Plus new parallel genes and a familiar!

Tertiary Gene: Points 66.png
A new simple but versatile tertiary gene is now available for modern dragons. Points adds points of color to the extremities of your dragon, which fade into the primary and secondary beneath Points now has a chance to stock in the treasure marketplace.

Veilspun have received a new parallel gene, Koi. Koi (Veilspun) is now stocking in the gem marketplace.

Tertiary Gene: Points - Specialty ItemsTertiary Gene: Koi (Veilspun) - Specialty Items


Oh Fiona... 161.png
Fiona has managed to collect even more new familiars for you to befriend. Her collection is rather large. We're told she has a complete bestiary!

Regal Bladebearer - Familiar

Riot of Rot Skin Contest 19.png

The tenth annual Riot of Rot will begin on October 23, 2022, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!


Additional Updates 119.png

  • The Battlelisk familiars from Warrior's Way have had new battle equipment added to their wings that keeps with the theme of a fighter tournament.

Pocket Puma Pets: TE Sale Update!

sale ends tonight at midnight! Still time to grab a few extra TE! Buy 5 get 5 free!

  • Date Posted: 2022-10-10
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: Revamps, Releases, Oh My!

Dyr has finished up the final round of freshening up over at Port Rakor! Head on over to check out the updated stock. These Items will be replacing old Port Rakor Items, so if you're curious, you can check the Icepets Change Log to see what's been replaced with what.

Aterum Helmet Aterum Shield Aterum Chest Plate
Aterum Gauntlets Trick Doubloon Terrafrost Sceptre

Weapon collectors are in for a treat! The Aterum Helmet, Aterum Shield, Aterum Chest Plate, Aterum Gauntlets, Trick Doubloon and the Terrafrost Sceptre are now all available at Port Rakor.

The Legend of the Bloodstone Artifacts of the Past The Legend of Port Rakor

Looking to restock your library? You'll love these new Port Rakor exclusive finds. The Legend of the Bloodstone, Artifacts of the Past, and The Legend of Port Rakor are all ready for your Pets to read and enjoy!

Spy Contact Lenses Mystical Magic Mirror Long Lost Necklace
Invisibility Cloak Potent Lucky Perfume

And if you're hoping to indulge in some upscale fashion, you may want to consider buying the Spy Contact Lenses, Mystical Magic Mirror, Long Lost Necklace, Invisibility Cloak, and the Potent Lucky Perfume!

Scared Black Cat Plush Phantasmoire Dovu Wrappings Pawbert


Got some Tokens on your hands? The Phantasmoire Token Booth Items will be swapping out today, so now's the time to spend them! Head on over to the Token Booth if you want to purchase the returning Scared Black Cat Plush, Phantasmoire Dovu Wrappings, and Pawbert, as well as the new Kritula.

Snatch 'em up while you can, because on October 16th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, they'll be switched out for a new batch of Items.

Bomb PlushBomb PlushBomb Plush

A new Trivia has been posted, don't forget to give it a try!

If the you do not see the updated artwork, you may have to do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows computers, Command + Shift + R on Macs).

Ichumon: Maeva and the Festival of ARHHH!!!

Festival Of ARHHHH! is Ichumon's Halloween Celebration during the month of October.
Every hour Maeva loses her hat on a random page of Ichumon. Find her hat and return it to her to be rewarded with a Trick or Treat!

Keep up to date on current locations with the Mavea Forum.

Chances of winning the elusive Underlords Pitchfork will increase each day of the Festival of ARHHH! until it is given away.

GarGRONE and Sheol have returned to the Crusade Arena during Festival of ARHHH!!! for you to battle.
They might just drop something special for you ;)

Gargoyl.png CandyCornHellHound.pnggiant-evil-pumpkin.png
More details on Ichupedia

Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest Winner

Yay!...It's Halloween and time to gather some yummy candies from everyone and hope no one plays any tricks!

All decked out in my little devil costume, I went out the door and down the sidewalk.
When out of nowhere I happened upon this glowing goo trail. Curiosity got the best of me, so I just HAD to follow it!

It was getting kind of creeeeeeeepy, as I heard noises that made me tremble to the bones. However, I JUST had to keep going, even though the area was getting very heavily treed. I crept deeper into the woods, when I recalled an old town myth of a hidden area that all the undead gathered at. Even knowing that, I still NEEDED to see what the noise was and why the goo trail was there!


I very carefully, though even a bit hesitant, kept walking, when the goo trail....just stopped! I looked around, it was dark and I was scared to DEATH!..The noises got LOUDER, I wanted to run, but couldn't.

A tiny light appeared a short ways in front of me, so I slowly walked up to it and that is when I SEEN it!.........

It was an extremely frightful and paralyzing sight!
It was mistyeyes's Pumpkin Patch!

I looked fast and then run swiftly home before anyone or thing could see me!

Congrats! You win a boootiful trophy for your profile and ONE free month account upgrade!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 7852

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

IcePets: Raffle + Trivia + Trophies

Raffle Result

This weeks raffle was won by Travis.

They received 2,766,600 IP!

Trivia Result


Trivvy has a new question for you! Click here to try question #186. Trivia #185 was answered correctly by 24 people!

Game Trophies

The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:


trophy-catch-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 373:

trophy-catch-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 203:

trophy-catch-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 84:



coined-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 112990:

coined-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 30200:

coined-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 24690:


Ice Breaker

ibb-trophy.pngFirst Place, with a score of 9480:

ibs-trophy.pngSecond Place, with a score of 6970:

ibg-trophy.pngThird Place, with a score of 5065:


Ice Snake

trophy-snakegame-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 150:

trophy-snakegame-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 80:


Jar Match

jarmatchtrophy-plain-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 1618:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 1611:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 1210:


Red vs Blue

RedvsBluetrophy-gold2.pngFirst Place, with a score of 85:

RedvsBluetrophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 42:

RedvsBluetrophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 10:


Sharshel Says

sharshel-says-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 10150:

sharshel-says-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 5060:

sharshel-says-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 3850:



trophy-survivor-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 175:

trophy-survivor-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 152:

trophy-survivor-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 137:


Ichumon: Festival Of ARHHHH! Limited Items

Limited icons return for Festival of ARHHHH!
Vampire Icon and the terrifying couple of Ichustein and Mrs Ichustein.
Everyone's favorite Festival of ARHHHH! Icons have returned for a limited time only!

The very special In Stitches Shoutbox Essence has also returned.

All of these limited time items are available from the Cash Shop.

Festival of ARHHHH! Begins October 10th!

Wajas: Mini game: Redye Contest

Good evening y'all, hope that the weekend has been treating you well! This is just a quick post to let y'all know that we've rolled out the Redye Contest. You can find it here .

Powerpets: Game Trophies!

Congratulations to the following Card Game Trophy Winners:
First Place Card Player: Diosa
Runner Up Card Player: Carlyy95

If you want to be a winner, play the card games bonus games!

Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: -Christmas-

Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: Nydescynt

Dicey Mice Leather Badge: Abbyss

Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: goodwitchev64

Mini Match Titanium Badge: SweetFire

Mini Match Leather Badge: fireheartone

Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: chiquitabonita8

Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: Latios2006

Crash Extreme Leather Badge: SweetFire

Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: huameifan

Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: Latios2006

Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: -tiger-tiger-

Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: Caleby

Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: Selene33

Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Austria

Use the "Contact" link for more information