Powerpets: Game Trophies!
Congratulations to the following Card Game Trophy Winners:
First Place Card Player: Pink-Steel
Runner Up Card Player: -tiger-tiger-
If you want to be a winner, play the card games bonus games!
Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: waffle_crumbs
Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: SweetFire
Dicey Mice Leather Badge: Abbyss
Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: SweetFire
Mini Match Titanium Badge: goodwitchev64
Mini Match Leather Badge: MizTik
Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: chiquitabonita8
Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: SweetFire
Crash Extreme Leather Badge: HappyHollow2016
Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: -tiger-tiger-
Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: Abbyss
Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: digimon_tamer_
Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: SummerMaple
Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: Austria
Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Buliwyf
- Date Posted: 2024-06-16
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: The Moon is shuddering...
Alexia and Alice have both summoned new forces to the Battlefield!
Alice's personal guardian, The Binary Winged Angel, has arrived in the battlefield! This is the strongest of all Alice's defenses, and will do anything to conquer anyone who dares to stop Alice from returning to her Palace!
Alexia's strongest pet, the Mutated Hex Demon, is no slouch either. Ranked first general in Alexia's army, this Demon is a force to be reckoned with!
The battle is almost over on the Moon's Battlefield. If you have what it takes, go to the Palace of Alexia and fight those powerful opponents!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-15
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Most Caring People!
Congratulations to the following people for handing out the most treats and toys this month:
First Place: QueenFlower
Second Place: fifercats
If you want to win, hand out as many treats and toys to other pets as you can! The next draw will be on the 15th of next month.
- Date Posted: 2024-06-15
- Link: Original Post
Flight Rising: The Fathoms Return!
After the search for the Tidelord dredges up a bubble of dire portent, many Fathoms return from their oceanic journeys to assist the efforts of the dragon clans of the continent.
Unfathomable Odyssey
The Unfathomable Odyssey has concluded after the dive expedition uncovered the scattered remains of a prophecy bubble from the Tidelord! With many mysteries left to solve, some pods of Fathom dragons have chosen to cease their voyaging for now and continue to help investigate. Thank you to everyone who participated in what we felt was a really exciting and collaborative experience.
New Modern Breed: Fathom
All participants of the Unfathomable Odyssey event can collect a Voyager's Map (Clanbound) and Voyager's Chart (Clanbound) from the Unfathomable Odyssey event page. These account-bound items will spawn one male and female dragon respectively.
The Fathom is an uncommon breed (possessing a 25 day breeding cooldown) that eats plants and seafood. It can breed with all other modern breeds and wear all existing apparel. Dragon clans may learn about the characteristics of this modern breed in the Encyclopedia.
Breed Change: Fathom are a rare drop from the Coliseum. Those who collect from Pinkerton's Plundered Pile and answer questions correctly from Tomo's Trivia Tablet also have a rare chance of turning up breed change scrolls. These acquisition methods are the permanent, long-term way to earn new Fathom breed change scrolls that will continuously trickle a steady stream of scrolls into players' hoards and allow them a new item to barter with in the Auction House.
Fathom Forum Vista
You can show off your Fathom appreciation by sporting the following forum vista, now available in the Treasure Marketplace:
New Emojis
A set of Fathom emojis are now available!
New Achievements
A new achievement Fathomless Appreciation is now available! To unlock this achievement, obtain a Fathom dragon through hatching, Crossroads, or the Auction House.
Baldwin's Limited Brews
Dragon clans with alchemy level 2+ have from now until Friday, June 21st at 12:00 server time to craft additional copies of the following event rewards. After this time, these rewards will retire and new copies of these items will no longer be created.
For this same one week duration, Baldwin will temporarily allow players of alchemy level 2+ to craft Fathom breed change scrolls. It will take time for the trickle of Fathom breed change scrolls from the Coliseum, Pinkerton, and Tomo to build a reliable auction house supply. Baldwin is stepping in to help provide an initial influx of scrolls so that all dragon clans who want to have additional Fathoms will not have to wait long to add them to their numbers!
Brightshine Jubilee Contest
The twelth annual Brightshine Jubilee will begin on June 23, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-14
- Posted By: Undel
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Persona of the Week
The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to raptor_mama on winning this week's competition.
This week's theme: Sunset
- Date Posted: 2024-06-14
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-14
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Inquiring Minds
The poll booth has a new poll available for you.
This time, we would like to know:
Have you collected all the new Balloon Pop freebies for 2024?.
Go There: Poll Booth
Thanks for participating!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-14
- Link: Original Post
Flight Rising: Sunparched Prowl 2024
The herds are on the move and their numbers are exploding. Novice and expert hunters alike will have an easy time taking game if they stick to tall grasses and rocky outcrops.
Sunparched Prowl
Sunparched Prowl, one of Flight Rising's quarterly "micro-holidays", is in full swing! From Thursday, June 13th (06:00 Server Time) to Monday, June 17th (06:00 Server Time), all players will experience a couple of battle-related boosts!
Bountiful Battles
For the duration of Sunparched Prowl, all Coliseum enemies will have the chance to drop meat food items in addition to their normal loot. Other site activities such as gathering, breeding, bonding, brewing, and visiting some of the trading post dragons will also yield a chance at meat! Dragon clans everywhere are taking this time to stock up on shanks, flanks, ribs, haunches, steaks, and more to keep them satisfied until the autumn.
Battle EXP Boost
During the event, all battles will yield 50% additional EXP, so now is a perfect time for dragons to train. Grab your newest team and head out into battle!
A Swarm of Treasures!
Dragonkind are not the only ones taking advantage of the burgeoning herds and expanding flocks. As the savannas, forests, and tundras play host to many more hooves than usual, calculating cats join the prowl. A couple species of wildcat use their expert eyes and noses to track small and large game alike, including the newly emerged Grasslands Chimera. For the duration of Sunparched Prowl, the lynxes will drop fairly commonly in the Coliseum and rarely during Hunting. Once the herds numbers have been responsibly culled, they'll go back into hiding, but there's always a chance you may run into one or two while Hunting. The chimeras will also drop from the Coliseum and rarely from all type of gathering activities.
Once the herds numbers have been responsibly culled, they'll go back into hiding, but there's always a chance you may run into one or two of the lynxes while Hunting.
A vista and scene have a chance to drop in the coliseum and many other site-related activities.
Seasonal Sidekicks
Sage's Seasonal Sundries has attracted new seasonal creatures! For now, spring reigns, but beginning June 22nd, Sage will begin celebrating summer and the Plumed Summertail will join her!
Brightshine Jubilee Contest
The twelth annual Brightshine Jubilee will begin on June 23, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-13
- Posted By: Undel
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: What Am I Results
Last week's round of What Am I has ended.
The item description was: 62616e67 20776861636b20 706f7721
The answer was: Alexia IchuCard.
5 out of 5 Ichuans answered correctly.
A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-13
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Snapz!
Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: blueeyes
If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.
- Date Posted: 2024-06-13
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 8515
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2024-06-13
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Puma Demos Update
Evo-Markings are now included in the demos!
Also called Evolution Markings or Enchantments
[ Puma Demo ] - [ LTD Puma Demo ]
The demos also got a visual update and the evolutions are now sorted into their own category.
After adding an evolution to your demo image you can click "Add Evo Marking" to begin previewing various evo-marks available for that evolution.
If you change the evolution, it will remove the applied evo-marks.
Even if the enchantment would apply to the new evolution, they will be cleared!
Its due to a limitation of our evo-marking system. So please be cautious and save your puma demo urls often!
Old blueprint URLs should still be compatible, but if you experience any issues please let us know!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-12
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to osita, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 28,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Brown Lycan Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Ant Bombs! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2024-06-12
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner
Due to no new/updated blogs, there is no winner this week.
- Date Posted: 2024-06-12
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner
The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught AnitaCupaCoffee for this weeks aquarium contest winner!
¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!
- Date Posted: 2024-06-12
- Link: Original Post
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