Latest News

Solpets: New Host!

We now have a new webhost for Solpets. :) Server issues should now all be gone and we should not have any more \"lag\" (if you noticed any). Yay!

Solpets: Bug Fixes and Halloween

No bugs have yet been reported by any users (including beta testers) . . however I know there are many. I am unsure why these are not being reported right away (or going unnoticed). This is a problem - please report errors to me, cutielou22, by sMail or report in the Errors forum.

Now to the bug fixes and additions: - Login has been changed slightly to work even better and safer. - Users Online count is now accurate. (If a user has not been active for 15 minutes they will not show up as online.) - User Profiles: You can now Trick or Treat users for Halloween. Just go to their profile. - Added buttons to certain pages for easier access. (Instead of plain links. - Examples: On SolBuds pages, Forums . . .) - New beta tester only games added. - We changed webhosts yet again - hopefully it will be more reliable. (In November we are planning to switch Solpets to a even more reliable host.)

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Happy Halloween. :)

Wajas: Combo of the week: HALLOWEEN

This week's contest is a combo week one! And it is centered around Halloween, which is tomorrow! You can use any combination of items or this one. FIND IT HERE! ? Each winner will get to pick any one item being given away through the OWF's event this year! Any gothic set piece, wallpaper, accessory, etc. So if there is one item that is just eluding you, you'd better enter! Anyway, here are the winners from last week's contest, who will receive an Afternoon Forest Wallpaper! Lionclaw 1364 Alinda 36118 terezi pyrope 245343

Wajas: Pumpking Carving Contest Ends Tomorrow!

Hello! I just wanted to remind everyone that the Halloween pumpkin carving contest (found HERE ends TOMORROW. The contest will end October 31st at 5:00pm site time. Don't miss out on this fun opportunity to win some prizes! Also, don't forget to check out the news post below this one! :-) -Vagabond

Solpets: Been Awhile . . .

It has been a while since the last update.

We are working on getting a shoutbox set up for everyone to use. We do not know when the shoutbox will be completed and released.

The login issues should now be 100% fixed. If anyone is still having issues be sure to contact me immediately.

User profiles now have social links. To add yours go to \"Update Profile\" - \"Social Settings\". You can add a link to your Twitter, Facebook, Google+, MySpace, DeviantArt, Music World Anonymous, Tumblr, Blogger, Youtube, and Yahoo. If you think we should add ANYTHING else be sure to suggest it in the SolForums!

Solpets has added a new game exclusively for official beta tester\'s and staff. It is called MeActive. The game is still being tested and until the game is working 100% it will not be released to everyone. The game is a simple. Click a button and go. It is in the \"Contests\" section in games if you want to check it out!

A new top SolBuds feature is also being worked on for user profiles. You also may have noticed the layout has changed a bit. We might it a little \"brighter\" and simplified. Let us know what you think in the comments! Please also comment what you think we should work on next (Clubs, Shops, Auctions, Trades, etc.)!

Last, I would like everyone to know we are accepting staff applications by sMail and SolForum posts (in the \"Applications\" section).

Solpets: New Games + More!

A referral contest and high or low game is available for official beta testers and staff to test out. They will be released to everyone once we know there are no (or very few) bugs.

Online Users should now be working as expected (and should be updated every 15 minutes).

Solpets: Closed Beta

We are now in closed beta. All current user\'s can still log in at anytime. If you do not have an account you can fill out our closed beta form for a chance to become a Official Solpets Beta Tester (current members will also be able to do this soon).

Beta Applications are OPEN!

Please go to to apply for Closed Beta!

Thanks for all your support!

Solpets: Bug Fixes

SolShops are now up and running as they should be - if you have any problems be sure to report them right away. Items should restock every 30 minutes with random items. Please note not all items are set to restock just yet, but will be soon.

Forum posts can now be made. The issue was not known about until yesterday - sorry for any delays this has caused anyone. Forums should be completely functional for everyone 13 years or older. Please be sure to introduce yourself on the forums! :)

UPDATE: Currently working on getting a Referral Contest set up. It will be different than how we did it before (if you were a \"Old SolUser\"). This time there will be levels - each time you get to a different level you will win a prize of some sort. Any games you want right away or special features or just ideas go ahead and tell us on the forums. We want to hear it!

We will be going into Closed Beta sometime this week or next week. All current members who have a account when this happens will still be able to sign in and be a Beta Tester.

Solpets: sMail and News Updates!

sMail is now completely set up as it should. Replies appear in a "chain-letter" type way - which makes it so you do not have to have the reply message in with what you want to say (like we had it for our old site - some messages can get quite long that way). All you have to do is read a message click reply. Add what you want to say then the user you replied to will see your message and any other messages that have been replied to from that sMail.

It may sound confusing. . . .but just try it out and see! :P I am sure you will love!

Also solNews updates was having some problems - that is all now fixed hopefully. (This would be the ultimate test.)

P.S. Smilies have been updated back to our "originals" if you have not yet noticed. Yay!

Solpets: Happy Birthday Solpets!

Yesterday was Solpets 3rd birthday of We didn\'t have much of a celebration - or at all . . . but hopefully we will make up for that soon for you. :)

Solpets: Welcome to Solpets!

Solpets is a virtual pet site community that strives to offer a friendly and inviting atmosphere. The site is free to play and offers a variety of unique styled pets for you to raise and breed. With different worlds to explore and activities to complete, where will your adventure take you?

Solpets has been around since July 4th, 2011 and has been growing ever since. Welcome back new users. Welcome back old users. Welcome everyone. Solpets IS a new beginning. :)

We would like you to note the site is currently in beta.

Wajas: Recent Happenings

Hey Everyone, Sorry we've been quiet lately. While it may not seem like much is getting done that's actually far from the truth. We've hired on a server guru of sorts to help us figure out what causes the lag, what kind of tweaks can be made to the database configuration and table formats to improve performance and help us figure out some ways to improve our backup process so that it is more reliable. There's been a lot of tweaks made for the last few weeks which has resulted in some of the downtime. We understand that it can be frustrating but once this is done the site will run so much better! This current project has also put our other coding plans on the side, unfortunately. We feel that it is very important that we improve the condition and health on the site before we add too much more to it. We still have a lot of stuff planned, some important fixes, additions and new features. We may even have a little Easter Event coming for you guys. Triwings are also near completion.

Wajas: Foreground Items

Commando has fixed our foreground images! Maybe next month we need some basic foreground images? :) If you guys find any that are still broken please let us know.

Wajas: Updates

New Dyes in Dye* Shop Belly Swirl Dye Chest Star Dye Chin Spot Dye Forehead Dye Hindsight Dye Lunar Dye Muzzle Dye Spitz Release! The Spitz Tokens and Star Packages are in the shop. Spitz will be a new common breed so the Silver and Gold Tokens will always be available. There will be a removal date for the Star Packages and Diamond token. I will give you guys plenty of notice before removing them. NOTE: Some accessories still need redrawing. They've been holding me up and I wanted the breed released awhile ago. So instead of making you all wait longer I'm releasing it now. Just note that some accessories wont fit correctly. Other Star Packages I will be removing all other Star Packages Friday . This gives you two 1/2 days to get any that you might want. Spitz Star Packages will not be removed with the others. Divine Day As some of you know, Divine day is July 4th. I will be releasing Divine Tokens and Divine Star

Dragon Cave: Donation Meter

Use the "Contact" link for more information