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Dragon Cave: 2020-06-27 - June Dragon Release

June¢s release brings a new breed. Each biome has a unique variant, so you¢ll have to do a lot of traveling to get them all.

Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg
Egg Egg


Celestial Equine: Celestial Updates & More!

Celestial Updates & More!

Good evening, CE players!

We have yet another exciting update for everyone so keep reading to learn more about our most recent development progress, bug updates, new releases, and more.

First off, we are thrilled to announce our breed registry woes are officially behind us! Breed registration now includes a 2-step verification process to ensure all proposed registrations meet our criteria. In addition to our 2-step verification, we have resolved issues with missing manes and added special permissions for private gene owners to utilize their genes in new registrations. We hope this gives you all additional excitement to create your own beautiful breeds!

On that note, we do have a few lingering bugs which will be fixed early next week:
- Error when setting breeds to private (please PM a staff member to have this done manually at this time)
- Mane/Tail brush error (tail updating, but manes staying the same)

Both of these errors are very easy fixes and unfortunately resulted from our breed registration upgrades. However, they have been identified and will be resolved very quickly!

Next up we wanted to briefly touch on what changes are slated for this week. We are continuing to focus on bug resolution and live feature refinement, so the following areas will be addressed this week in addition to the fixes mentioned above:

- Foal ownership revision (whoever pays the breeding fee will receive the foal post-breeding)
- Elder quest game errors (level resetting)
- Approved Creators for player breeds (add approved creators to your own private breeds + have the ability to charge coins/gems for access to creation)

I hope you are all excited about these fun little updates!

Finally, we have released chapter 8 of the Celestial Lore! For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Celestial Lore, this is a fantastic story following the Royal Kingdom family and will tie into our pending "alliance" feature. We highly suggest everyone take some time to read the chapters if you would like more information on the backstory of Celestia or enjoy a little bit of fantasy light reading. Each chapter features beautiful art - which is always a fun plus! If you are familiar with the Celestial Lore, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

To wrap up this news post, we want to thank everyone for your continued support as we push forward with our development. It has been so wonderful interacting with so many new players the last few months!

Have a wonderful evening, and stay tuned for additional updates.

Celestial Equine: Celestial Updates & More!

Celestial Updates & More!

Good evening, CE players!

We have yet another exciting update for everyone so keep reading to learn more about our most recent development progress, bug updates, new releases, and more.

First off, we are thrilled to announce our breed registry woes are officially behind us! Breed registration now includes a 2-step verification process to ensure all proposed registrations meet our criteria. In addition to our 2-step verification, we have resolved issues with missing manes and added special permissions for private gene owners to utilize their genes in new registrations. We hope this gives you all additional excitement to create your own beautiful breeds!

On that note, we do have a few lingering bugs which will be fixed early next week:
- Error when setting breeds to private (please PM a staff member to have this done manually at this time)
- Mane/Tail brush error (tail updating, but manes staying the same)

Both of these errors are very easy fixes and unfortunately resulted from our breed registration upgrades. However, they have been identified and will be resolved very quickly!

Next up we wanted to briefly touch on what changes are slated for this week. We are continuing to focus on bug resolution and live feature refinement, so the following areas will be addressed this week in addition to the fixes mentioned above:

- Foal ownership revision (whoever pays the breeding fee will receive the foal post-breeding)
- Elder quest game errors (level resetting)
- Approved Creators for player breeds (add approved creators to your own private breeds + have the ability to charge coins/gems for access to creation)

I hope you are all excited about these fun little updates!

Finally, we have released chapter 8 of the Celestial Lore! For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Celestial Lore, this is a fantastic story following the Royal Kingdom family and will tie into our pending "alliance" feature. We highly suggest everyone take some time to read the chapters if you would like more information on the backstory of Celestia or enjoy a little bit of fantasy light reading. Each chapter features beautiful art - which is always a fun plus! If you are familiar with the Celestial Lore, let us know your thoughts in the comments!

To wrap up this news post, we want to thank everyone for your continued support as we push forward with our development. It has been so wonderful interacting with so many new players the last few months!

Have a wonderful evening, and stay tuned for additional updates.

Lythbound: Charity, Frames, and MYO & Art Form Updates!

Hello! We've got a few big news things today so let's get right to it:

June is Pride Month! A time to celebrate under normal circumstances, but these times we are in are not normal by any means. We have planned for some time to create site items to sell for charity during June, but given the situation around the world, we have reached the decision to split donations from these sales between the Transgender Law Center and this ActBlue initiative which automatically further splits donations between bail funds and Black initiative funds.

The first Pride was a riot and we would not have this time to celebrate if it weren't for Black trans women who made it possible. We hope that by splitting the donations, we can help a little bit of both worlds. It's Pride Month, after all, but if our stance isn't also clear: Black Lives Matter.


We currently have a frame and four pets available in exchange for donations that we will forward to the charities mentioned above. To facilitate sales, we have set up a Storenvy page, from which you can purchase each of these items: here.


More information is available in each listing! Pets can be purchased featuring any Pride flag of your choice.

As of right now, we intend to reward items and make donations on approximately a weekly basis. However, we are currently NOT intending to end sales of these items, and as sales slow down, donation forwarding may be done on a monthly time frame.


Now that we've made a frame purchasable with real life money, it was prudent to make further expansions to the frame feature. Thus we are excited to release the ability to preview frames, update your Lythian frames, and also use items to unlock new frames!

You can access the Frame Previewer by visiting Activities -> Activities Hub -> Frame Previewer. This page will allow you to see all available frames and test them out with your Lythians to see what might look best.

When you've decided to update your Lythian's frame for real, you can do so from their profile, by clicking the new ¢Change/Update Frame" button. Any frames they have unlocked will be permanently available to change between.

You may unlock new frames from items via your inventory -- if you received a Frame of the Sea from the Turn the Tides event, that item can now be used!


And finally, a new shop has opened up in the marketplace! Tessa the Flyte has a variety of frames available for you to purchase with Loonoles! Returning players from Astral Story may recognize these -- they are based on designs from Astral Story, and if your Lythian had unlocked any pre-merge, they have now been made available to those Lythians again. (This includes some event designs from October 2019 which are now able to use the ¢Summoning Circle 2019" frame.)


Last, but not least, the MYO Forms have received massive upgrades, and masterlist art/design updates are now fully available on-site!

The MYO forms themselves should be fairly straightforward, but if you have questions or need help, we are always available! Additionally, with these updates, both the submitter and staff can now leave comments within the forms themselves, and discuss back and forth regarding uploads. You may also edit MYO submissions if an issue is found or something needs changed.

FPCs can also now be selected for their first design upload on the MYO page!

Art/design updates can be accessed from a Lythian or Companion's profile. The ¢Update [Lythian/Companion] Art/Design" button will lead you to a form where you can:
- Update art without design changes (or very minor design changes) (Lythians &Companions)
- Update designs with item usage (Lythians only)
- Update both of the above on alternate forms (Lythians only)
- Unlock new alternate forms (such as with the Water Form Potion) (Lythians only)

As with the MYO forms, simply fill out the information and submit! If you have questions or experience issues, please do feel free to contact us!

As these functions are completely available on-site, the DeviantArt journal for MYOs and art/design updates is now retired.

Lythbound: Charity, Frames, and MYO & Art Form Updates!

Hello! We've got a few big news things today so let's get right to it:

June is Pride Month! A time to celebrate under normal circumstances, but these times we are in are not normal by any means. We have planned for some time to create site items to sell for charity during June, but given the situation around the world, we have reached the decision to split donations from these sales between the Transgender Law Center and this ActBlue initiative which automatically further splits donations between bail funds and Black initiative funds.

The first Pride was a riot and we would not have this time to celebrate if it weren't for Black trans women who made it possible. We hope that by splitting the donations, we can help a little bit of both worlds. It's Pride Month, after all, but if our stance isn't also clear: Black Lives Matter.


We currently have a frame and four pets available in exchange for donations that we will forward to the charities mentioned above. To facilitate sales, we have set up a Storenvy page, from which you can purchase each of these items: here.


More information is available in each listing! Pets can be purchased featuring any Pride flag of your choice.

As of right now, we intend to reward items and make donations on approximately a weekly basis. However, we are currently NOT intending to end sales of these items, and as sales slow down, donation forwarding may be done on a monthly time frame.


Now that we've made a frame purchasable with real life money, it was prudent to make further expansions to the frame feature. Thus we are excited to release the ability to preview frames, update your Lythian frames, and also use items to unlock new frames!

You can access the Frame Previewer by visiting Activities -> Activities Hub -> Frame Previewer. This page will allow you to see all available frames and test them out with your Lythians to see what might look best.

When you've decided to update your Lythian's frame for real, you can do so from their profile, by clicking the new ¢Change/Update Frame" button. Any frames they have unlocked will be permanently available to change between.

You may unlock new frames from items via your inventory -- if you received a Frame of the Sea from the Turn the Tides event, that item can now be used!


And finally, a new shop has opened up in the marketplace! Tessa the Flyte has a variety of frames available for you to purchase with Loonoles! Returning players from Astral Story may recognize these -- they are based on designs from Astral Story, and if your Lythian had unlocked any pre-merge, they have now been made available to those Lythians again. (This includes some event designs from October 2019 which are now able to use the ¢Summoning Circle 2019" frame.)


Last, but not least, the MYO Forms have received massive upgrades, and masterlist art/design updates are now fully available on-site!

The MYO forms themselves should be fairly straightforward, but if you have questions or need help, we are always available! Additionally, with these updates, both the submitter and staff can now leave comments within the forms themselves, and discuss back and forth regarding uploads. You may also edit MYO submissions if an issue is found or something needs changed.

FPCs can also now be selected for their first design upload on the MYO page!

Art/design updates can be accessed from a Lythian or Companion's profile. The ¢Update [Lythian/Companion] Art/Design" button will lead you to a form where you can:
- Update art without design changes (or very minor design changes) (Lythians &Companions)
- Update designs with item usage (Lythians only)
- Update both of the above on alternate forms (Lythians only)
- Unlock new alternate forms (such as with the Water Form Potion) (Lythians only)

As with the MYO forms, simply fill out the information and submit! If you have questions or experience issues, please do feel free to contact us!

As these functions are completely available on-site, the DeviantArt journal for MYOs and art/design updates is now retired.

  • Date Posted: 2020-06-19
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides - Epilogue!


Thank you so much to everyone for participating in the Turn the Tides event! The epilogue is now available to view on the Storyline event page.

All prompt claims have had their rewards sent out -- if you are missing anything from any part of this event, please let us know!

Additionally, the raffle has been rolled and prizes have been sent out as follows:
NA14 - Fluffy-imp
AX47 - Yams
Orch MYO - walls96
Orch MYO - LilMissLillie
Water Form Potion - solsurfing
Water Form Potion - Syleira

Thank you again for participating! We have a Google Form available with survey questions, if there is anything you would like to let us know regarding this event, or things you'd like to see from future events!

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides - Epilogue!


Thank you so much to everyone for participating in the Turn the Tides event! The epilogue is now available to view on the Storyline event page.

All prompt claims have had their rewards sent out -- if you are missing anything from any part of this event, please let us know!

Additionally, the raffle has been rolled and prizes have been sent out as follows:
NA14 - Fluffy-imp
AX47 - Yams
Orch MYO - walls96
Orch MYO - LilMissLillie
Water Form Potion - solsurfing
Water Form Potion - Syleira

Thank you again for participating! We have a Google Form available with survey questions, if there is anything you would like to let us know regarding this event, or things you'd like to see from future events!

  • Date Posted: 2020-06-16
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Solpets: Father's Day items in stock!

We are celebrating Father's Day from June 9th, 2020 to June 30th, 2020. We have 2 new item to commemorate this holiday.

Thank you @Silcoon they look amazing! Thank you @Plaguebourne for the item descriptions.

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides Week 4


Week 4 of the Turn the Tides event has arrived, and a new prompt is now available on the Storyline event page. Additionally, we have extended the event deadline for all prompts for one additional week until June 15th at 23:59:59! This gives you some extra time to complete the final week's prompt (as well as the other prompts if not completed yet)!

For completing all four weeks, you can earn the final event rewards of a water alternate form potion, a special frame, and an achievement!


The choice you made in the previous week will affect the prompt you see this week. Similarly, you cannot see the prompt this week until you choose for week 3.

Last, but not least, we welcome BattiDanni to the team as our new moderator manager! You'll be seeing her around the site and Discord as well from now on!

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides Week 4


Week 4 of the Turn the Tides event has arrived, and a new prompt is now available on the Storyline event page. Additionally, we have extended the event deadline for all prompts for one additional week until June 15th at 23:59:59! This gives you some extra time to complete the final week's prompt (as well as the other prompts if not completed yet)!

For completing all four weeks, you can earn the final event rewards of a water alternate form potion, a special frame, and an achievement!


The choice you made in the previous week will affect the prompt you see this week. Similarly, you cannot see the prompt this week until you choose for week 3.

Last, but not least, we welcome BattiDanni to the team as our new moderator manager! You'll be seeing her around the site and Discord as well from now on!

  • Date Posted: 2020-06-01
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

BeastKeeper: The Mechanician Outfit

The Mechanicians Guild is proud to present their latest invention - the Mechanician Outfit, which became possible only because of the wondrous new materials found in the hot lava valleys of the Volcano biotope. This gear provides not only mechanical protection but also allows to significantly increase the speed, maneuverability, and strength of the wearer, as well as scare off or injure attackers.

Beastlords need the Tack Workshop (lvl 2) to craft this apparel.

The only species refusing to wear the new outfit is the Lykos. Their natural affinity for ice and winter conflicts with the fiery essence of the new invention.

Solpets: Wishing Well

All you do is choose a item from your wishlist. You will be able to choose 1 item (or 2 if premium user) per month to wish for at the Wishing Well. The more sPoints you throw in the better your chances of your wish coming true!

Wishes are granted once a month.

The wishing well is located on the West side of Shine City near the money tree.

Thank you Silcoon for the artwork. :)

Lythbound: June 1, 2020

Featured Lythian This month's Featured Lythian is...

HA52 Enter
Owned by: SunglassesArlo

Gifting Gacha Increased Rates Items with increased rates in this month's Gifting Gacha are:

Skeletal Apple
Shiny Beetle
Spira Shell

Lythbound: June 1, 2020

Featured Lythian This month's Featured Lythian is...

HA52 Enter
Owned by: SunglassesArlo

Gifting Gacha Increased Rates Items with increased rates in this month's Gifting Gacha are:

Skeletal Apple
Shiny Beetle
Spira Shell
  • Date Posted: 2020-06-01
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Celestial Equine: Breed Registry Update & More!

Breed Registry Update & More!

Good Afternoon, CE players!

We are very excited to announce we have begun working on our upgrades to the Breed Registration process and Gene Management. As you all know, a major hole was found within our breed registry area which was allowing for private genes to be registered to new breeds. Private genes are meant to be exclusive, and due to this issue, we have pushed our registration improvements to the top of our priority list. For those of you who may have overlooked the mini-update sent via PM, we have asked all players to refrain from registering breeds until we announce this release. Please note we will be modifying breeds that have accidentally included a private gene but will address players on an individual basis.

Onto the developmental breakdown! Our new Breed Registration process will require approval from a ¢¢¬Genetic Guru¢¢¬, which will be a new staff type. After ensuring all proposed genes are in-fact eligible for registration, the breed registration will be approved. This will act as a safety net to ensure this hole is never exposed again, and to always keep player commissioned genetics protected. To accompany this update, we will also be introducing approved users of private genes! This will allow players with private breeds (and private genetics) the ability to edit their breed registrations without accidentally removing any genes. Lastly, we will be adding ¢¢¬approved creators¢¢¬ as an option for breed registrations, which will be managed by the breed registry holder. Players may choose to allow specific players to create their private breeds and manage their registration as they see fit.

I hope you all are very excited about the upgrades to breed registration, gene management, and breed registries! More information and instructions will be released when the feature is completed :)

Next up, we will be slowing down for a few weeks to ensure all new bugs have been dealt with appropriately. After having so many exciting new releases we want to ensure the game stays neat and bug-free before moving onto new features. With that being said, the following bugs are next on the priority list for revision:

- Foals automatically going to the player¢¢¬¢¢s account who paid the breeding fee
- Breeding cool down day counter
- Pagination error on Tradelot area
- Horses of any discipline entering competitions (will need additional information and tester volunteer)
- Elder Quest level timeout

Have something small yet annoying in mind that was left off of this list? Let us know in the comments so we can get additional details!

Lastly, we have introduced three beautiful spotlight packages to the Cash Shop under ¢¢¬Spotlight Event¢¢¬. These packages include the Encrusted Genes, Mermaid Wearables, and the Mermaid Gene releases all in neat, separate packages. Check them out here!

That wraps up today¢¢¬¢¢s news post. Be on the lookout for a supplemental news post when our changes to Breed Registration goes live!

Use the "Contact" link for more information