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Lythbound: Emoji Contest Results!

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a design to the Discord Emoji Contest!

Every entry was wonderful and we are excited to display the winners in our Discord server!

¢¦ Entries

The following entries will be used in our Discord server! Each entrant will receive one Ingredient Loot Box per emoji used (please read to the bottom for information on how to trade your loot box for Loonoles if you prefer), and all participants will receive the Emojify achievement for submitting entries!

Entries are listed in alphabetical order, as there is no traditional placement for this contest:

All of the above emojis have been added to the server!

The boxes and achievements will be sent out soon.

However, if you would rather have the 50 loonoles per emoji instead of the ingredient loot box, please message Jackalune requesting the Loonoles and the boxes will be removed and replaced with the currency!

(Please do this before opening the loot box or we will not be able to replace them with Loonoles.)


Thank you again for all of the wonderful submissions!

  • Date Posted: 2020-07-18
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Lythbound: [OPEN] Temporary Designer Application Center

¢¦ Guidelines

Realm of Lyth is seeking 2D artists interested in designing adoptables for events.
These are not permanent/resident positions; you will not be added as staff.
We may, however, contact you more than once about multiple events!

Please familiarize yourself with the group, especially our Terms of Service!
You may also want to check if you are comfortable with our various species.
Our species have different subspecies and body types in lieu of actual traits!

You will be tasked with creating designs and putting them up for adoption.
This may involve creating a batch of 1~4 designs for a specific event or events.
Adherence to deadlines is expected and you must be willing to communicate via Discord.

Temporary designers keep 100% of the profits from the designs they sell!
You must notify us a staff member when a design has been sold.
If a customer is being troublesome, please let the staff know!

¢¦ Requirements

You must be 18 years or older.
You must be familiar with Discord and communicate readily.
(We usually type; Discord voice is not required.)
You must have a strong knowledge of artistic and design principles.
You must be able to work with a deadline and within the given guidelines.
You must know your own limits when participating in events with strict timetables.

¢¦ Application Form

If you feel you would be a good fit, fill out the application below!
Then, email us at [email protected] with subject "Temporary Designer Application."

Site Username: [your username]
Discord Username: [include the numbers after the #]
Timezone: [if you don't know, check this map]
Availability: [for example: "now" or "this summer" or "anytime other than during the school year"]
Design Portfolio: [link to your site or 3+ designs you're proud of]
Notes: [any past experience with guest designing or anything else you'd like us to know]
"I confirm that I am 18 years of age or older."

Just because you apply does not mean you'll be chosen.
You may reapply with updates, but please don't spam this journal!
We may not choose you for an upcoming event but we may consider you for a future one!


We look forward to working with you!
Just because you apply does not mean you'll be chosen.

Lythbound: [OPEN] Temporary Designer Application Center

¢¦ Guidelines

Realm of Lyth is seeking 2D artists interested in designing adoptables for events.
These are not permanent/resident positions; you will not be added as staff.
We may, however, contact you more than once about multiple events!

Please familiarize yourself with the group, especially our Terms of Service!
You may also want to check if you are comfortable with our various species.
Our species have different subspecies and body types in lieu of actual traits!

You will be tasked with creating designs and putting them up for adoption.
This may involve creating a batch of 1~4 designs for a specific event or events.
Adherence to deadlines is expected and you must be willing to communicate via Discord.

Temporary designers keep 100% of the profits from the designs they sell!
You must notify us a staff member when a design has been sold.
If a customer is being troublesome, please let the staff know!

¢¦ Requirements

You must be 18 years or older.
You must be familiar with Discord and communicate readily.
(We usually type; Discord voice is not required.)
You must have a strong knowledge of artistic and design principles.
You must be able to work with a deadline and within the given guidelines.
You must know your own limits when participating in events with strict timetables.

¢¦ Application Form

If you feel you would be a good fit, fill out the application below!
Then, email us at [email protected] with subject "Temporary Designer Application."

Site Username: [your username]
Discord Username: [include the numbers after the #]
Timezone: [if you don't know, check this map]
Availability: [for example: "now" or "this summer" or "anytime other than during the school year"]
Design Portfolio: [link to your site or 3+ designs you're proud of]
Notes: [any past experience with guest designing or anything else you'd like us to know]
"I confirm that I am 18 years of age or older."

Just because you apply does not mean you'll be chosen.
You may reapply with updates, but please don't spam this journal!
We may not choose you for an upcoming event but we may consider you for a future one!


We look forward to working with you!
Just because you apply does not mean you'll be chosen.

  • Date Posted: 2020-07-18
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Lythbound: [EVENT] They Came From Nowhere

KuniPicki event announcement banner

It¢s been a while but the realm is ready to introduce two new species!
Please welcome in these friendly and not-so-friendly faces~

¢¦ Where Did They Come From?

The first sightings of Kuniklovs and Nitpickies can be traced back to Vulcareal, around the Empty Tundra. The explorers who ventured out into Nowhere were too busy trying to survive, therefore, never managed to get closer looks. That, coupled with the extreme weather conditions made them mistake the two species for feral creatures.

But we now know that¢s not the case.

No one knows how long these species have been settled there ¢ or even when they came to be ¢ since the area is mostly desolate. However, Kuniklovs and Nitpickies have coexisted happily for a while; Kuniklovs offer Nitpickies protection and in turn, Nitpickies provide Kuniklovs with items that only they can get their grubby little paw-gloves on.

¢¦ Why Are They Here Now?

The recent flooding of several Lyth cities did not leave the rest of the world unaffected.

The manmade disasters increased the rainfall throughout Lyth, which directly correlated to a rise in the number of avalanches all the way out in Nowhere. Although they were unaware of the real reason, Kuniklovs and Nitpickies knew that their home was becoming unsafe.

After some discussion, they decided it was time to spread out towards the rest of civilization ¢ the inhospitable, barren Empty Tundra was a weird living choice anyhow.

Especially since their young would be arriving soon...

¢¦ KuniPicki Prompts

example Kuniklovexample Nitpicki

¢¦ First Impressions

What is your Lythian¢s reaction upon meeting a Kuniklov and/or Nitpicki for the first time?
You can use the example Kuniklov and Nitpicki pictured above!

¢¦ A Helping Hand

Let¢s help our new friends get acquainted with the rest of the world!
Do you take them to see the sights?
Or maybe introduce them to new technologies?

¢¦ Home-Cooked Meal

Needless to say, the food in the Empty Tundra is...okay.
Why don¢t you cook them a meal they can¢t find in Nowhere?

¢¦ Requirements
Visual at least clean lines and flat colors (or shading if black and white)
Written at least 250 words per prompt (¢draft completion¢ required) (or per participant if RP log)
You can turn in a maximum of three prompts; you can do the same prompt three times if you'd like!
Submit them via the ARPG submit form under "Event Prompt."
They must be turned in by July 20th, 2020 @ 23:59:59 to be eligible for rewards!

¢¦ Rewards
Completing at least one prompt gives you the ¢They Came From Nowhere¢ achievement!
Completing one prompt is also the minimum requirement for entering the raffles below.
Completing three prompts gives you an MYO Antecedent ticket!
As always, you get Loonoles based on the piece(s) you submit.
Remember to claim the bonus + 5 (Event Quest) Loonoles!

¢¦ KuniPicki Flaffles &Raffle

As previously mentioned, one of the reasons Kuniklovs and Nitpickies are making themselves known is because they need somewhere safer to raise their young. While some have been carrying their babies around with them, others have adopted a ¢throw them into the deep end¢ approach.

Lythians have been uncovering some Kuniklov and Nitpicki younglings tucked away in various nooks and crannies: tree holes, leaf piles, and even strangers¢ belongings! According to them, their babies are quite capable of surviving on their own ¢ having grown up in a much harsher environment ¢ but it¢d be nice to give them safe homes anyhow:

KuniPicki baby batch

Introducing our very first batch of Kuniklovs and Nitpickies!
From now until July 13th, 2020 @ 23:59:59, you may enter for a chance to win.
For the flaffles (flat sale raffles), you¢ll still need to pay upon winning.
You can enter for more than one but you¢ll only win one (per category)!
Please click the image above for more information.

¢¦ Notes

Kuniklovs are a revamp of an old species by @Buntato &@Solly.
If you have an old Kuniklov, contact us with proof and we¢ll add it to the ML.
The Kuniklovs and Nitpickies from the batch above are in their baby form.
More information on how to grow them will come at a later date~

¢¦ Upcoming Event &New Items

It would appear that mating season is coming soon¢¦ we suggest you contact any potential partners in preparation for August 17th! Here are a few things to consider:
- each breeding will cost $15 or $20 USD depending on the tier you choose
- only antecedents can breed, so no Forim descendants or companions
- an antecedent can only be paired up once per season
- each pairing will only produce one offspring*
- same-species partners will produce babies of their species
- different-species partners will produce crossbreeds
* The only exception to the one-offspring-per-pair rule is if the parents are owned by two different users and both parties want a baby from that pairing. This is the only time a batch may have two babies, but each party has to pay individually for their offspring. So please plan accordingly!

In addition, we¢ve added new items for those of you who¢ve been wanting to make large changes to your characters. Truffle¢s Treasure Trove now carries two redesign items, so head over there if you¢d like to purchase them!


If you have any questions, don¢t hesitate to contact us!

Lythbound: [EVENT] They Came From Nowhere

KuniPicki event announcement banner

It¢s been a while but the realm is ready to introduce two new species!
Please welcome in these friendly and not-so-friendly faces~

¢¦ Where Did They Come From?

The first sightings of Kuniklovs and Nitpickies can be traced back to Vulcareal, around the Empty Tundra. The explorers who ventured out into Nowhere were too busy trying to survive, therefore, never managed to get closer looks. That, coupled with the extreme weather conditions made them mistake the two species for feral creatures.

But we now know that¢s not the case.

No one knows how long these species have been settled there ¢ or even when they came to be ¢ since the area is mostly desolate. However, Kuniklovs and Nitpickies have coexisted happily for a while; Kuniklovs offer Nitpickies protection and in turn, Nitpickies provide Kuniklovs with items that only they can get their grubby little paw-gloves on.

¢¦ Why Are They Here Now?

The recent flooding of several Lyth cities did not leave the rest of the world unaffected.

The manmade disasters increased the rainfall throughout Lyth, which directly correlated to a rise in the number of avalanches all the way out in Nowhere. Although they were unaware of the real reason, Kuniklovs and Nitpickies knew that their home was becoming unsafe.

After some discussion, they decided it was time to spread out towards the rest of civilization ¢ the inhospitable, barren Empty Tundra was a weird living choice anyhow.

Especially since their young would be arriving soon...

¢¦ KuniPicki Prompts

example Kuniklovexample Nitpicki

¢¦ First Impressions

What is your Lythian¢s reaction upon meeting a Kuniklov and/or Nitpicki for the first time?
You can use the example Kuniklov and Nitpicki pictured above!

¢¦ A Helping Hand

Let¢s help our new friends get acquainted with the rest of the world!
Do you take them to see the sights?
Or maybe introduce them to new technologies?

¢¦ Home-Cooked Meal

Needless to say, the food in the Empty Tundra is...okay.
Why don¢t you cook them a meal they can¢t find in Nowhere?

¢¦ Requirements
Visual at least clean lines and flat colors (or shading if black and white)
Written at least 250 words per prompt (¢draft completion¢ required) (or per participant if RP log)
You can turn in a maximum of three prompts; you can do the same prompt three times if you'd like!
Submit them via the ARPG submit form under "Event Prompt."
They must be turned in by July 20th, 2020 @ 23:59:59 to be eligible for rewards!

¢¦ Rewards
Completing at least one prompt gives you the ¢They Came From Nowhere¢ achievement!
Completing one prompt is also the minimum requirement for entering the raffles below.
Completing three prompts gives you an MYO Antecedent ticket!
As always, you get Loonoles based on the piece(s) you submit.
Remember to claim the bonus + 5 (Event Quest) Loonoles!

¢¦ KuniPicki Flaffles &Raffle

As previously mentioned, one of the reasons Kuniklovs and Nitpickies are making themselves known is because they need somewhere safer to raise their young. While some have been carrying their babies around with them, others have adopted a ¢throw them into the deep end¢ approach.

Lythians have been uncovering some Kuniklov and Nitpicki younglings tucked away in various nooks and crannies: tree holes, leaf piles, and even strangers¢ belongings! According to them, their babies are quite capable of surviving on their own ¢ having grown up in a much harsher environment ¢ but it¢d be nice to give them safe homes anyhow:

KuniPicki baby batch

Introducing our very first batch of Kuniklovs and Nitpickies!
From now until July 13th, 2020 @ 23:59:59, you may enter for a chance to win.
For the flaffles (flat sale raffles), you¢ll still need to pay upon winning.
You can enter for more than one but you¢ll only win one (per category)!
Please click the image above for more information.

¢¦ Notes

Kuniklovs are a revamp of an old species by @Buntato &@Solly.
If you have an old Kuniklov, contact us with proof and we¢ll add it to the ML.
The Kuniklovs and Nitpickies from the batch above are in their baby form.
More information on how to grow them will come at a later date~

¢¦ Upcoming Event &New Items

It would appear that mating season is coming soon¢¦ we suggest you contact any potential partners in preparation for August 17th! Here are a few things to consider:
- each breeding will cost $15 or $20 USD depending on the tier you choose
- only antecedents can breed, so no Forim descendants or companions
- an antecedent can only be paired up once per season
- each pairing will only produce one offspring*
- same-species partners will produce babies of their species
- different-species partners will produce crossbreeds
* The only exception to the one-offspring-per-pair rule is if the parents are owned by two different users and both parties want a baby from that pairing. This is the only time a batch may have two babies, but each party has to pay individually for their offspring. So please plan accordingly!

In addition, we¢ve added new items for those of you who¢ve been wanting to make large changes to your characters. Truffle¢s Treasure Trove now carries two redesign items, so head over there if you¢d like to purchase them!


If you have any questions, don¢t hesitate to contact us!

  • Date Posted: 2020-07-18
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Lythbound: [IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENT] - Lythbound Overhaul

Hi everyone!

We¢ve got an important announcement today, and we¢re really excited to share what¢s going to be coming soon!

We know that a lot of players have wanted more lore for a long time now! The Turn the Tides event and (to a lesser extent) KuniPicki event were our first real foray into building that up. But it hasn¢t felt quite right and we have hit a number of walls internally with regards to developing the world¢s lore that we want to present and you want to see.

The ultimate result of this is that we have decided the best course of action is a complete overhaul of the game¢s branding, lore, mechanics, and world in general.

On the surface, we know that sounds scary! Lyth has been through a lot over the years and seen its fair share of changes. When Jack took over at the end of 2019, a complete change like this was something that they wanted to avoid. But after 7 or so months, the merge of 3 other games/communities, and a lot of internal staff work, we realize that to set ourselves up for the best possible future: an overhaul is necessary.

What does this mean for you, your progress, and the game¢s updates? In general, we want to keep the progress you have made thus far. Everyone will keep their accounts, their characters, their items/pets, etc. Where possible and necessary, we will provide compensation for changes. For example, if an item is removed from the game, we will explore currency or new/equivalent item compensation for anyone who has that item in their inventory.

At this time, we are still finalizing some parts of the game that are changing. We don¢t want to rush this, but we also felt it prudent to inform you of our intent -- we know that real life money plays an important part in aspects of the game, including the purchase of many new designs, and we want you to be able to make informed purchasing decisions.

Our goal is to work on this overhaul alongside finishing up some features that have been in the works for a bit (things that, for example, might be more ¢mini-game-esque¢ or website quality of life and less lore-related). But the overhaul will be taking a priority, as we are removing some things, and would like to re-implement the replacements as quickly as possible, while making sure we are setting ourselves up for success moving forward. This is not a hiatus of your regularly scheduled updates, but rather a shift in what some of those updates are.

There is one thing that we will be putting on pause immediately: earning map passports. We are completely revamping the map and locations you can visit, thus earning passports to the current locations needs to be stopped immediately. We will be discussing the best way to move already-earned passport completions to the new locations, so that you don¢t lose the effort you had put in previously. If you were in the process of completing a passport prompt for an existing location, we will provide a 7 day grace period for you to finish and submit this and earn the old location passport, making yourself eligible for the compensation option(s) that we eventually provide.

Future designs also will no longer feature adaptations/traits of any kind. We are shifting to focusing on subspecies and body types for all species. Previous Forim Descendant designs that have adaptations will keep their appearance/design and will not require any changes. Adaptation ticket items will be removed and compensated with equivalent currency to their shop price.

MYO tickets will be changing: there will no longer be separate ¢Antecedent MYO Tickets¢ and ¢Forim Descendant MYO Tickets¢ -- these will be combined to one MYO ticket used to make the ¢basic/regular subspecies¢ of any playable species, priced at 25 gems (roughly $25 USD). Users who previously purchased antecedent or forim descendant MYO tickets with gems from the Lyth Patreon Gem Shop will have the difference in gems credited back to their account.

Further changes will be announced as we progress! As always, if you have suggestions about site features, lore content, or other things you'd like to see, we would love to hear them! We consider all suggestions, and while we cannot always implement them, we've gotten many good ideas in the past to springboard off of and improve the game and website.

We would like to reiterate that we are not pausing activities other than the passports mentioned above. The ¢They Came From Nowhere¢ event will also continue as planned and you can integrate your interactions with the Kuniklovs and Nitpickis with your characters¢ canon into the future as well! (In general, our intent is to carry over as much as we can canonically from both this and Turn the Tides, but we want to allow everyone the freedom to make their own stories as well, and we certainly won't ever tell you that your character story is wrong.) Thank you so much for your continued patience and support and we look forward to post-overhaul and bringing you new content for years to come!

Lythbound: [IMPORTANT ANNOUNCMENT] - Lythbound Overhaul

Hi everyone!

We¢ve got an important announcement today, and we¢re really excited to share what¢s going to be coming soon!

We know that a lot of players have wanted more lore for a long time now! The Turn the Tides event and (to a lesser extent) KuniPicki event were our first real foray into building that up. But it hasn¢t felt quite right and we have hit a number of walls internally with regards to developing the world¢s lore that we want to present and you want to see.

The ultimate result of this is that we have decided the best course of action is a complete overhaul of the game¢s branding, lore, mechanics, and world in general.

On the surface, we know that sounds scary! Lyth has been through a lot over the years and seen its fair share of changes. When Jack took over at the end of 2019, a complete change like this was something that they wanted to avoid. But after 7 or so months, the merge of 3 other games/communities, and a lot of internal staff work, we realize that to set ourselves up for the best possible future: an overhaul is necessary.

What does this mean for you, your progress, and the game¢s updates? In general, we want to keep the progress you have made thus far. Everyone will keep their accounts, their characters, their items/pets, etc. Where possible and necessary, we will provide compensation for changes. For example, if an item is removed from the game, we will explore currency or new/equivalent item compensation for anyone who has that item in their inventory.

At this time, we are still finalizing some parts of the game that are changing. We don¢t want to rush this, but we also felt it prudent to inform you of our intent -- we know that real life money plays an important part in aspects of the game, including the purchase of many new designs, and we want you to be able to make informed purchasing decisions.

Our goal is to work on this overhaul alongside finishing up some features that have been in the works for a bit (things that, for example, might be more ¢mini-game-esque¢ or website quality of life and less lore-related). But the overhaul will be taking a priority, as we are removing some things, and would like to re-implement the replacements as quickly as possible, while making sure we are setting ourselves up for success moving forward. This is not a hiatus of your regularly scheduled updates, but rather a shift in what some of those updates are.

There is one thing that we will be putting on pause immediately: earning map passports. We are completely revamping the map and locations you can visit, thus earning passports to the current locations needs to be stopped immediately. We will be discussing the best way to move already-earned passport completions to the new locations, so that you don¢t lose the effort you had put in previously. If you were in the process of completing a passport prompt for an existing location, we will provide a 7 day grace period for you to finish and submit this and earn the old location passport, making yourself eligible for the compensation option(s) that we eventually provide.

Future designs also will no longer feature adaptations/traits of any kind. We are shifting to focusing on subspecies and body types for all species. Previous Forim Descendant designs that have adaptations will keep their appearance/design and will not require any changes. Adaptation ticket items will be removed and compensated with equivalent currency to their shop price.

MYO tickets will be changing: there will no longer be separate ¢Antecedent MYO Tickets¢ and ¢Forim Descendant MYO Tickets¢ -- these will be combined to one MYO ticket used to make the ¢basic/regular subspecies¢ of any playable species, priced at 25 gems (roughly $25 USD). Users who previously purchased antecedent or forim descendant MYO tickets with gems from the Lyth Patreon Gem Shop will have the difference in gems credited back to their account.

Further changes will be announced as we progress! As always, if you have suggestions about site features, lore content, or other things you'd like to see, we would love to hear them! We consider all suggestions, and while we cannot always implement them, we've gotten many good ideas in the past to springboard off of and improve the game and website.

We would like to reiterate that we are not pausing activities other than the passports mentioned above. The ¢They Came From Nowhere¢ event will also continue as planned and you can integrate your interactions with the Kuniklovs and Nitpickis with your characters¢ canon into the future as well! (In general, our intent is to carry over as much as we can canonically from both this and Turn the Tides, but we want to allow everyone the freedom to make their own stories as well, and we certainly won't ever tell you that your character story is wrong.) Thank you so much for your continued patience and support and we look forward to post-overhaul and bringing you new content for years to come!

  • Date Posted: 2020-07-15
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Celestial Equine: July Updates!

July Updates!

Good Afternoon, CE players!

I hope you all have been thoroughly enjoying our recent releases! Today we are providing updates around developmental progress, new feature releases, bug updates, and new Cash Shop breeds.

First off - we would like to address our recent bug fixes. After fiddling with our pesky mane/tail bug for nearly a year, we have finally solved our issue regarding registering matching mane and tails! If you have previously registered a breed that seemed to be missing some of it¢¢¬¢¢s parts, feel free to go back and modify your breed entry now. All parts will be available for registration.

Next up - we are working very hard to identify and correct any instance of disabled items (specifically player items) being released through game scripts. We initially thought this was happening through sprite drops, but it appears the leak could be stemming from the welcome packs given to brand-new accounts. I will provide further updates within the next 2-3 days around this issue - but I believe we have figured out where it is coming from. Thank you to those of you who helped investigate and find a pattern!

Onto the fun stuff! After being slammed with back to back holiday weekends, our dev is finally getting back on track to finish up our next set of bug releases and feature tweaks! Here is a quick reminder of what is to come (hopefully by Tuesday):

- Add approved creators to private breeds (players who own private breeds can approve/deny players who have requested permission to create their breeds). Players can charge coins, gems, or have zero fee.
- Quest rollover bug (players being reset to level 0)
- Foal ownership bug (Whoever pays the breeding fee should get the foal)
- Disabled item bug

Though these items seem small, these are very important additions/fixes to ensure a bug-free game! After this set is complete, we will push our Item Book and Gene Book into development.

We will also be combing through the player suggestion area starting this week to grab more highly desired suggestions! Please be aware the forums should be where all official suggestions are made so we can see all player input. We love the Discord, but suggestions tend to get flooded out very quickly.

Next up, we have some beautiful additions to the Cash Shop! Sea Witch wearables (so much GOLD!) and a handful of new genes have been added to the item area. In addition to items, we have also added two new special breeds! We have two more water-themed releases scheduled for this month, so be sure to check back for more updates.

Lastly, we have released chapter 9 of our Celestial Lore! Check it out here.

Thank you all for reading! Check back soon for more updates.


Celestial Equine: July Updates!

July Updates!

Good Afternoon, CE players!

I hope you all have been thoroughly enjoying our recent releases! Today we are providing updates around developmental progress, new feature releases, bug updates, and new Cash Shop breeds.

First off - we would like to address our recent bug fixes. After fiddling with our pesky mane/tail bug for nearly a year, we have finally solved our issue regarding registering matching mane and tails! If you have previously registered a breed that seemed to be missing some of it¢¢¬¢¢s parts, feel free to go back and modify your breed entry now. All parts will be available for registration.

Next up - we are working very hard to identify and correct any instance of disabled items (specifically player items) being released through game scripts. We initially thought this was happening through sprite drops, but it appears the leak could be stemming from the welcome packs given to brand-new accounts. I will provide further updates within the next 2-3 days around this issue - but I believe we have figured out where it is coming from. Thank you to those of you who helped investigate and find a pattern!

Onto the fun stuff! After being slammed with back to back holiday weekends, our dev is finally getting back on track to finish up our next set of bug releases and feature tweaks! Here is a quick reminder of what is to come (hopefully by Tuesday):

- Add approved creators to private breeds (players who own private breeds can approve/deny players who have requested permission to create their breeds). Players can charge coins, gems, or have zero fee.
- Quest rollover bug (players being reset to level 0)
- Foal ownership bug (Whoever pays the breeding fee should get the foal)
- Disabled item bug

Though these items seem small, these are very important additions/fixes to ensure a bug-free game! After this set is complete, we will push our Item Book and Gene Book into development.

We will also be combing through the player suggestion area starting this week to grab more highly desired suggestions! Please be aware the forums should be where all official suggestions are made so we can see all player input. We love the Discord, but suggestions tend to get flooded out very quickly.

Next up, we have some beautiful additions to the Cash Shop! Sea Witch wearables (so much GOLD!) and a handful of new genes have been added to the item area. In addition to items, we have also added two new special breeds! We have two more water-themed releases scheduled for this month, so be sure to check back for more updates.

Lastly, we have released chapter 9 of our Celestial Lore! Check it out here.

Thank you all for reading! Check back soon for more updates.


Solpets: We are 9 years old!

Today is the day you will be able to get a free gift in the "gift area". The link is located in your inventory.

We also have a new birthday layout available for all users!

Happy Birthday to us!

Solpets: It's July!

We are having a sale starting now to July 7th in honor of our birthday on July 4th.

New users that sign up during this time will get 200 sCoins and 10,000 sPoints to start with for free.

We will also have sCoins and premium memberships on sale. For sCoins they can be bought at the bank. We currently use Paypal for all our transactions.

On July 4th (and only July 4th - and your birthday), you will be able to get a free gift in the "gift area". The link is located in your inventory.

Lythbound: July 1, 2020

Featured Lythian This month's Featured Lythian is...

LA3 Foam
Owned by: LilMissLillie

Gifting Gacha Increased Rates Items with increased rates in this month's Gifting Gacha are:

Mush Cap
Thin Petals

Lythbound: July 1, 2020

Featured Lythian This month's Featured Lythian is...

LA3 Foam
Owned by: LilMissLillie

Gifting Gacha Increased Rates Items with increased rates in this month's Gifting Gacha are:

Mush Cap
Thin Petals
  • Date Posted: 2020-07-01
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides


The tide on the western coast rises¢¦ why and what is causing it?

Welcome to Realm of Lyth¢s month-long aquatic-themed event: Turn the Tides!
Follow the storyline via 4 week-long event prompts, and help determine the future of Lyth as we know it. Participate in extra activities, and collect new items to unlock additions for your Lythians that are more fitting for the increased water level.


Earn rewards by following the storyline and completing prompts each week. You may complete all of the prompts up until the event ends, but story updates and prompts will only be released once per week.


Each week will have its own rewards, with additional rewards for completing prompts from all 4 weeks. To see more information including guidelines and rewards, visit the storyline page from the event hub.

Design Advent Calendar

To celebrate the event and the month of MerMay, a series of 8 special aquatic-themed designs made by various designers will be released throughout the month.


Previews and more information are available here.

Bottled Messages

Sift through the rising water to find messages and other items from the now-underwater cities of the western coast.


Throughout the event, you can collect a prize once per day by visiting the Bottled Messages page. You may even find some ingredients to make yourself a Water Form Potion for more than one of your Lythians¢¦


With this event comes the live release of crafting! Crafting is a feature in which you may combine your ingredient items to create new items.


You must first discover recipes before you can actually create them. To discover new recipes, use your items on the discover page to attempt to find a recipe. Neither a failed nor successful attempt will take the ingredients from your inventory, however you can only make 3 attempts per day.

Once you have found a recipe, you can craft the item using your ingredients from the main crafting page. Actually crafting a recipe will use up the ingredients in exchange for a new item, so be sure you want to make the new item!

If you find a recipe, feel free to share the combination of ingredients with others!

Free Raffle

And last, but not least, we are holding a free raffle with Lythian design, companion, and item prizes. To gain entries to the raffle, you must advertise Lyth and/or the Turn the Tides event on various social media websites.

You may gain up to 4 entries for the raffle by advertising in various places! To report your entries to us, please us this Google Form, and view all raffle guidelines on this page.

Good luck out there, navigators! Something approaches and it is up to you to help the citizens of Lyth. Remember: your choices have a larger effect on the world around you than you may realize.

Lythbound: [EVENT] Turn the Tides


The tide on the western coast rises¢¦ why and what is causing it?

Welcome to Realm of Lyth¢s month-long aquatic-themed event: Turn the Tides!
Follow the storyline via 4 week-long event prompts, and help determine the future of Lyth as we know it. Participate in extra activities, and collect new items to unlock additions for your Lythians that are more fitting for the increased water level.


Earn rewards by following the storyline and completing prompts each week. You may complete all of the prompts up until the event ends, but story updates and prompts will only be released once per week.


Each week will have its own rewards, with additional rewards for completing prompts from all 4 weeks. To see more information including guidelines and rewards, visit the storyline page from the event hub.

Design Advent Calendar

To celebrate the event and the month of MerMay, a series of 8 special aquatic-themed designs made by various designers will be released throughout the month.


Previews and more information are available here.

Bottled Messages

Sift through the rising water to find messages and other items from the now-underwater cities of the western coast.


Throughout the event, you can collect a prize once per day by visiting the Bottled Messages page. You may even find some ingredients to make yourself a Water Form Potion for more than one of your Lythians¢¦


With this event comes the live release of crafting! Crafting is a feature in which you may combine your ingredient items to create new items.


You must first discover recipes before you can actually create them. To discover new recipes, use your items on the discover page to attempt to find a recipe. Neither a failed nor successful attempt will take the ingredients from your inventory, however you can only make 3 attempts per day.

Once you have found a recipe, you can craft the item using your ingredients from the main crafting page. Actually crafting a recipe will use up the ingredients in exchange for a new item, so be sure you want to make the new item!

If you find a recipe, feel free to share the combination of ingredients with others!

Free Raffle

And last, but not least, we are holding a free raffle with Lythian design, companion, and item prizes. To gain entries to the raffle, you must advertise Lyth and/or the Turn the Tides event on various social media websites.

You may gain up to 4 entries for the raffle by advertising in various places! To report your entries to us, please us this Google Form, and view all raffle guidelines on this page.

Good luck out there, navigators! Something approaches and it is up to you to help the citizens of Lyth. Remember: your choices have a larger effect on the world around you than you may realize.

  • Date Posted: 2020-06-30
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

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