Latest News

Wajas: Bonus Barn

Winter Dew Warmth Wallpaper is in the Bonus Barn! I'm glad to hear a lot of you guys are enjoying these wallpapers! I will definitely make more :D ~ Much love, Estu

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to Tim on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Kitty

Powerpets: Most Caring People!

Congratulations to the following people for handing out the most treats and toys this month:
First Place: Cindermella
Second Place: huameifan

If you want to win, hand out as many treats and toys to other pets as you can! The next draw will be on the 15th of next month.

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
As of the beginning of 2021, how long have you been playing PowerPets?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Wajas: Leaf Exchange

Ive added 3 wallpapers into the Leaf Exchange for Jan... So sorry it's terribly late. These are a little different than our usual wallpapers so look at them in the demo before you buy. I didnt have my tablet so I decided to challenge myself with the computer mouse and using no layers. So they arent as detailed as you would usually see on Wajas but the colors are fun... and I had a lot of fun making them @____@ Hopefully you guys like them! Still gotta get something made for the bonus barn. New update to come ~

Wajas: Hoot, hoot, hoooooot!

Hooting can be heard as you near They are here! The hoots have arrived at our Etsy shop! For those that don't know, on site, hoots are the viewing prize for watching our Youtube lives. You can view what hoots we have available for our Youtube viewing prizes by going to this post . Estu took the hoots concept, and transformed them into something you can carry with you in real life! The hoots are made from Polymer Clay. While they do have keychains, please be aware that they are still able to be broke, so if you're not gentle on your keys, we don't recommend using them there. If there's enough interest in these, Estu hopes to get a mold made for future resin keychains which can hold up to a bit of abuse. So if you miss out on these, don't hesitate to let us know if you're interested in seeing more hoots! Click for our Etsy!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: And the present for your opponent: PAIN.
The answer was: New Years Gift Staff.

11 out of 13 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: Selene33

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 7453
Congratulations to the following player for winning the $348155 PB Jackpot


If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Powerpets: Snowscape Daily Winner

While taking a relaxing sleigh ride through the fresh fallen snow, admiring winters wonderland, we came to a sudden halt!
Our eyes opened wide, dancing in delight, we snuck between trees, to have a closer look.
It was a magical snowscape created by horsegalhs. Making this player todays snowscape winner!

CONGRATS! This player has won a FESTIVE TROPHY for their profile and a FREE ACCOUNT UPGRADE!

Sign up here for your chance to win tomorrow!

Pocket Puma Pets: Happy Mid Winterfest! - bonus items

At popular request, I've added a few more hat, scarf, and mitten items into our shop Pumani Activewear.


Go get 'em! :D

Celestial Equine: New year, New CE!

New year, New CE!

Good evening, CE players!

We have a ton of fun new updates to share with everyone as we jump headfirst into 2021! This news post will cover new genetic releases, new items, game updates, and a rough development plan for the first quarter of the year. We are so excited to share some fun ideas with you!

Banner Update
As you all may have noticed, we have released a brand-new beautiful banner for everyone to enjoy! Big thank you to our site artist, Ellastasia, for her wonderful contribution to the site!

Abreem Breed Build
Our January gene and wearable spotlight is the Plains World! For those of you who did not see our latest update, we have began improving/building upon our fantastic CE original breeds. This month, The Abreem received a beautiful new horn set, new feathering, new mane/tail, and (2) new white markings. You can create this beautiful breed by navigating to the Horse Creation area from the exploration map and selecting the Plains Origin World!

In addition to the Abreem genes, we have also released additional colors to the Magic Shop. These new genes will be available on the Abreem year-round, but the recolors available in the Magic Shop will only stock during the month of January. Stock up while you can!

Market Releases
The Celestial Market and Armory has also been stocked with brand-new wearables to collect! These wearables include new armor, battle banners featuring the CE logo, and some neat "traveler" style outfits to mix and match. All releases follow our January "Plains" color theme. These new items will be available for the month of January in the market shops!

Cash Shop Releases
Lastly, the Cash Shop has been restocked with a fresh set of genes to collect along with a new Cash Shop Breed auction! We have added a handful on new Spotlight Packages for those of you who love to grab complete sets of genes along with individual options to pick and choose from. Check out these releases from the Cash Shop drop down on your navigation bar!

Development Update
Onto Development! We have big plans for January, February, and March. To kick off January with a bang, we are preparing to make a move to a rebuilt server to address speed and resource concerns. This move also includes code upgrades and other quality control measures. We expect to make this move this coming Sunday, which will result in a few hours of downtime. We will give plenty of reminders between now and Sunday, but plan on CE being unavailable for a bit this weekend.

In addition to the server move, we have the following planned for Q1
- Overlay tutorial for new members + tutorial segments on main feature pages
- Elder Quest upgrade (integration of lore and enhanced prizes)
- Beauty Contest Top Score Spotlight (on top score page + Beauty Contest page)
- Tool Tip hover for Celestial Exploration map
- Private breed registry enhancements (breeding limitations set by breed owner)

Bug monitoring will continue while we work on these new features + tweaks!

Staff Opportunities

We are looking for 1-2 moderators to join the CE staff team! Moderators assist with monitoring the forums + discord, participate in feature testing, and also assist with administrative tasks such as uploading genes and/or creating items for monthly releases. Applicants should be in good standing with current staff and also have a neutral reputation on the game to ensure moderation continues to be fair/non-bias.

Moderators are rewarded with in-game perks such as a free upgraded account, 2-3 free Cash Shop items per month, and early access to new features. To apply, simply email us at [email protected] with the following completed form!

CURRENT CE ACTIVITY TIME: (how often you are online, etc)
WHAT AREAS ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?: (writing, creativity, organization, etc)

Writing Assistant
In addition to moderators, we are looking for 1 writing assistant to help complete the overlay tutorial. Applicants should have a thorough understanding of the game! The selected applicant will be compensated with free in-game perks (to be discussed privately).

To apply, simply email us at [email protected] with the following completed form:

Playername and id:
Previous writing experience:
Length of time active on CE:
Snippet example of informative writing:

That wraps up our news post! Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


Celestial Equine: New year, New CE!

New year, New CE!

Good evening, CE players!

We have a ton of fun new updates to share with everyone as we jump headfirst into 2021! This news post will cover new genetic releases, new items, game updates, and a rough development plan for the first quarter of the year. We are so excited to share some fun ideas with you!

Banner Update
As you all may have noticed, we have released a brand-new beautiful banner for everyone to enjoy! Big thank you to our site artist, Ellastasia, for her wonderful contribution to the site!

Abreem Breed Build
Our January gene and wearable spotlight is the Plains World! For those of you who did not see our latest update, we have began improving/building upon our fantastic CE original breeds. This month, The Abreem received a beautiful new horn set, new feathering, new mane/tail, and (2) new white markings. You can create this beautiful breed by navigating to the Horse Creation area from the exploration map and selecting the Plains Origin World!

In addition to the Abreem genes, we have also released additional colors to the Magic Shop. These new genes will be available on the Abreem year-round, but the recolors available in the Magic Shop will only stock during the month of January. Stock up while you can!

Market Releases
The Celestial Market and Armory has also been stocked with brand-new wearables to collect! These wearables include new armor, battle banners featuring the CE logo, and some neat "traveler" style outfits to mix and match. All releases follow our January "Plains" color theme. These new items will be available for the month of January in the market shops!

Cash Shop Releases
Lastly, the Cash Shop has been restocked with a fresh set of genes to collect along with a new Cash Shop Breed auction! We have added a handful on new Spotlight Packages for those of you who love to grab complete sets of genes along with individual options to pick and choose from. Check out these releases from the Cash Shop drop down on your navigation bar!

Development Update
Onto Development! We have big plans for January, February, and March. To kick off January with a bang, we are preparing to make a move to a rebuilt server to address speed and resource concerns. This move also includes code upgrades and other quality control measures. We expect to make this move this coming Sunday, which will result in a few hours of downtime. We will give plenty of reminders between now and Sunday, but plan on CE being unavailable for a bit this weekend.

In addition to the server move, we have the following planned for Q1
- Overlay tutorial for new members + tutorial segments on main feature pages
- Elder Quest upgrade (integration of lore and enhanced prizes)
- Beauty Contest Top Score Spotlight (on top score page + Beauty Contest page)
- Tool Tip hover for Celestial Exploration map
- Private breed registry enhancements (breeding limitations set by breed owner)

Bug monitoring will continue while we work on these new features + tweaks!

Staff Opportunities

We are looking for 1-2 moderators to join the CE staff team! Moderators assist with monitoring the forums + discord, participate in feature testing, and also assist with administrative tasks such as uploading genes and/or creating items for monthly releases. Applicants should be in good standing with current staff and also have a neutral reputation on the game to ensure moderation continues to be fair/non-bias.

Moderators are rewarded with in-game perks such as a free upgraded account, 2-3 free Cash Shop items per month, and early access to new features. To apply, simply email us at [email protected] with the following completed form!

CURRENT CE ACTIVITY TIME: (how often you are online, etc)
WHAT AREAS ARE YOUR STRENGTHS?: (writing, creativity, organization, etc)

Writing Assistant
In addition to moderators, we are looking for 1 writing assistant to help complete the overlay tutorial. Applicants should have a thorough understanding of the game! The selected applicant will be compensated with free in-game perks (to be discussed privately).

To apply, simply email us at [email protected] with the following completed form:

Playername and id:
Previous writing experience:
Length of time active on CE:
Snippet example of informative writing:

That wraps up our news post! Thank you for reading and happy gaming!


Pocket Puma Pets: Prism Scarab and Paradigm Release

Lots of fun new things!

First we have some new scarabs..

¢¢ Raspberry Mocha Prism Scarab
Found through [ Hydracat's Quests ]

¢¢ Violet Reverie Prism Scarab
Found through [ Kazoo's Quests ]

¢¢ Wintergreen Prism Scarab
Traded at [ Festivia's Exchange ] for 10 Lemon Snow Cones!

We also have TONS of new Paradigms!

Once again it is just too many to list them all, but here are some that I personally love!

¢¢ Bubbles - Pink
¢¢ Splice - Sweet
¢¢ Fluoresce - Strength
¢¢ Picot - Seafoam
¢¢ Raceme - Rainbow


I have been sneaking them in periodically so you may want to review them all here: [ Paradigm List ]

There are over 70 new ones (again!) since the last time I posted a big batch!

Thank you Flooffy #10399 for all your hard work! :)


  • Date Posted: 2021-01-13
  • Posted By: Quadricat
  • Link: Original Post

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