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Wajas: [Activity Event] Party Favors!

15 Year Activity Event July 1st through July 31st disclaimer: This is not a traditional event where you find openables randomly as you explore the site. This event requires you to be on for a certain period of time before it activates. Please read this in full. 1. You must be active for an hour for a party favor to appear. The time adds up, it will let you know how far along you are if you check your Linked Accounts page. 2. Once you've been logged in for an hour, you have a chance for your next page refresh to contain a favor. This means, it may take a few new pages to trigger the favor. 3. If you've been on for an hour, and you trigger the favor, immediately hit the "SWITCH ACCOUNT" button on the left side of the site. That hour can net you a reward on your side account too! Same rules above applies. 4. You can receive up to three favors a day per account. That means you need three hours total playtime to receive your max. 5. Th

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to Katso for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
138183.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Powerpets: Beachscape Issues

Please note that we are still working on converting beachscapes from flash. We're hoping to have this all up and going for you by the end of the weekend. Until then, please be patient, we will post an update when all is good to go.

Thank you!

Powerpets: New Mayors for July!

Here are your new mayors for July!

Labrador City - SweetCharChar
Kuvasz City - michelle2244
Pony City - -Twixy-
Collie City - Dragonflower
Sheepdog City - TiquiOBrat
Dolphin City - RedMist
Wolfox City - steenbokker
Eagle City - fifercats
Gecko City - fulpgirls
Polar City - delight
Somali City - petpet321

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: rhondajohnson

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 5358

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Neopets: 1st July

  • ALTADOR CUP NEWS: Heads up Neopians, the last week of the Altador Cup has now begun! How has your team been doing this year? Whether they are ahead of the curve this year or lagging behind the competition, be sure to swing by the Altador Colosseum to play a few more games and support your team before the last round ends!

  • The Petpet Protection League is back for another weekly surprise as we announce our winner for Week 811 - Aroota!


Pocket Puma Pets: Reminder!

Summer fest ends tonight at midnight puma time! grab the items you want ASAP!

  • Date Posted: 2021-06-30
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Eqcetera: Show Payout, Breeding Clinic, & Coming Soon!

Greetings everyone and happy weekend! We have an update for you today.


°¸ Show Payout Change

Show payout for discipline shows has been adjusted to give more EQD across all placements.  Higher tier and higher discipline rank means winners will earn more EQD for winning but a higher percent of horses will break even or lose EQD.  Ex. Tier 1 Universal will have fewer horses winning EQD than Tier 1 Foundation.  Other adjustments have been made to help boost EQD payout in discipline showing for those who have foundation or local horses at low tiers.  This means foundation and local horses starting out in discipline shows have more leniency when showing. 


°¯ Show Point Reward Tweak

If there are less than 10 entries in a discipline show, it will now reward based on placement rather than percentile. This means that if you score 3rd out of 4 horses, you will earn the same as if you scored 3rd out of 10 horses. Hopefully, this helps horses in smaller shows level a bit faster.


° Show Results

Show results on the show page are now split by tier.


°° Breeding Clinic Prices

Breeding Clinic retrieval prices have been adjusted to better reflect the current economy. 


°£¯¸ Shout Length

A shout length limit of 125 characters has been added to reduce the occurrence of lots of top text.


° Bug Fixes

  • Entry fee input for show creation has been removed.

  • Feed storage prices have been adjusted to reflect the $3 for feed and $1 for water.

  • Horses can now enter secondary disciplines from their page.

  • Stars for training certifications and halter shows should now show up.

  • Sable Cream and amber Cream color names in the generator now displ for the correct genes.

  • Age has been added to the CSV export on the Herd Management page.

  • We¢re monitoring a few ongoing bugs and will report back with fixes soon!


°® Coming Soon

Championship Shows

To keep discipline shows interesting, we will be implementing monthly championship shows. They will run on the 25th of each month and will require a specific number of discipline points to enter that must be earned during that month. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be significantly more to entice you to enter.


Hall of Fame Changes

We will be splitting up horses into discipline, halter, and career sections so you can better keep track of how your horses are doing.


Discipline Tiers

Higher discipline tiers will soon receive benefits. More info coming soon!


As mentioned in the last few news posts, we are working on a ton of things behind the scenes. We¢re not yet ready to reveal our plans yet - just know that they¢re exciting and HUGE! We will start giving some hints soon. °



Bed & Curly

Eqcetera: Show Payout, Breeding Clinic, & Coming Soon!

Greetings everyone and happy weekend! We have an update for you today.


°¸ Show Payout Change

Show payout for discipline shows has been adjusted to give more EQD across all placements.  Higher tier and higher discipline rank means winners will earn more EQD for winning but a higher percent of horses will break even or lose EQD.  Ex. Tier 1 Universal will have fewer horses winning EQD than Tier 1 Foundation.  Other adjustments have been made to help boost EQD payout in discipline showing for those who have foundation or local horses at low tiers.  This means foundation and local horses starting out in discipline shows have more leniency when showing. 


°¯ Show Point Reward Tweak

If there are less than 10 entries in a discipline show, it will now reward based on placement rather than percentile. This means that if you score 3rd out of 4 horses, you will earn the same as if you scored 3rd out of 10 horses. Hopefully, this helps horses in smaller shows level a bit faster.


° Show Results

Show results on the show page are now split by tier.


°° Breeding Clinic Prices

Breeding Clinic retrieval prices have been adjusted to better reflect the current economy. 


°£¯¸ Shout Length

A shout length limit of 125 characters has been added to reduce the occurrence of lots of top text.


° Bug Fixes

  • Entry fee input for show creation has been removed.

  • Feed storage prices have been adjusted to reflect the $3 for feed and $1 for water.

  • Horses can now enter secondary disciplines from their page.

  • Stars for training certifications and halter shows should now show up.

  • Sable Cream and amber Cream color names in the generator now displ for the correct genes.

  • Age has been added to the CSV export on the Herd Management page.

  • We¢re monitoring a few ongoing bugs and will report back with fixes soon!


°® Coming Soon

Championship Shows

To keep discipline shows interesting, we will be implementing monthly championship shows. They will run on the 25th of each month and will require a specific number of discipline points to enter that must be earned during that month. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be significantly more to entice you to enter.


Hall of Fame Changes

We will be splitting up horses into discipline, halter, and career sections so you can better keep track of how your horses are doing.


Discipline Tiers

Higher discipline tiers will soon receive benefits. More info coming soon!


As mentioned in the last few news posts, we are working on a ton of things behind the scenes. We¢re not yet ready to reveal our plans yet - just know that they¢re exciting and HUGE! We will start giving some hints soon. °



Bed & Curly

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to raptor, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 52,000 iP and the item prize was Cactus Plushie!

This week's item prize will be Magical Orange Flarix Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: Last day of the month

Today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow is July 1st and we have some continued fun in store for you. We first want to thank you to all who made our 19th year anniversary an exciting time for all, and this year, the party continues through the summer!


With the ending of the month, it means some of our fun events will go away until next June. Today is the last day to participate in Pop a Balloon. We hope you enjoyed the freebies. Because there were so many, we will be hiding some of them in the Dunes.

Every day in July and August we will have a Player of the Day event. All you need to do is play the site and if your name pops up in our database you will receive a ONE month free membership.

Now let's make way for some more freebies! Dune Diggers is returning! For two months (July and August) you can visit Randy and his dunes for a free item. There are many new items this year so it's a good thing it runs for two months.

Beachscapes is returning! As of tomorrow, July 1st, you will be able to start creating your own beachscape. On July 5th you can submit your creation by signing up on the small updates that d4rk_saga will be posting daily. Have fun being creative and we hope you win a trophy and a one month free membership!


If you live in a PF Town and you have not yet voted for your mayor, today is the last day to do so.

On the 1st of each month, we will be selecting the Stuffy of the Month contest winners. For every 100 credits purchased in the Upgrade Center, a ticket will be entered in the random draw.

The Eurobank section of the Banking Center will be handing out its interest tonight. If you want to be eligible for July interest rates, you need to deposit your money now and make sure you log in at least once during the month.

On the 9th of each month the staff will be hosting a 500,000 Dicey Mice Staff Challenge during the day and evening. If you can beat the staff in a challenge, you will win a prize. One prize per player, so once you have one, please don't challenge another staff member.


On the 17th of each month we will be holding our monthly FREE BINGO day. As a thank you to everyone for playing Powerpets, everyone will be receiving 6 free tickets for every game. Come on out and play a few games and try your luck at winning some jackpots!


On the 20th of each month we will be hosting a 250,000 Mini Bubbles Staff Challenge during the day and evening. If you can beat the staff in a challenge, you will win a prize. One prize per player. Again, once you have one, please don't challenge another staff member.

On the 25th of each month we will be holding our Monthly Scavenger Hunt. Get those thinking caps on and try your luck at winning an investigator stuffy.

Make sure you always check the event calendar to find out what events are planned for that day. Make sure to keep an eye on the Storyline as the plot will continue throughout the summer. We are all looking forward to see what will happen next to Trunks.

We hope you have a great July and we sure are glad Covid is almost under control after more than a year. Stay healthy and safe.

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26650_112316039.png?noThis week, the award goes to Deidre, who loves naps curling up with a stuffy! -- (read the blog to find out more)

For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner jamileigh17 a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zoneand ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Neopets: 30th June

  • MERCH NEWS: Neopets wants to work with you! Interested in making Neopets merchandise designs? Reach out to us at [email protected] to apply for the Community Artists Program! All selected Community Artists will receive credit for their work on the store page as well as payment for use.

  • Don't forget to congratulate fellow Neopian, mellody_sou_10, for winning User Lookup of the Week with their Lost Desert- inspired lookup page.

  • The Gallery Spotlight has been updated. Don't miss out on seeing the winning selection, titled "Ice Cavern Armoury" which is owned by spiritymoon!

  • The Art Gallery has been updated with a wonderful array of Acara Aquatic Festival themed submissions to get you through the week. Check them out!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught barbchin for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Use the "Contact" link for more information