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Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
How many different Pirate Shop Trunks stuffies have you bought?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Flight Rising: Drakeharvest 2021


Autumn has returned to the continent and dragons everywhere are reaping the benefits of a bountiful harvest season! Drakeharvest runs from September 9-13!

Drakeharvest 45.png
Drakeharvest, Flight Rising's plant-themed "micro-holiday", is in full swing! From Thursday, September 9th (06:00 Server Time) to Monday, September 13th (06:00 Server Time), all players will experience a couple of battle-related boosts!

Bountiful Battles

For the duration of Drakeharvest, all enemies will have a chance to drop
Heavy Grainbasket or Horn of Plenty in addition to their regular loot
. Other site activities such as gathering, breeding, bonding, brewing, and visiting some of the trading post dragons will also yield a chance at the harvest! Dragon clans everywhere are taking this time to stock up on fruits, veggies, fungi, seeds, flowers, and grains to prepare for the cold winter months.

Heavy Grainbasket - PlantHorn of Plenty - Plant

Battle EXP Boost

During the event, all battles will yield 50% additional EXP, so now is a perfect time for dragons to train. Grab your newest team and head out into battle!

Plant-Pinching Pests

The prosperous harvest season doesn't come without its drawbacks. A common thieving species of crab has taken to the fields and foodstores in droves to make off with as much as they can carry! For the duration of Drakeharvest, Harvest Hardshell and Plantation Pincher familiars will drop fairly commonly in the Coliseum. Once the harvest has concluded, they'll go back into hiding, but may run into one or two while foraging.

This year we have a new scene that has a chance to drop in the coliseum and many other site-related activities.

Harvest Hardshell - FamiliarPlantation Pincher - FamiliarScene: Drakeharvest  - Scene

Starfall Celebration Skin & Accent Contest 1.png

The ninth annual Starfall Celebration will begin September 26th, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!


Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Read all about the Ichu, the first Ichumon.
The answer was: Ichu Book.

11 out of 12 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: Diosa

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 4881

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Powerpets: A Pirate's Trunks

Now that you've all been participating in the plot for a while, you're probably wondering what to do with all those plot points you've collected.

Great news! The Pirate Shop has made 9 (nine) new Trunks Stuffies available! Let's see if you can collect them all.


Pocket Puma Pets: Last day of Luau!

Get what you can now.

TE sale ends about midnight puma time.

  • Date Posted: 2021-09-08
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: Some Cuddly New Toys!

Origami Ducky Chubee Plush

As summer reaches its end and autumn starts to set in, your Pets may be spending a bit more time indoors. Fortunately, they don't have to worry about cabin fever, because we're releasing two brand new toys to keep them entertained!

The Origami Ducky, funded by @Silvy, is perfect for Pets with a bit of an artsy side. Or if they're looking for something to cuddle with during the cold Terrafrostian nights, the Chubee Plush, funded by @IcePrincess, might be more up their alley.

You can find the Origami Ducky at the Toy Trunk, or if you're lucky, as a reward from the Plushie Quest. Stock up on a few extras, because the Space Quest will be asking for them next week!

In addition, the Chubee Plushie can be found at the Plushie Palace, or rewarded to a dedicated Book Quest. And a week from today, Samuel may request it for his Plushie Quest!

Sensipets: Slithering in to Science with Serpens!


Today as part of Serpens week we took a trip to Bonnie B labs and chatted with Tommi and Cy about their research into our winged friend. We were able to procure a page out of Tommi¢s research logs and wanted to share it with you. 

¢The Serpens is both fiercely intelligent and insightful. They are often seen as cold or standoffish but this stems from their uncanny ability to sense when they are being tricked. Winning over a Serpens is no easy feat but once you have their loyalty is unmatched. Serpens are often seen off to the side observing their surroundings as opposed to diving in headfirst. Cy is currently working on forming a bond with a newly created Serpens. They have reported ¢It won¢t let me feed it chips.¢ and ¢It keeps flying away when I try to hug it.¢ Needless to say, their progress has been slow. We have noticed that the patterns on Serpens slowly change over time and I am working on an experiment to see how diet and mood effect these changes. Aegis truly is a fascinating island and I am aflutter with excitement to learn all I can from these people and their pets.¢ 

What do you think of the Serpens new look? Ssssss-spectacular? Sssssss-stupendous? Ssssss-shiny? Let us know! 

Reminder the fan art contest for the Serpens ends this Sunday at 8PM EST. The winner will receive 1000 tickets and my eternal respect. Can¢t wait to see what you SensiFolks create! 

Shoutout to @ArtsyAxolotl for their amazing job on the Serpens glow up! 

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to Trafalgar_Law, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 38,500 iP and the item prize was Magical White Arro Mirror Shard!

This week's item prize will be Magical Sprout Ignomi Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: 500k Staff Dicey Challenge

Tomorrow (September 9th) we will be holding our monthly 500k Dicey Challenge. Each challenge will be 500k and if you are lucky enough to beat a staff member, you will also receive a vault code for a Dicey Pigeon Stuffy on Friday.

In order to allow everyone a chance to win a stuffy, we are asking players that if you have already won a stuffy, please don't challenge staff again. Your co-operation is much appreciated.

Good luck!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

759_0.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Shakira, who is a strong soul and overcome alot! -- (read the blog to find out more)

For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner Diana a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Wajas: Good Morning Flash Game!

Wajas NPC Theme Song Ends on 9/7 @ 1:30 PM Eastern / Wajas Time Every good NPC needs a theme song! Pick a Wajas NPC (if you don't know our NPC's or anything about them, worry not, visit the EXPLORE - - LIBRARY - - NPCs and you can get to know our NPCs), and then write up a quick ditty. Keep the song under 250 words. - - Include your ID or you will NOT be qualified to win. - - Your song must be PG-13. - - Your song must be no more than 250 words. - - It must also be very clear which NPC it's about. If your song is on the vague end, just list at the start which NPC you're writing about. - - Really look at the Library entry for each NPC. Staff will be picking favorites for this one, there is no random winners, so show effort in your writing. Make it clear you researched your NPC subject and tried to include things about them. Prizes: Staff will big a handful or two of favorites to receive: 3 CWP + Choice of Non-Seasonal Doodlecorn or x5 of any ONE c

Wajas: New Auction Feature

If you were the highest bidder on an auction you might have been frustrated by not being able to raise your bid, especially at the last minute to prevent being sniped. We've heard you and have changed it high bidders can now make a higher bid. Because you're technically outbidding yourself, you'll need to have the funds for your new bid over and above what your previous bid (just like any other player making a bid), but of course as soon as your new bid is accepted your previous bid will be returned to you. This is a small change, and staff has tested it over the past week, but being a new feature if you run into anything unexpected please file a Mod Box report about it . Happy auctioning!

Use the "Contact" link for more information