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Eqcetera: Art Update - Light Drafts!

Happy weekend everyone!


°´ New Base: Light Draft



The Light Draft crossbreed base is here and marks the completion of all generic cross types having art! Any horses that are considered a generic light draft breed now display the new art. More info on generic crossbreeds can be viewed here.


Forever Upgrades

We have many artists continuing to work away at NPCs, maps (oooo!), towns (ooOoO!), and many other secrets. So, to help pay for more art we have decided to open up forever upgrades for sale. Forever upgrades are on sale until September 20th at 11:59 PM EST/game time. Buying a forever upgrade means you will be able to enjoy the perks for your upgrade tier well¢¦ forever! Forever upgrades are available for bronze, gold, and platinum upgrades. If you purchase a bronze or gold infinite upgrade and later wish to upgrade to a higher tier, you may do so by paying the ingot difference between the tiers. Ex. The bronze tier is 15,000 ingots and gold 20,000. If you wish to later upgrade from your bronze infinite upgrade to gold, the cost would be 5,000 ingots.


¢¯¸ HoFa Updates

As a reminder, Horse Fable updates will not be posted to Eqcetera. Instead, they can be accessed through 2 channels: HoFa socials or by signing up for updates on , we suggest both following socials and signing up for emails. Our goal between now and when we launch HoFa is to really concentrate on building the social media channels and increase awareness about HoFa in general. 


We¢re planning email updates biweekly or weekly until launch with sneak peeks into some sparkly new features. 

[ Facebook ]      [Instagram ]     [Twitter]

Sign up for email updates at


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



Bedouin and Curly

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to Trafalgar_Law, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 34,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Black Lepardos Mirror Shard!

This week's item prize will be Vial Of Demon Blood! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Wajas: Arctic Tokens

Change is coming... First day of fall is here, which means.... Arctic tokens are in! Which also means, Forest Tokens are on their way out... 5 of each in stock, when they run out they're out until Spring. Goodbye our floral-y friends! See you next year.

Wajas: New Feature: Forum Search

A much requested feature is finally live: you can now search forum thread titles. This should make it easier to see if someone has already posted about a subject. [site-image id="80"] Using it is pretty straightforward: enter the word or words you want ot search for and click the button. If you want to search for a specific phrase, enclose it in double quotes: "Pup Predictor". Search is not case sensitive, so you can search for Pup, pup pUP or PUP and get the same results. Short common words (like a, an and the) are ignored. If I recall, it only indexes words that are three or more characters long. We really wanted to open it up to search individual posts as well as titles, but searching for posts often dragged down the server for many seconds and slowed things down for everybody. We landed on title search as a useful compromise and we hope you find it useful. Enjoy!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26980_120761190.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Dougal, who likes to line up his toys in a neat row! -- (read the blog to find out more)

For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner PowerPrincess91 a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Pocket Puma Pets: Update

Our birthday celebration ends midnight the 22nd of September. Make sure you grab what you want ASAP!

EDIT: Due to more shameless pleading and much crying and gnashing of teeth..
Birthday has been extended until Sunday September 26th . The festival will end at midnight 11:59PM.

Edited: 09-22-2021 02:38 pm

  • Date Posted: 2021-09-21
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Pocket Puma Pets: P3 Update Testing

We are opening up testing to all P3 users today!

If you would like to help test our upcoming back-end update please join us here:

Testing Server:

Testing Discord:

You can read more about what this update is, what has changed, and what are are doing in this news post: [ Click Here ]

  • Date Posted: 2021-09-21
  • Posted By: Quadricat
  • Link: Original Post

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught SkyAllStars for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Lythbound: New Frames to Collect!

New Frames


Three new frames have arrived and are ready to be used by your Lythians! These can now be previewed at the Frame Previewer tool.

These items have also been added to the item catalog: Frame of Infinity, Truffle's Frame, and Unidentified Framing Object.

In addition to the new frames, a "Flip" button has been added to the Lythian framing page which will allow you to flip your Lythian's image horizontally within their frame.

  • Date Posted: 2021-09-20
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Sensipets: Pet Spotlight of the Week: Pocku

Afternoon, all!

What a week we had with the Dainen spotlight! We had some interesting lore behind it, as well as some really cool looking fan art submissions. Remember, you have until Wednesday at 8PM EST to vote on your favorite submission!

The good thing about Monday, is that we have a whole new pet to spotlight!! And this week, we are going to take a further dive into the mysterious pet Pocku.

When several Pocku gather together, they come up with clever schemes to outwit their adversaries. Not only can it run very quickly on land, it can swim faster than most sea creatures! Pocku are very wise, they love making friends with humans and they can often be seen giving advice to other creatures. The original origins of the Pocku are somewhat unknown, but they seem to stem from a magical fruit that you can garden. We wonder if anyone has happen to come across this magical fruit °¤°¤

And of course! We will be having our weekly fan art contest. We are excited to see what your interpretation is for this mysterious pet! The rules for the contest will be the same as last weeks. All submissions will be due by this Sunday at 8 PM EST and the winner will be decided upon by the most reactions on the post. You'll have until Wednesday, September 29 at 8 PM EST to react to your favorite post. The winner will get a whopping 1,000 tickets to the Ticket Counter PLUS the seed packet that can create this magical pet! Good luck everyone!!!

Talk soon!

@Heffrad & @Howey

Sensipets: The Spookiest Month Is Coming

Good morning SensiFolks,

The spookiest month is coming and we have some goodies and gags coming with it.

A big focus of ours right now is on stabilizing the site (do not want it going down again), as well as refining some of the awesome features we have (specially with all the feedback we've been receiving). We have some other quality of life updates coming this week and next too!

I am looking for some feedback though - we've heard a LOT about stacking inventory items. Specially with the new seeds coming out. While updating, the reordering concept is becoming tricky. So we wanted to get some feedback from the users about this!

Please respond with one (or more) of the following reactions to help us understand your opinion - or bring up a different opinion by responding to this post in the Forums.

¢¤¯¸ - I enjoy reordering items in my inventory/vault.

° - I enjoy dragging items to different locations in my inventory/vault.

°¡ - I would like items to stack in my inventory/vault.

¢ - I would like a mass-move tool to move around my items

¢ - I would like to use items on the "my pets" screen instead of inventory.

Really appreciate everyone's opinion and feedback!

More updates VERY soon!


@Howey and @Heffrad

Wajas: Coder doing codering things

What is a Code Derg? kohd · durg - - a hard working, once upon a time, known as commando, mythical being who magically makes fantastic changes to the site when no one is looking. He does this when no one is looking because...well we'll let this comic do all of the talk. What is going on? Code Derg has done a lot this year, so we wanted to offer an outlet for appreciation as per request from some of our users. If you'd like to post some love for our Code Derg, you can do so over HERE . Thank you so much Code Derg for all you do, and for always dealing with my difficult requests. We love you bunches and are so lucky to have you!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to barbchin for winning all five draws! They receive $1,000,000 PB AND an LOTD stuffy!

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 5214

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Flight Rising: Avast, Ye Landlubbers!


Pirate day is back, and the scallywags of Sornieth continue their plunder!

Seaspray Apparel be Back!

It's that time again - the seaspray apparel set is back in the Gem Marketplace!

You can now have an entire crew's worth of pirate dragons in their own unique garb! ARRRRRRR...! The seaspray sets will remain in the marketplace until 22:00 September 25th.

Corsair's Seaspray Cap - ApparelBuccaneer's Seaspray Cap - ApparelPrivateer's Seaspray Cap - ApparelSwashbuckler's Seaspray Cap - Apparel
Corsair's Eye Patch - ApparelBuccaneer's Eye Patch - ApparelPrivateer's Eye Patch - ApparelSwashbuckler's Eye Patch - Apparel
Corsair's Seaspray Kerchief - ApparelBuccaneer's Seaspray Kerchief - ApparelPrivateer's Seaspray Kerchief - ApparelSwashbuckler's Seaspray Kerchief - Apparel
Corsair's Seaspray Overcoat - ApparelBuccaneer's Seaspray Overcoat - ApparelPrivateer's Seaspray Overcoat - ApparelSwashbuckler's Seaspray Overcoat - Apparel
Corsair's Rusty Cutlass - ApparelBuccaneer's Cutlass - ApparelPrivateer's Cutlass - ApparelSwashbuckler's Cutlass - Apparel
Corsair's Seaspray Boots - ApparelBuccaneer's Seaspray Boots - ApparelPrivateer's Seaspray Boots - ApparelSwashbuckler's Seaspray Boots - Apparel
Corsair's Seaspray Garb - ChestsBuccaneer's Seaspray Garb - ChestsPrivateer's Seaspray Garb - ChestsSwashbuckler's Seaspray Garb - Chests

Brew some Crew!

A captain isn't much without a crew! Novice and Veteran alchemists alike can head on over to Baldwin's Bubbling Brew to concoct some friends to man the deck! These recipes are available until 22:00 on September 25th when they cycle, so brew fast, ye landlubbers!

Scarlet Macaw - FamiliarBlue and Gold Macaw - Familiar

A Deserter

Fiona has befriended a deserter, but has hidden them away until she can find dragons who have a true love of macaws and will not turn them over to their irate crew!

Crackers - Familiar

A Scene to Behold!

Scene: Voyage of the Tenacity - Scene

Dragons may find copies of this scene in battle in the coliseum! All enemies have a rare chance to drop this scene until September 25th at 22:00 server time before it cycles away for another year!

Set Sail for Sweeping Vistas

Dragons may enjoy the change of scenery as they sail the coasts of Sornieth. Vista: Pirate's Life is available in the treasure marketplace from now until September 25th at 22:00 server time, at which point it will cycle away until next year.

Vista: Pirate's Life - Forum Vista

Starfall Celebration Skin & Accent Contest 1.png

The ninth annual Starfall Celebration will begin September 26th, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!


Use the "Contact" link for more information