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Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt!

It's time for the monthly Powerpets Scavenger Hunt!

How to play:
The Clue will give you a hint to an item.
Look at the item description.
Write down the letter that is indicated (ex. Word 3, letter 2)
Once you have all the letters, unscramble them to find the Item Name we are looking for.
You have until Friday, August 26, 2022 to enter your answer.
Start My Scavenger Hunt

Note: You can discuss clues and hints on the forums if you wish. Just remember, the more you talk about it, the less chance you can win as we will pick 200 random winners from all the correct submissions.
If you are one of the lucky recipients, you will receive a vault code for a brand new Investigator Sea Otter Stuffy.investigatorseaotterstuffy.pngGood luck everyone!

Powerpets: Beachscape Contest Winner

It sure is hot today!

Guess I will head to the beach and go catch some gnarly waves.

I was having a blast, the swells were fantastic for surfing, when suddenly.....
a most massive and totally radical wave came out of no where and I lost control and
landed head first in the sand of -Mystik-'s beachscape!

Congrats! You have won a free month account upgrade and a trophy for your profile!

Don't forget to sign up here daily for your chance to win!

Pocket Puma Pets: TE SALE

Here there be Dracos!

So, why not a TE sale? Buy 5 get 5 ! Going on now!

Have fun!

  • Date Posted: 2022-08-24
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Pocket Puma Pets: New Evolutions and Elixirs Update

Morpholixer Art Update & New Changeling Elixir!

The art for the Morpholixer has been updated!


If you don't see any difference, you may need to hard refresh!

And we have a NEW item.. the Changeling Elixir!


This strange looking potion is the evo equivalent of the cat tracks elixir. It contains many of our smaller evolutions at a reduced price!

The following evos have been moved out of the morpho/cavern into this new item:

  • Date Posted: 2022-08-24
  • Posted By: Quadricat
  • Link: Original Post

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to jenboop20, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 65,500 iP and the item prize was Firoacaw Plushie!

This week's item prize will be Red Stylish Male Hair! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Wajas: Staff Application and Mutation Marks

Good afternoon folks! Some exciting things to note today! First off, mutation markings have been added! Dual, Fade, Points, Roan, Roots, Spots, Stripes, Tips, Unders on Ram Horns and Prehistoric Horns . Dual, Fade, Points, Roan, Roots, Spots, Stripes, Tips on Antlers . Become Wajas Staff Next up, we're now taking applications to join the Wajas Staff team. This is for both Artists and Forum Moderators. All applications from here on out, should be submitted using the Staff Application page.  Even if you've sent an application to Estu before through PMs in the past, you should resend the application via this page. This is permanently open, we will look through applications as we have room and need for more staff. Please only apply once. Some things to note: Just because you submit, does not mean you will become a staff member. We will review all applications, but we only have a few positions to fill. There are some restrictions to b

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to willempie for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
458954.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Powerpets: Beachscape Contest Winner

It sure is hot today!

Guess I will head to the beach and go catch some gnarly waves.

I was having a blast, the swells were fantastic for surfing, when suddenly.....
a most massive and totally radical wave came out of no where and I lost control and
landed head first in the sand of svirgo's beachscape!

Congrats! You have won a free month account upgrade and a trophy for your profile!

Don't forget to sign up here daily for your chance to win!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

2404_3.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Patch, whose owner had a loving dream of their rainbow bridge furbaby. (read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner StaticShock a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

IcePets: Some New Items Have Hit the Shelves!

Thimble Of Coffee

Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or simply a fan of tiny treats, you're going to love this new Item. The Thimble of Coffee, funded by @tae, is now available at Affogato. Stop by today if you'd like to give it a try!

Oceanic Treasure Bottled Sand Hibiscus Hymns Bottled Sand Laugher of Leaves Bottled Sand
Dreaming of Cream Bottled Sand Iris Illusions Bottled Sand

Who knew something as simple as a bottle of sand could be so beautiful? Next time you stop by the Toy Trunk, keep an eye out for these unique keepsakes. They come in five different colours, including Oceanic Treasure, Hibiscus Hymns, Laughter of Leaves, Dreaming of Cream, and Iris Illusions. You can get them as a reward from the Plushie Quest, and a week from today, the Space Quest will be seeking them!




Hiii! Amica here, with a bunch of new questions for you. This time, I've given you a bunch of lyrics from my favourite musicals and I'm asking you to work out which one each one comes from. My favourite musical right now is probably Beetlejuice - I'm hoping it makes it to the UK sometime soon. What about you guys?

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to Rico for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
732045.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Beachscape Contest Winner

It sure is hot today!

Guess I will head to the beach and go catch some gnarly waves.

I was having a blast, the swells were fantastic for surfing, when suddenly.....
a most massive and totally radical wave came out of no where and I lost control and
landed head first in the sand of Torpid_Lummox's beachscape!

Congrats! You have won a free month account upgrade and a trophy for your profile!

Don't forget to sign up here daily for your chance to win!

Use the "Contact" link for more information