Latest News

Powerpets: Creepsgiving Pawns

Did you already collect a Creepsgiving Stag from your Trick or Treat basket last year? Well then I have good news for you! You can now trade your Creepsgiving Stag for a Creepsgiving Haystack at my pawn shop!

Come on down and check it out!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught Melusina for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Powerpets: 250K Staff Mini Bubbles

Tomorrow, (Wednesday, November 20th) we will be holding our 250k Staff Mini Bubbles Challenge. All you need to do is watch for staff to put up challenges. Once you beat a staff, please do not challenge them again. All vault codes will be sent out on Thursday!

Each winner will receive a vault code for an adorable Kraken Farnee Bubble.

IcePets: The Craftshare Celebration Has Started!

Craftshare AvatarVintage CameraCraftshare Profile Skin

As November reaches its midpoint, the excitement for Craftshare is building among Terrafrostians. This year, we're shining the spotlight on photography enthusiasts and inviting them to capture a photo to share with our community.

The theme for this year -- and your photo should capture it -- is land. We have no size restrictions; however the submitted images may be cropped for the final display. All photos in the end will be displayed in a "gallery" for everyone to view!

All participants will receive a 2024 Craftshare Trophy, Craftshare Avatar, and Craftshare Profile Skin.

To participate simply follow the rules listed below, and share your image in this thread!

Rule 1 - One entry per User. If your entry is rejected for any reason, you can submit another before the event ends.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3 - Art must be kept PG-13. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 4 - Entries must be appropriate for the theme, and show some effort put into the creation.
Rule 5 - Digital and traditional artwork can be submitted, but your entry must be an image. If you choose to create traditional artwork, you must submit as a photograph taken as clearly as you can. IE: A photograph of a physical photograph.
Rule 6 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 7 - Editing of the photo after being taken is fine.
Rule 8 - You may share your entry to this event! Feel free to put your username in your submission as well, although using a copyright symbol is not allowed.

Atrocity: Sorry! we are still working promise!! 11-18-24

Hello my darlings I apologize for not writing a news post in a while! Theres still alot of things being worked on- and I generally shove all the updates in the discrod server- for two reasons:

1. Keep people updated/
2, Keep a list for me for when I do these!!!

I definately recommend you join the discord server if you havent already!

Now onto things!

Apologies in advance if I say something again that may have been told before!

Bug fixes-

--Replaced the broken images for the house and the inn

--Fixed pet adoption sorry! Apparently i somehow deleted part of the code..?? well its replaced now and should be working fine.

--Edited the card fights a bit- and made the proper menu icons instead of using emojis as placeholders.

--Summer sand dig is fixed.

--Awesome person who runs Poppyseed pets- Helped me fix the avatar closet!!

--Speaking of I also fixed some items I saw in the wrong place/categories... if you see more lemme know.

New features

--The site now has changing backgrounds and themes for the seasons! (no christmas one yet Im trying to get it finished in time!!))

--Added some new site rarities to the battling pages.

--Added the "you arent logged in" page- Still working on finishing all the images between everything but hey it works as it is!

-- Overhauled the NPC quest system completely- theres now a page you go to instead to get them and finish them! You have to get your license from Kyle first however!!



Reworked the trade page to look a little better and be more easy to understand..



--Now when you befriend the cow or chicken you have a chance to get a mini cow or chicken to add to the barn or coop! they work just like the beehives in that instead of workers you have to add food- but the food deletes each week. lemme know if theres any problems

there is also a new farm page layout-


---Your pets little companion (if they have one) will now appear in different places with your pet around the site (like sidebar, when battling, profile etc)


---Added pound pet amount to the sidebar


--Made the preview pet button in the lab and what it does a bit more obvious <3


---Added the rest of the shops stock market tickets to the stock market.

---Added my other place links to the top of the page

I also promise we are still working on the dark circus and everything else!!!

And also currently hopping between these features! and things

--minipet collect page
--minipet merge page/breeding
--Pet jobs
--the dark circus codes/images/all that that entails
--Adding more barn animals/coop animals and variations
--election event
--Pet stat limits dependent on personality. (partially there just gotta actually get it to set on already made pets- and figure out how to make it work when you adopt a pet.)
--Site diary

**What this means is Im working on basically all of this at the same time- not exactly but i have to wait for things (or code info/help) before I can continue sometimes so I move to a different feature also this list is subject to change and is basically here also so I remember what all im jumping between! I forget...- (edited)

Pocket Puma Pets: Scrolling Skies

Three new animated scenery items have appeared in our animated items shop!

[ Motion Pictures ]

  • Scrolling Gloomy Sky
  • Scrolling Orange Sky
  • Scrolling Purple Sky


  • Date Posted: 2024-11-17
  • Posted By: Quadricat
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: Raffle + Trivia + Trophies

Raffle Result

This weeks raffle was won by Irissa.

They received 1,683,900 IP!

Trivia Result


Trivvy has a new question for you! Click here to try question #241. Trivia #240 was answered correctly by 33 people!

Game Trophies

The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:


trophy-catch-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 368:



coined-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 32950:

coined-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 10510:

coined-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 10330:


Ice Breaker

ibb-trophy.pngFirst Place, with a score of 13195:

ibs-trophy.pngSecond Place, with a score of 7420:

ibg-trophy.pngThird Place, with a score of 4910:


Ice Snake

No leaderboard scores for this game.

Jar Match

jarmatchtrophy-plain-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 1718:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 1108:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 993:


Red vs Blue

RedvsBluetrophy-gold2.pngFirst Place, with a score of 55:

RedvsBluetrophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 5:


Sharshel Says

sharshel-says-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 5060:

sharshel-says-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 3850:

sharshel-says-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 1400:



trophy-survivor-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 170:


Ichumon: Battle Royale

Cloud_opponent_1Kopie.pngmedalgold-1.pngchewygranola18 won last week's Battle Royale with a time of 53 seconds! All who completed the Battle Royale have been awarded their cP prize and first, second, and third place have also won trophies for their profiles.

Sign up your Ichumon in this week's Battle Royale Contest!

You will need to kill 18 Arrow in the Battle Royale Map as fast as you can. The quickest user to complete the battles will receive the top prize of 25,000 cP!

Powerpets: Game Trophies!

Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: Rubeka

Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: Wyasp

Dicey Mice Leather Badge: -tiger-tiger-

Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: -tiger-tiger-

Mini Match Titanium Badge: Wyasp

Mini Match Leather Badge: I_luv_tracy

Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: chiquitabonita8

Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: Kaycie101

Crash Extreme Leather Badge: Horcrux

Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: Buliwyf

Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: -tiger-tiger-

Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: summerdaze

Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: Horcrux

Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: hotdog

Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Gem_hop

Powerpets: Game Trophies!

Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: Wyasp

Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: lynxcat

Dicey Mice Leather Badge: waffle_crumbs

Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: Wyasp

Mini Match Titanium Badge: SweetFire

Mini Match Leather Badge: Arista_Holmes

Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: Latios2006

Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: chiquitabonita8

Crash Extreme Leather Badge: SweetFire

Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: -tiger-tiger-

Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: crys_4now

Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: SummerMaple

Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: SweetFire

Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: Skitters

Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Buliwyf

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: Anne won a Magical Blue Tectowl Mirror Shard.
2nd: chewygranola18 won a Saturn Astro Popsicle.
3rd: Heartsmoothie
They have each also won 35,783 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 11 Cheese Pizza from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Pocket Puma Pets: REMINDER!!

TE Sale Ends Nov 15th at midnight! Get them while you can!
TE Items Shop

  • Date Posted: 2024-11-15
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to juankarlos55 on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Harvus

Use the "Contact" link for more information