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IcePets: The Colouring Contest Champions Are Revealed!

Gold Competitor Trophy Silver Competitor Trophy Bronze Competitor Trophy

The votes for the Colouring Contest have been tallied up, which means it's time to announce our lucky winners! Everyone's submissions were simply stellar, so all participants will be receiving a set of 2023 Pinatas! But only three spots can house the winners. Let's find out who those talented artists are!

3rd Place Winner3rd Place Winner

Third place goes to... @petshopgirl and @Dex! Nice work! You both will receive:

- 100,000 IcePoints
- A Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your Choice
- A Bronze Competitor Trophy
- A Golden Competitor Stamp

2nd Place Winner

Second place goes to... @JayPrawn! Great job! You will receive:

- 200,000 IcePoints
- A Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your choice
- A Puzzling ICE Box
- A Silver Competitor Trophy
- A Golden Competitor Stamp

1st Place Winner

And finally, first place goes to.... @chu2! Congratulations! You will receive:

- 400,000 IcePoints
- A Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your choice
- A Puzzling ICE Box
- An Ambiguous ICE Box
- A Gold Competitor Trophy
- A Golden Competitor Stamp

Dreamworld Lugra Pinata 2023 Grey Zabeu Pinata 2023 Ice Novyn Pinata 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Colouring Contest! If you're one of our lucky three placed winners, be sure to send a Support Ticket to let us know which Pinata you'd like to receive.

You may also receive a full set of 2023 pinatas if you visit the giveaway page and enter code ansvin2023 before February 28th 23:59:59 IST.

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: Tim won a Magical Pantheon Polisis Mirror Shard.
2nd: won a Black Vinali Plushie.
They have each also won 10,628 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 11 Yellow Balloon Plushie from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Powerpets: POWEX Winner!

Congratulations to Buliwyf, for earning $4431735 in POWEX this week.
You have been rewarded with a POWEX trophy!

Will you be the next POWEX Mogul? Earn the most profit by next Saturday at 3 PM PP Time, and you can show other Powerpets players what you are made of.

IcePets: This Little Feline Got a Makeover!

Baby Ridix

This Baby Ridix has always been adorable, but now it's even more tooth-rottingly sweet than ever! We've given this Pet, as well as its respective Morphing Potion, a fresh new makeover. Don't you just want to pinch those chubby cheeks?

Baby Ridix Morphing Potion

The Baby Ridix Morphing Potion will be available in the I.C.E Shop until the end of the month for just 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts.) You can also find it in the Snow Jar Igloo!

Vote IcePets Stamp Vote IcePets Stamp Vote IcePets Stamp

Have you voted for your favourite submission to the Colouring Contest? If you haven't, there's still time! Cast your vote before today at 23:23:59 IcePets Time.

Book of Beauty Book of Nature History Textbook

Time for another double questing weekend for the Book Quest! From today until January 29th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the questing opportunities and prizes for this Quest will be doubled! Stock up on some literature while the opportunity lasts.



Tables are being wiped down, signs are appearing all over Terrafrost, and the Voting Booth is open once again. All of this hustle and bustle can only mean one thing! It's time to vote for Member of the Month (MOTM for short)! Terrafrostians can vote for up to 3 users to win 100,000 IcePoints and the Member of the Month Avatar.

Member of the Month Avatar

Two winners will be chosen each month, one for the Free Vote MOTM, which includes all members except Staff, and the Yet to Win MOTM, which includes anyone who hasn't previously won MOTM. If you win the Free Vote and you have already won MOTM, you will receive an Honoured Member Trophy.

Honoured Member Trophy


- You cannot nominate yourself or members of staff.
- Do not ask other users to vote for yourself or other members.
- Send your nominations here!

You have until January 31st at 23:59:59 to submit your vote. Winners will be announced on February 1st!


If the you do not see the updated artwork, you may have to do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows computers, Command + Shift + R on Macs).

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
What has been your longest winning streak for Miles Magic Box?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Made of Snow Yeti fur. It`ll keep you warm all winter long.
The answer was: Snow Yeti Scarf.

11 out of 11 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of our Scavenger Hunt:
CrystalOrchid, Dragonflower, QueenFlower, skylar1, fifercats, Oz, SweetFire, TheMetal, fireheartone, blueeyes, mikeyjaycat, Diosa, Suzanne38, bad-apple, jamileigh17, Pearl, Caleby, Iluvtrolls, Zero, miss_sparklz, fulpgirls, crys_4now, Kazzy, ralmap, RedMist, Malorta, Scientista, AnitaCupaCoffee, ARB408, chiquitabonita8, d4rk_saga, Tasslehofff, Smudged_Note, michelle2244, Booyaa, jandjmom, Pain-Panic, Buliwyf, ditzymae, -Twixy-, Carlyy95, Snowprincess, Newtatious, Bunchy, Eanda, Kathrina, bellcatsmeow, lynxcat, animalcharmer, steenbokker, PicklePen, Gramoo, Contradictant, brooklynrose, Cindermella,
They were randomly selected out of the 55 correct entries and have a received a vault code for Investigator Dall Sheep Stuffy

The correct answer was: Dezzy

Play the Scavenger Hunt on the 25th day of every month!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: lynxcat

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 7568

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to raptor, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 28,000 iP and the item prize was Clam Plushie!

This week's item prize will be Power IchuCard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt!

It's time for the monthly Powerpets Scavenger Hunt!

How to play:
The Clue will give you a hint to an item.
Look at the item description.
Write down the letter that is indicated (ex. Word 3, letter 2)
Once you have all the letters, unscramble them to find the Item Name we are looking for.
You have until Thursday, January 26, 2023 to enter your answer.
Start My Scavenger Hunt

Note: You can discuss clues and hints on the forums if you wish. Just remember, the more you talk about it, the less chance you can win as we will pick 200 random winners from all the correct submissions.
If you are one of the lucky recipients, you will receive a vault code for a brand new Investigator Dall Sheep Stuffy.investigatordallsheepstuffy.pngGood luck everyone!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26990_122145228.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Guinevere, who getting spoiled and getting bigger.(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner KittenDewdrop a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

IcePets: A Whole Bunch of New Plushies + A Friendly Reminder

Space Ori Plushie Angelic Novyn Plushie
Toon Ridix Plushie Ancient Sharshel Plushie Groovy Jakrit Plushie

Today's a good day for Plushie enthusiasts, because we're rolling out five new Plushies, all funded by @irissa. The Space Ori Plushie, Angelic Novyn Plushie, Toon Ridix Plushie, Ancient Sharshel Plushie, and the Groovy Jakrit Plushie are now all for sale at the Plushie Palace. You can also get them as a reward from the Book Quest, and starting a week from today, the Plushie Quest will add it to their request list. These adorable plush toys are just waiting for you to give them a big hug!

Dreamworld Lugra Pinata 2023 Skeletal Krittle Pinata 2023 Purple Sharshel Pinata 2023

The end of the Ansvin celebration is drawing near, so here's a reminder that today is the last day for all Ansvin-related activities. By today at 23:59:59 IcePets Time, Pinata Mania will be closing up, and all Ansvin-related Items will be removed from the Shops. Pinatas will no longer be involved in any Quests, either. The only exception to this is the Ansvin Pinata, which will be available until the end of the month. Be sure to make the most of these features while they're still around!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Use the "Contact" link for more information