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IcePets: A New Partner in Crime

Evil Lugra

Evil laughter echoes throughout the night, and you feel a chill run down your spine. Something ominous is lurking about... Could it be the Evil Lugra? This new Pet, funded by @Crankydragon, has left its evil lair and decided to join Terrafrost. But despite their tough exteriors, Evil Lugrae can make wonderful friends. They're incredibly quick-witted and have a good sense of humor!

Evil Lugra Morphing Potion

Do you want your very own Evil Lugra? Luckily for you, the Evil Lugra Morphing Potion, also funded by @Crankydragon, is now available at the Snow Jar Igloo. You can also find it at the I.C.E Shop until the end of April; it'll cost you 500 IceCash (or 450 for Gold Accounts.)

Pinnie Steamboat SnuffyElysia

Scubea Chimero-Matic

Remember the Companion Contest from back in March? We haven't forgotten about our winners! We'd like to introduce the Pinnie, designed by @bibliopossum, the Steamboat Snuffy, designed by @petshopgirl, the Elysia, designed by @Nati, the Scubea, designed by @corndog, and the Chimero-Matic, designed by AceRabbit! Head on over to Jacobi's Companion Reserve if you'd like to take one of these lovable Companions home.

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: A strangely-flavored treat that will last for hours! Well, unless you chomp on it, that is.
The answer was: Ichu Flavored Hard Candy.

5 out of 6 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: -Twixy-

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 6381

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Powerpets: Happy Birthday, Dr_Kate!

Today is Dr_Kate's birthday! Let's celebrate with a day of FREE BINGO!

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at Debowski's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to Tim, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 80,500 iP and the item prize was Vini Egg!

This week's item prize will be Battle Hammer! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at chiquitabonita8's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

10239_131823448.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Bean, who has not been feeling well.(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner michelle2244 a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Flight Rising: Harlequin & Jester


A new primary and secondary gene pair arrives! New den tasks, and more!

[Image Caption: Image banner reads "Harlequin & Jester: New Primary and Secondary Genes". The icons for the Harlequin and Jester gene are to the left and right of the text, and an obelisk dragon displays the vibrant diamond and swirl gene pattern across her mane and wings in shades of red, pink, grey, orange, and violet.]

Harlequin & Jester 66.png
Harlequin & Jester are a new primary and secondary gene pair that may be purchased from the gem marketplace. These genes apply a motley of colorful diamonds and swirls across a dragon's body and wings for all modern dragons.



Marva's Marvelous Marvels 140.png
Marva's Marvelous Marvels is now browsable as a closed shop even though her reign of terror has ended the April Fool's event is now over. This shop will return each year, though not as the central focus of future year's pranks. This year's scenes, invisibility cloaks, and emperor's new clothes will be purchasable from her shop in the future for each April Fool's.


Wavecrest Saturnalia Skin Contest 24.png

The tenth annual Wavecrest Saturnalia will begin April 23, 2022, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!


Additional Updates 119.png

  • 5 new hibernal den tasks have been added for clans who have completed their Deep Sea Dive. 80.png
  • The encyclopedia entry for apparel has been updated with new images, clearer information about apparel, ancient breeds, the dressing room, and layering. 145.png
  • The encyclopedia entry for genes has been updated with harlequin and jester.

Pocket Puma Pets: Moondance festival update

Due to some begging, pleading, and loud wailing and sobbing the festival has been extended until the 16th of April. TE sale as well.
ENJOY the extra time!

  • Date Posted: 2023-04-11
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner

Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.

Time to take a rest at lynxcat's peggscape and eat a carrot!

Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!

¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught digimon_tamer_ for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

IcePets: More Noviteggs for Novitaria

Ori Hatchling PlushHappy Novitaria StampNovitaria Basket Ice Cube

Have the Noviteggs this year been hidden a bit too well? Fear not, because the Makoats are now delivering Noviteggs to all NPC shops (except for the Snow Jar Igloo and Port Rakor), as well as providing them as rewards for all Quests.

Fairy NoviteggGalaxy NoviteggRainbow Novitegg

A reminder that trophies will only count Noviteggs hidden by Jakrits and/or received from Makoat Novitegg Stockpiles, and that users are encouraged to share stockpile locations!

Use the "Contact" link for more information