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Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt!

It's time for the monthly Powerpets Scavenger Hunt!

How to play:
The Clue will give you a hint to an item.
Look at the item description.
Write down the letter that is indicated (ex. Word 3, letter 2)
Once you have all the letters, unscramble them to find the Item Name we are looking for.
You have until Saturday, August 26, 2023 to enter your answer.
Start My Scavenger Hunt

Note: You can discuss clues and hints on the forums if you wish. Just remember, the more you talk about it, the less chance you can win as we will pick 200 random winners from all the correct submissions.
If you are one of the lucky recipients, you will receive a vault code for a brand new Investigator Sloth Stuffy.investigatorslothstuffy.pngGood luck everyone!

Pocket Puma Pets: Luau is coming, and a TE sale! Woot!

Hey puma peeps!

This weekend is going to be our annual end of summer celebration (whut?!) known as Luau. Stay tuned for all the details of this event's kickoff.

In the meantime, we're having a TE sale as an... appetizer? Sure. :D Buy 5, get 5. Enjoy!


Flight Rising: Dev Update: Accessibility


In today's brief Dev Update, we wanted to share some of the hard work we've been doing in implementing the first of many much-needed accessibility updates to Flight Rising.

Accessibility Updates

Accessibility isn't just a buzzword, it's become a very fundamental principle in game development, and Flight Rising is no exception. As developers, we have a responsibility to ensure that our wonderful world can be enjoyed by as many people as possible. We've heard the voices of those in our community who have shared their feedback and insights about their experiences on our website, and we're committed to not only listening, but taking meaningful action.

This update represents the first of several strides we'll be taking over the next year to enhance the accessibility of Flight Rising. We're taking the opportunity, now that the site's code refactor is essentially complete, to break down as many barriers as possible and provide an experience that accommodates our diverse player base.

We're happy to say that as of this post, the following updates have already been implemented, and we wanted to summarize that work here so that everyone has a chance to review it:

  • The overall site layout has been made more screen-reader and keyboard navigation friendly. You can read further details here.
    • Some highlights: Landmarks, keyboard accessible dropdowns, and the ability to jump to main content links.
  • The following pages have been made more screen-reader and keyboard navigation friendly:
  • Alt text support has been added to the [img][/img] tag in our BBcode system.
  • All item icon widgets in forum posts, Gathering, Hoard/Vault, and many other locations now include alt text support for screen reader software.

Larger Efforts in Progress

In addition to the items above, we still have a few coals in the fire for larger accessibility-related initiatives that we wanted to mention again.

Coliseum Camping

Back in January, Undel posted an update about some changes to the Coliseum camping window. This is still an ongoing project, but it felt pertinent to include it here. The post details the current state of the feature, as well as some target goals we'd like to accomplish as part of these incremental accessibility patches.

Thank you for your patience, especially on this item. There is a very delicate balance at play, and we need to move carefully to both safeguard Coliseum against botting (which has an incredibly destabilizing effect on the in-game economy) and providing relief to players who have communicated to us the difficulties they can experience when discerning the dragon image.

Dark Mode

One of the most popular requests we receive is official support for a Dark Mode. While we haven't begun work on it yet, we wanted to openly recognize the voices behind this suggestion (many of us on the development team want it, too!) and provide a clear answer: this is absolutely something we are planning to implement.

Now that the site refactor project is almost entirely behind us, it makes working on something like this much, much easier. We don't have a lot to share right now, and the project isn't trivial, but it's on our list.

Next on the Roadmap

While subject to change, we are hoping to roll out further accessibility improvements to other areas of the site, targeting a batch every few months or so. We are balancing our small team, our feature goals, and these necessary updates. Our goal for the next update is shown below.

Accessibility Update #2 - TBD Early 2024

  • Clan Profile
  • Page breadcrumb links
  • Predict Morphology
  • Hoard/Vault
  • Messages
  • Game Database
  • Lair & Hibernal Den
  • Auction House
  • Marketplace
  • ...and more

Thank you for helping us level up Flight Rising, and by lending your voice to make us better. This isn't just about lines of code, it's about really embracing the spirit of inclusivity and adventure. We truly believe everyone deserves a shot at epic stories, thrilling battles, and unforgettable memories in this little dragon game of ours.

If something isn't working right or there's a hardstop in gameplay (example: an unlabeled button is preventing your screenreader from identifying the action) due to a lack of accessibility, please feel free to reach out to us through Contact Us and let us know.

'Til the next time!

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Learn about different shapes and formations of clouds.
The answer was: Book of Clouds.

13 out of 13 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to Razear for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
64554.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Flight Rising: Aberration Gene Expansion

Aberration Gene Expansion: New parallel genes, feats, and familairs!

Aberration dragons get a new coat of paint in today's update

[Image Caption: The image reads "Aberration Gene Expansion: New Parallel genes, feats, and familiars! A twin-headed aberration dragon displaying the new Pinstripe gene (in antique color), foam gene (in cream color) and skeletal gene (in fog color)is in full display. The skeletal gene adds a bone armor component to the look of the aberration dragon, as it breaks the line art. Behind it is the an icy castle background.]

Aberration Parallel Genes 432.png
Additional genes are now available on for Aberration dragons!

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If you encounter any errors in the Aberration breed, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is for the Aberration breed genes only.

Familiar Sights 161.png
The following new familiars have a chance to stock in the treasure marketplace:


Those who befriend their familiars may find their feats rewarded!


Flameforger's Festival Skin Contest
The eleventh annual Flameforger's Festival will begin August 27, 2023, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration Artists have until the end of the 24th at 23:59 server time to submit an entry! Click here for more information!

Flameforger's Festival Banner

Additional Updates 119.png

  • Item icons generated with BBCode are now compatible with screen reader software. This update also improves item icons in the Hoard, Vault, and Gathering pages. 38.png

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to Tim, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 25,000 iP and the item prize was Magical Pink Lepardos Mirror Shard!

This week's item prize will be Magical Orange Ichu Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Wajas: New Features, Changes, and a texture!

Cave Subgroups Optional: More organized Menus Waja Park Changes New Texture Table of Contents For this News Post   Cave Subgroups: A long requested feature has just  officially hit the "market"!  Cave Subgroups.  If you want to turn this: Click for fullsized view Into this: Click for fullsized image We've been toying with ways to make this work for months, and up until now, had settled on a patchwork fix.  Now, we've got it all nicely sorted!  If you're interested in using this feature, continue reading! Step One: Go to your cave .  Then go to the group you want to change.   This feature only works in groups, it will not work in the main part of your cave since that is technically not a group.    Click for fullsized image Step Two: Once you're in the group you'd like to organize, scroll down until you see your "Bulk Options".  Right above that sho

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to catavamp for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
555622.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26947_181484415.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Duke, who has been learning how to listen.(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner AnitaCupaCoffee a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.


This time, we're celebrating all things Spanish following Spain's victory in the FIFA women's world cup. Anybody want to teach me their favourite Spanish phrase?

Powerpets: Player of the Day!

Congratulations to Dragonflower for winning PLAYER OF THE DAY!
732156.pngJust for being active on Powerpets, they won a free one month account upgrade which comes complete with a free item that is handed out once a month and all other upgraded account benefits.

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Use the "Contact" link for more information