IcePets: Raffle + Scratchcards + Trophies
Raffle Result
This weeks raffle was won by Frossy.
They received 2,369,700 IP!
First Place, winning 382,825 IcePoints:MakoatsSecond Place, winning 189,083 IcePoints:shinycrowThird Place, winning 114,450 IcePoints:Irissa
Game Trophies
The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:
First Place, with a score of 275:
Second Place, with a score of 237:
Third Place, with a score of 149:
First Place, with a score of 128180:
Second Place, with a score of 47780:
Third Place, with a score of 20580:
First Place, with a score of 25030:
Second Place, with a score of 10700:
Third Place, with a score of 2500:
First Place, with a score of 125:
First Place, with a score of 1621:
Second Place, with a score of 1187:
Third Place, with a score of 1024:
First Place, with a score of 89:
Second Place, with a score of 74:
Third Place, with a score of 30:
First Place, with a score of 8190:
Second Place, with a score of 6500:
Third Place, with a score of 3850:
Squishieee, Quilladin
First Place, with a score of 132:
Second Place, with a score of 91:
Third Place, with a score of 64:
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Posted By: autobot
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Battle Royale
Miyura won last week's Battle Royale with a time of 73 seconds! All who completed the Battle Royale have been awarded their cP prize and first, second, and third place have also won trophies for their profiles.
Sign up your Ichumon in this week's Battle Royale Contest!
You will need to kill 10 Green Coppa in the Battle Royale Map as fast as you can. The quickest user to complete the battles will receive the top prize of 25,000 cP!
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: October 2023: New Premium Gift Available
A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!
This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)
Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Posted By: Newzy Puma
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pumpkin Patch Contest
They'reeeeee baaaack!
That's right, you heard it!
The pumpkin patch contest is back and we are looking forward to seeing what your imagination can create!
Get your Pumpkin Patch in the spoookiest setting ever and let all your ghost, ghouls and goblins roam free!
Winners will be based on originality and a 'completed pumpkin patch'.
A winner will be chosen daily starting October 4th until October 31th. Each daily winner will receive a FREE ACCOUNT UPGRADE and a pumpkin trophy on their profile!
Sign up HERE for the the first daily winner and after that, you can sign up in the DAILY WINNER update.
So get your brains crackin' on patch plans, start creating and enjoy!
Let's try to be extra imaginative, as I'd LOVE to see some "major" creativity and show me what you can really come off with that is unique!
I'm looking forward to seeing all your patches!
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Witching Fixings
It seems everything was broken this morning. After a few hours of work, the Halloween Witch is now functioning properly again - good luck trying to get a treat from her!
Pumpkin Patches are now up and running. If you find an item that loads as a black square with a green outline, please report it on the player assistance forum. As well, if you did not clear out items from your beachscape, go to REMOVE DECOR to recover the items from the last event.
Trick or Treat bags can now be opened! Go to your user profile, click on Trick or Treat, and open up your bag to receive treats from other players.
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: New Mayors for October!
Here are your new mayors for October!
Labrador City - No Mayor
Kuvasz City - No Mayor
Pony City - -Twixy-
Collie City - RainbowGlass
Sheepdog City - Carlyy95
Dolphin City - Bunchy
Wolfox City - jandjmom
Eagle City - fifercats
Gecko City - StellaEversole
Polar City - TiquiOBrat
Somali City - No Mayor
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Game Trophies!
Congratulations to the following Card Game Trophy Winners:
First Place Card Player: Pink-Steel
Runner Up Card Player: huameifan
If you want to be a winner, play the card games bonus games!
Dicey Mice Badges
Dicey Mice Diamond Badge: Hilary
Dicey Mice Titanium Badge: Abbyss
Dicey Mice Leather Badge: 13brandy13
Mini Match Badges
Mini Match Diamond Badge: goodwitchev64
Mini Match Titanium Badge: misty-dreamer
Mini Match Leather Badge: SweetFire
Crash Extreme Badges
Crash Extreme Diamond Badge: chiquitabonita8
Crash Extreme Titanium Badge: SweetFire
Crash Extreme Leather Badge: ShaddixWolf
Mini Bubbles Badges
Mini Bubbles Diamond Badge: steenbokker
Mini Bubbles Titanium Badge: TheMetal
Mini Bubbles Leather Badge: Latios2006
Bubbas Blocks Badges
Bubbas Blocks Diamond Badge: showtruck
Bubbas Blocks Titanium Badge: Selene33
Bubbas Blocks Leather Badge: Carlyy95
- Date Posted: 2023-10-01
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Campaign Complete!
The campaign has been completed!
~ Congratulations P3 ~
A sudden explosion of puma likes and love has completely filled the meter.
Seriously I went to bed and we had almost 30,000 to go still.. today I wake up and we were almost done.. so many likes!
You guys are puma-liking-fiends, wow!
Good job everyone!!
Go grab the last rewards and celebrate!!
[ 14 Years of P3 ]
I am also cooking up a little special thank you for our contributers, you guys did amazing!!
- Date Posted: 2023-09-30
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Celestial Equine: Development updates and more!
Spooky updates!
Thank you all for your patience as well have focused on some behind the scenes updates as of late. I am so excited to announce that we have now shifted gears to our User Interface and its necessary updates!
Keep reading this news post for more information on the following:
- Development plans through the new year
- Pending releases
First off, our development updates! Evi has recently resolved issues with pagination in player inventory areas and the trade/auction boards! This has been a long awaited update and is sure to improve player experiences on CE. Big thank you to Evi!
Next up, we will be focusing on updating the flow of player inventory to allow for easier item use/shop stocking. We will also be updating the horse pedigree page to be more appealing!
In addition to the mentioned UI updates, we are also working hard to optimize the mobile views for CE. This is another long awaited update that we are thrilled to get working on.
What areas would you like to see revamped/tweaks? Be sure to post in the comments as we heavily rely on player feedback!
Bug Reporting
We are introducing a new ticket-based bug reporting flow for the Discord chat! The goal here is to have better tracking and organization than we have had in the past. Bugs are increasingly difficult to keep organized and this seems to be an exciting potential solution!
Thank you all for reading this update! Stay tuned for additional news in the near future.
- Date Posted: 2023-09-30
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Restock Race
1st: Natsu won a Magical Purple Loket Mirror Shard.
2nd: osita won a Fried Ignomi Egg.
They have each also won 10,896 iP and trophies for their profile!
A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 15 Ichu Puzzle Piece 23 from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2023-09-30
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Spotlight day 30: Shaggy Gremlins & Vampires
Shaggy Gremlins Vampires Sub Breeds featured in this spotlight! Shaggy Gremlins Subbreed Thread | Guild Link Cost to make: 80+ CWP Celebratory Month: October / Gremlinfest Subbreed Blurb: Shaggy Gremlins originated in the wilder, untamed corners of the wilderness of Lunaria. Recently some nomadic gremlins have ventured into the more settled parts of this world. These shaggy, mischievous wajas are very secretive and wary of others. It is much more dangerous in the wilds where they come from, and they tend to be slow to warm up to strangers. The founding generation in this new community (gen 1's) of gremlins usually prefer to keep themselves somewhat ambiguous, leaving outsiders to wonder what it means to have a second face. Their society and lifestyle generally encourages it's members to keep it that way as a mysterious means of protection, and they shun drawing too much attention to either of their heads. They
- Date Posted: 2023-09-30
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Last Day of the Month
Today is the last day of the month. Tomorrow is October 1st and we all know what that means! Fun! Fun! Fun!
Aeria the witch flew in on her broomstick and is ready with some new halloween themed new items to hand out to everyone who visits her. Make sure you remember to visit her every day!
The Pumpkin Patches will be returning. Get your creative juices flowing and have some fun decorating your patch. All you need to do is keep an eye on the small updates from d4rk_saga and enter it in the contest to win a Trophy and a one month free account upgrade.
The Trick or Treat Bags are back. All you need to do is open up your treat bag during October and other players will be dropping off an item for you to enjoy. Make sure your wishlist is up to date and if you've been a good girl or good boy, you just might get what you wish for. Trick or Treat bags can be opened on October 1st. At the end of the month you will be able to open up your bags to check out all your goodies.
If you live in a PF Town and you have not yet voted for your mayor, today is the last day to do so.
On the 1st day of the month, we will be selecting the Stuffy of the Month contest winners. For every 100 credits purchased in the Upgrade Center, a ticket will be entered in the random draw.
The Eurobank will be handing out its interest tonight. If you want to be eligible for October interest rates, you need to deposit your money now and make sure you log in at least once during the month.
On the 9th of the month the staff will be hosting a 500,000 PB Dicey Mice Staff Challenge during the day and evening. If you can beat the staff in a challenge, you will win a prize. One prize per player. Once you have won please don't challenge the staff again as we want to have everyone win.
On the 17th of the month we will be holding our monthly FREE BINGO day. As a thank you to everyone for playing Powerpets, everyone will be receiving 6 free tickets for every game. Come on out and play a few games and try your luck at winning some powerbucks!
On the 20th of each month we will be hosting a 250,000 Mini Bubbles Staff Challenge during the day and evening. If you can beat the staff in a challenge, you will win a prize. One prize per player. Please do not challenge the staff again if you have already won.
On the 25th of each month we will be holding our Monthly Scavenger Hunt. Get those thinking caps on and try your luck at winning an investigator stuffy.
Make sure you always check the event calendar to find out what events are planned for that day.
We hope you had fun and we'll see you in October!
- Date Posted: 2023-09-30
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: The Talityl Lakes Are Clean Once More!
The Talytil Lakes are clean once more, and Pets and Companions alike are already flocking to its waters.
"It's excitin' to see the Lakes bustling," Gilbert admits.
"Sure is!" Jacobi says, clapping his paws together. "Look! A Wabby is already exploring the shore -- that Traptur better watch their toes!"
A nearby Yellow Traptur looks up in alarm, then down, and gently pushes the approaching Wabby away with their tail.
"Anyway," Gilbert says. "Thank you all for comin' to help clean up. We couldn't have done it without you."
Congratulations, Terrafrostians, on successfully Cleaning Talytil Lakes, our 2023 Discovery Event! Thank you all for taking part, and for your patience with the many hiccups along the way. We have learned a lot from this experience, and appreciate all of your feedback and support!
All stretch goals were achieved, totaling in over 90,000 points collectively earned by over 100 Terrafrostians! This means everyone who took part will receive the following prizes over the upcoming days:
- Event Avatar
- Event Trophy
- 1x Aquatic Staff
- Discovery Avatar
- 175,000 IcePoints
- 1x Muck Ice Cube
- Event Profile Skin
- 1x Aquatic Snow Jar
- 1x Gone Fishing Stamp
- 7 Days Gold Account Time
- 1x Snapping Seafood Salad
- 1x Alluring Information Book
- 1x Random Aquatic Companion
Introducing the Chilly Muck Ice Cube, Muck Ice Cube, Moving Muck Ice Cube, Chilly Gunk Ice Cube, Gunk Ice Cube, and Moving Gunk Ice Cube -- though the waters are pristine now, it's important to keep on top of it to prevent another mess! This means the occasional Muck and Gunk can still be fished up, and you may even turn them into Ice Cubes at the Ice Box.
Of course, we can't forget our newest Pet Colour: Aquatic! These Pets were discovered by the Terrafrostian who were the first to fish up their Morphing Potions, and the Aquatic colour itself when the Aquatic Snow Jar was first fished up. Another round of congratulations to @Heaven, @Voermina, @Sumasuun, @Kamisheru14, and @Travis for their discoveries!
We felt this fit the discovery aspect of the event, and future Aquatic Pets will be discovered in the same way!
The Aquatic Snow Jar, Aquatic Lugra Morphing Potion, Aquatic Ridix Morphing Potion, Aquatic Ori Morphing Potion, and Aquatic Krittle Morphing Potion are all also be available in the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts) from now until the end of October.
"Howdy," Gilbert says. "This whole thing got me thinkin'. Someone -- not Jacobi, he has his Companion Reserve in the Halipar Jungles to run -- has to keep an eye on the Companions. Make sure they are taken care of, and not compelled to hoard junk in the Talytil Lakes again."
"The Reserve is under control," Jacobi assures. He does not elaborate further.
"So I've decided to open up my own fishin' shop," Gilbert says, ignoring Jacobi. "I'm calling it Gilbert's Lucky Lures, and the proceeds will go towards taking care of the local Companions."
Gilbert's initial stock of lures are the Imit Lure, Equea Lure, Teuligo Lure, Lake Bloom Lure, Ladon Lure, Simple Colour Lure, Patterned Colour Lure, and Marvelous Colour Lure.
These lures all boost -- but do not guarantee! -- the likelihood of fishing up the Companion or Companion Colour they are associated with. All lures are also single-use... but you may use a lure each time you fish, so don't be shy about stocking up!
With the conclusion of the Discovery Event, we are pleased to announce both the Fishing Skill and Fishing Log!
The initial three Fishing locations will require 0 fishing skill, but any new locations will require a certain amount of skill before you can fish there. The skill cap will increase with each new location.
Any Companions you catch while fishing will be recorded in your Fishing Log, including however many times you do so! (Traded Companions won't count towards your Log... Gilbert will know.)
Who knows what other locations -- and Items -- are just waiting to be discovered...?
Speaking of new Fishing locations, one of the locals has opened up their Lakeside Cottage to experienced anglers!
- Date Posted: 2023-09-29
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Spotlight day 29: Starchild & Revenant
Starchild Revenant Sub Breeds featured in this spotlight! Starchild Subbreed Thread | Guild Link Cost to make: ~31 CWP Celebratory Month: October / "Startober" Subbreed Blurb: All are welcome here! :) Starchildren come in many shapes & sizes and have traveled from far & wide to be here. There is already a large pool of customs so the breeding choices are nearly limitless! We offer 2 varieties - the classic "Starchild" (see below - 1st image) and the inverted "Supernova" (2nd image)! Then, once a year in May we have a "meteor shower" where we breed the 2 together for some more fun outcomes. The guild is free to join as well - come join us! :) Startober is a wonderful time of year where the stars are nice and visible due to the crisp autumn air. It's the best time of the year to find one of your own! All month long (October) we will be celebrating Startober! This includes art raff
- Date Posted: 2023-09-29
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Staff Hunt Resumes!
We hit a blip yesterday, but C quickly fixed it and the staff apps are working again. If you're interested in reading more, you can visit this news post . I'm just posting this since so many had run into the issue. Thank you to everyone who modboxed it! :) I'm making this one no comments so we can keep all discussions necessary on that other news post. Also - check out the spotlight in the post done earlier this morning for two awesome subs! /Sadi!
- Date Posted: 2023-09-29
- Link: Original Post
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