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Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: Snowprincess

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 3525

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

IcePets: Whooo's There?

New Woodland Ori

Whooo is that we hear calling from the forest? Why, it's the freshly preened Woodland Ori! With its stunning new feathers, this little guy is ready to keep an out for danger... and snacks... and the shadows moving through the trees...

New Woodland Ori Morphing Potion

To celebrate, some have come together to redecorate the Woodland Ori Morphing Potion, making it just as shiny and new as they are!

Gabrielle is selling the revised Morphing Potion at the Snow Jar Igloo, and from now until the end of December, it will also be available in the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts).

New Terrible Own Avatar

The Terrible Owner Avatar has also received a fresh coat of paint! (Maybe don't tell the Ori about this one.)

IcePets: Smells Like Pine...?

The Clog

Esca have been spotted traveling to and from the Lakeside Cottage in large schools, and we now know why -- following them has led to the discovery of The Clog, though what it's clogging up is a mystery...

Brown Bevvle

It has also led to the discovery of some new Companions! This little guy was the only one we saw on our initial trip, but there are no doubt more. Experienced anglers can try their luck at fishing them up!

Bevvle LureEsca Lure

In preparation, Gilbert has created the brand new Bevvle Lure. Figuring out what Esca enjoy took a bit, but they are also happy to introduce the Esca Lure! Both can be found over at Gilbert's Lucky Lures.

Ichumon: November 2023 Shoutbox Colors

The last  Summer Breeze  has fled. The  Shimmering Fall  is here.  Haystacks  fill the fields. Evenings hold a  Golden Glow . But a  Winter Chill  may not be far away.

This month features 5 colors available from the "Random Monthly SB Colour" item in the Cash Shop .

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

27088_190160760.jpg?no This week, the award goes to musi, who has a home with its owner now, but not feeling well! (read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner ColonnadeKay a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught -tiger-tiger- for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Flight Rising: Ancient Breeds: Auraboa Dragons

The Behemoth's elusive legends have begun to seek out dragon clans.

[Image Description: Banner image reads "Ancient Breeds: Auraboa - A New Ancient Breed." A serpentine Auraboa dragon faces to the right. It is a long dragon with feathered wings and arms. Its head has large eyes, two horns, and a feathered crest that fans out. This Auraboa is in shades of green, and features the Mochlus and Riopa genes, which place many U like shapes echoing through the wings and across the body in contrasting colors. Behind the dragon is the Gladeveins, a tropical jungle.]

Auraboa Divider Image

We¢re excited to announce that the next addition to our ancient breeds lineup, the Auraboa, have now been released! Ancient Breeds are a way for the Flight Rising team to release more regular dragon content, with a few restrictions to make that possible. You can read about the ancient breed system in our Developer Update on the subject.

Auraboa Dragons
The ancient tenders of the Behemoth had everything they thought they would ever need: the Gladekeeper, the Tree and the Loop. But after the events of the Bounty of the Elements , the newest generation of Auraboa finds that it wants to learn of the outside world, and connect with those outside their ancestral homeland and unique bond.

A set of three Auraboa. The Auraboa are a serpentine breed with 6 sets of feathered wings, the first of which also functions as a pair of front arms. The female auraboa in shades of muted green coils in the upper right. A male auraboa in striped shades of brilliant green faces inquisitively towards the left side of the canvas. The hatchling is in the lower right, and has larger facial features than the adults, with huge eyes. They are in shades of goldish green.

You can read more about changes taking place to the Auraboa in the short story, Ancient Arboriculture Observations, and gain some knowledge of their characteristics in the Encyclopedia.

If you¢re looking to change your dragons into an Auraboa, breed change scrolls may be purchased from the treasure marketplace .


Glorious Gifts:
To celebrate the debut of the Auraboa breed, all active players can visit Galore¢s Glorious Gifts and pick up Clanbound Unhatched Auraboa Egg if they wish to foster these elusive dragons in their lairs.


You will have until Tuesday, November 28th @ 09:00 server time to claim your gift.

Auraboa Genes: Unique & Parallel
It wouldn't be an Ancient Breed release without an impressive slate of unique and parallel genes!

Image is a gif of an Auraboa dragon in the tropical Gladeveins environment. The rotates through various Auraboa genes - birds of paradise feathers, a mane of flowers, and a head of snakes - as a preview for players.

Unique Genes
You can pick up the following unique Auraboa genes in the Treasure & Gem Marketplace:


You can create the following unique Auraboa genes using Baldwin¢s Bubbling Brew:


You can find the following unique Auraboa genes by battling monsters in the Coliseum:


Parallel Genes
In addition to the unique genes above, Auraboa can also exhibit some parallel genes that resemble those found in modern dragons. The parallel genes releasing today are:




If you encounter any errors in the Auraboa breed, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is for the new Auraboa breed genes only.

Auraboa Forum Vista
You can show off your newfound Auraboa appreciation by sporting the following forum vista, now available in the Treasure Marketplace:


New Emojis
A set of Crested Auraboa emojis are now available!


New Achievements
A new achievement What an Arborible Dragon! is now available! To unlock this achievement, obtain a Auraboa dragon through hatching, Crossroads, or the Auction House. Circling back to last week's updates, a new achievement Time for Hot Cocoa and a Fireplace! is awarded for excavating every item in the Frozen Age dig site !

Auraboa Divider Image

Rockbreaker's Ceremony Skin Contest 6.png
The eleventh annual Rockbreaker's Ceremony will begin on November 26, 2023, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration Click here for more information!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Pocket Puma Pets: Confirm and Shopping Updates AND Favors!

We recently rolled out a change to our confirm popups.

The old system was causing some issues relying on browsers to play nice (looking at you firefox!)

Our new confirm is much more configurable and visible! You will find it anywhere that used to ask you to confirm before continuing.


The new confirm also changed some unintentional things like shopping and breeding-- sorry about that! Some users have been using methods to speed that up that stopped working with this update.

One fix we have rolled out today applies to site shops:

You can now buy more than one item at a time! :D YAY!!


There is a limit of 100 at a time for infinitely stocked items though!


You can drag the slider to increase or decrease the amount you wish to purchase, and the cost should update as you do!

Typing in more than the shop has currently will simply cap the number to the max available.

If you experience any issues/bugs please report them on the Bug Reports & Glitches forum!

[ Bug Reports & Glitches ]

We are always working on fixing stuff and quality of life changes, but if you think we might have missed something, or want to bring something to our attention, or even just let us know something needs to be a higher priority-- let us know! We would love to hear from you!

[ Ideas & Suggestions & Points of Interest ]

Favors Edit:


Also Favor of the White Flamingo can be applied up to 5 times per breeding now! :)

Only one scarab per breeding still! Get more mileage out of your scarab breedings with favors! :D

Try it out with a gift from Leo!

[ Leo's Loot ]

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 4258

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Celestial Equine: November Updates - Development and more!

November Updates - Development and more!

Good afternoon, CE players!

I hope you all had a fantastic spooky season! As we gear up for some fun winter releases, I am so thrilled to share some exciting new updates coming your way.

Over the last month and a half, Eve has been hard at work cleaning up CE’s user interface. This includes removing outdated/buggy code, resolving weird mobile views, and more. This task is extremely tedious but the results will be so worth it! Our goal is to allow for CE to be more mobile friendly for a more enjoyable experience on the go. This process will seem slow moving on the live side as we comb through each individual page and test functionality before pushing any changes.

Snapshot of pending changes

- Improved shop stocking
- All pagination errors resolved
- Improved mobile views
- Improved loading time
- Corrected text
- Ability to hide/collapse shouts
- Fixed overlapping features on mobile view
- Fixed beauty contests on mobile
- Horse void bug resolved
- Added stud cost to a horse’s page.
- Added ability to change the stud cost even when a horse is on cool-down.
- Breeding Status longer says ‘Error!’ or ‘Success!’ at the start of the alert to avoid confusion; instead just says ‘Breeding Status’.
- If you are the horse owner, ‘This horse is eligible for breeding, but the owner has not enabled public breeding. Message this player to negotiate!’ has been changed to ‘This horse is okay to breed. You can put them up for public breeding by setting a breeding cost below’ to make it less confusing.
- The button to submit the breed form now shows either as ‘Breed’ if you’re the owner, or ‘Send Request’ if you aren’t.
- Fixed the twin/colt/filly plushie text showing up as white against the grey background (and centered it), and same for the ‘None’ text if no breed requests are found. Fixed formatting and spacing errors for both.

Once the messy style sheets are removed, future updates to interface will be very quick! We will resume expansions to horse breeding and other feature tweaks once our interface overhaul is complete. While I do not have an exact timeline for this, we are thinking most of these changes can be pushed by the end of December. The listed changes are complete but we need to ensure our style changes do not cause other features to break. Thank you all for being so patient - the wait will be worth it!

In other news, we have numerous new gene releases slated for December 1! Be on the lookout for a new update at that time.

For those of you familiar with the Celestial Equine Etsy shop, we have new spooky enamel pins and other goodies freshly stocked! Check them out here.

IcePets: Raffle + Trivia + Trophies

Raffle Result

This weeks raffle was won by RayAlexander.

They received 2,237,400 IP!

Trivia Result


Trivvy has a new question for you! Click here to try question #215. Trivia #214 was answered correctly by 21 people!

Game Trophies

The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:


trophy-catch-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 248:

trophy-catch-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 192:

trophy-catch-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 96:



coined-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 61200:

coined-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 15900:

coined-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 10610:


Ice Breaker

ibb-trophy.pngFirst Place, with a score of 26975:

ibs-trophy.pngSecond Place, with a score of 10280:

ibg-trophy.pngThird Place, with a score of 6865:


Ice Snake

trophy-snakegame-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 105:


Jar Match

jarmatchtrophy-plain-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 1148:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 1127:

jarmatchtrophy-plain-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 1075:


Red vs Blue

RedvsBluetrophy-gold2.pngFirst Place, with a score of 90:

RedvsBluetrophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 76:

RedvsBluetrophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 47:


Sharshel Says

sharshel-says-trophy-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 10150:

sharshel-says-trophy-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 6500:

k_liandra, Kamisheru14
sharshel-says-trophy-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 5060:



trophy-survivor-gold.pngFirst Place, with a score of 175:

trophy-survivor-silver.pngSecond Place, with a score of 165:

trophy-survivor-bronze.pngThird Place, with a score of 148:


Ichumon: Battle Royale

icedolf.gif medalgold-1.pngAnne won last week's Battle Royale with a time of 99 seconds! All who completed the Battle Royale have been awarded their cP prize and first, second, and third place have also won trophies for their profiles.

Sign up your Ichumon in this week's Battle Royale Contest !

You will need to kill 16 Ice Dolf in the Battle Royale Map as fast as you can. The quickest user to complete the battles will receive the top prize of 25,000 cP!

Use the "Contact" link for more information

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