Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to Vendur, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 20,500 iP and the item prize was Magical Red Ignomi Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Magical Black Corvus Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2024-04-03
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Pearadise Festival 2024 - The Woes of Florrie
The sights, sounds and smells of spring had once again come to the lands of Lunaria. As far as the eye could see, the bare browns and dull oranges that had spent the winter licked by frost or dusted under drifts of gentle snow were giving way to vivid rainbows of color as early spring blossoms lifted their petaled heads to the warming sun. One tiny patch of bright purple crocus flowers almost seemed to sigh as the rays of morning light glittered down from a cool blue sky, the first tiny honeybees of the season alighting on them to seek sweet nectar¢¦and then the bees darted away in panic as the flowers were squashed under the pattering paws of a group of overexcitable pups. ¢Watch where you¢re going!¢ an elderly Earth waja cried out. He shambled forward to delicately readjust the rumpled plant with one large but deftly experienced hooved foot. The pups whined softly in the rebuke, but brightened when the oldtimer chuckled. &
- Date Posted: 2024-04-03
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner
Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.
This week, the award goes to Jack, who wasn't feeling well.(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with pictures, they have earned their owner Caleby a free account upgrade! Congrats!
Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!
Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.
- Date Posted: 2024-04-03
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Peggscape Contest Winner
Hippity-Hop! Hippity-Hop!
Boy, am I hungry from all this hopping around my bunny trail.
Time to take a rest at Btabc's peggscape and eat a carrot!
Congrats! You have just won a free account upgrade and a peggscape trophy for your profile!
¢¢¢¢Make sure to SIGN UP HERE for your chance to win tomorrow!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-03
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: April Monthlies + March coder recap
Better box alignment for the [ item ] shortcode Wajadex shows the correct shop NPCs for Emporiums Aero themes are now live! Tried some animation on the Daily Pear that proved to - be unpopular so it's gone Daily Pear now shows the streak multiplier more prominently Fixed a problem that prevented the Generous Donor trophy from being awarded for a few weeks Waja friends only sales are live Favorite Wajas has some new sorting options Quick Equip improvements (waja detail page) Various bug fixes and QoL improvements C der Recap For the month of March Coming Soon/Misc Changes/Notes: Library Updates: With the FriendFest rounded up, I (Sadi) am going to begin prioritizing getting the library sorted. (More on the game side of this update below, this is just covering Library stuff). I've removed some of the guides that had images that had been hosted on discord. Discords
- Date Posted: 2024-04-02
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner
The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught _-CSI-_ for this weeks aquarium contest winner!
¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-02
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-02
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Miles Magic Box
It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-02
- Link: Original Post
Dragon Cave: 2023-04-01 - TOP SECRET RE: “APRIL”
I am receiving reports from my extensive network of field agents of an alarming development: despite our best efforts to stop it, ¢April¢ has arrived. While these reports are not yet substantiated, if true the consequences woul¢never mind, they have indeed been substantiated by myself, by looking at the clock on my phone.
All evidence points to the drastic change in month from ¢March¢ to ¢April¢ being highly correlated with another drastic change: The Dragon¢s Dilemma has returned to Dragon Cave. If you were hoping to play Dragon Cave today, good luck; entering the biomes will instead thrust you into the mini-event. Handle the situation with care, though, for if you choose the right answer, you may just get a special reward.
This strange phenomena is already showing signs of waning, and I predict that by this time tomorrow it will be gone. I predict my predictions will be correct, since I'm the one who made it that way.
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Link: Original Post
Dragon Cave: 2024-04-01 - TOP SECRET RE: “APRIL”
I am receiving reports from my extensive network of field agents of an alarming development: despite our best efforts to stop it, ¢April¢ has arrived. While these reports are not yet substantiated, if true the consequences woul¢never mind, they have indeed been substantiated by myself, by looking at the clock on my phone.
All evidence points to the drastic change in month from ¢March¢ to ¢April¢ being highly correlated with another drastic change: The Dragon¢s Dilemma has returned to Dragon Cave. If you were hoping to play Dragon Cave today, good luck; entering the biomes will instead thrust you into the mini-event. Handle the situation with care, though, for if you choose the right answer, you may just get a special reward.
This strange phenomena is already showing signs of waning, and I predict that by this time tomorrow it will be gone. I predict my predictions will be correct, since I'm the one who made it that way.
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Moondance Festival 2024
Happy Moondance!
Happy Moondance Festival everyone! April 1st thru April 10th 2023!
The Moondance Festival is the official release time of the Wushi breed. The Wushi is only available as a Transformation (or through breeding). What that means is you cannot create a Custom Wushi in the Orb Cavern like other breeds.
Wushi require a special item called a Wushi Cabbage which is used from your inventory to Transform an already existing Puma. The existing Puma can be any gender, age, breed, or generation!
These Cabbages are ONLY on sale during Moondance Festival,
Wushi Cabbage: These will be on sale in the TE Items Shop on April 3rd thru April 10th ONLY! The price is 10 TE for each Cabbage!
NEW! this year, we also have a dragn based Campaign! Click [ here ] to check it out for even more new dragn goodies!
This is a shorter festival, but there's still a ton of fun packed into it! Here's some of what you can look forward to:
Gifting Stump: Be sure to use the themed Gifting Stump to send gifts to friends and fellow members.
Profile Clicks: Light off firecrackers once every hour and see what prizes pop out! This is a "Lucky Money" festival so you will see lots of pence and some TE! This is a great way to earn more pence!
Shop Items: There are a few shop items available! Some are returning and some are brand new. Be sure to check the corner icon so you'll know if it's a moondance item! There will be only 1 or 2 2024 exclusive items this time around. The corner icon will have a '24 on it!
Random Event: A festival-themed random event should be floating around on the site...
Retiring Items: Okay, this can be a bit sad, but we have some items retiring this year. All returning festival items get a nice run of 4 years after their festival first release date, so we can make room for new ones. Items originally released in 2021 will be retiring at 11:59 PM on April 10th! These items are spread throughout the site, so be sure to grab them while you can. :)
If you'd like a sneak peak of 2024's Moondance items Click here!
We hope you enjoy the Moondance 2024 Festival!
Thanks for celebrating with us!
(Premium Members: Don't forget to grab your April Premium Gift, too!)
You will find the Wushi items at the bottom of the TE Shop page
Enjoy Moondance!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Posted By: PhantomFire
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: April 2024: New Premium Gift Available
A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!
This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)
Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Posted By: Newzy Puma
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: User Title Winners
LauraX was awarded the User Title: Restocker
Anne was awarded the User Title: Quester
qnb733 was awarded the User Title: Pro SBer
osita was awarded the User Title: Most Active
qnb733 was awarded the User Title: Top Battler
Lunaflo was awarded the User Title: Loved
Brett was awarded the User Title: Blogger
Anne was awarded the User Title: Gamer
LauraX was awarded the User Title: Champion
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 1769
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: New Mayors for April!
Here are your new mayors for April!
Labrador City - Haris204
Kuvasz City - michelle2244
Pony City - No Mayor
Collie City - RainbowGlass
Sheepdog City - truebloodvamp
Dolphin City - Bunchy
Wolfox City - jandjmom
Eagle City - Kazzy
Gecko City - StellaEversole
Polar City - TiquiOBrat
Somali City - RoseC
- Date Posted: 2024-04-01
- Link: Original Post
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