Solpets: Creating Pet Issue + more . .
Some users are having issues creating a pet. This has been looked into and tested on a couple accounts and shows no errors. Please try again creating your pet to see if you still have issues. Please report all errors and any problems or concerns you have right away. Thank you.
We also made our change log available to all users. You can view our change log in our support system (link is in the footer at the bottom of the page) or by clicking here.
You also may notice a slight change in the layout left side bar.
- Date Posted: 2017-09-02
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: August Dress-Up Contest
Welllll, the 30th of August is still August! This time I'm going for a theme I've been wanting to do for ages: Expressions! You don't have to stick to just the new expressions though. Feel free to use any items you like to create the most interesting, silly, scary or creepy faces you like! I'm looking for some really expressive Wajas here and can't wait to see what you guys have to share with me! Link to the thread here. Contest ends 6th of Sept, 4pm Wajas time. -Terminal Nostalgia
- Date Posted: 2017-08-30
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: 5 New items Added!
[center] In honor of independence day this week here are some new items available in the holiday shop this month!
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Plus a new avatar!
- Date Posted: 2017-07-06
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Solpets turns 6 years old!!!
[center] In honor of our 6 year anniversary we are offering free 3 month premium membership for all members. Just click the upgrade button in the footer.
- Date Posted: 2017-07-04
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Happy Father's Day
[center] [img][/img]
To all the fathers who play and allow their children to come visit Solpets - Happy Father's Day! [/center]
- Date Posted: 2017-06-18
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Security Updates
These past couple days we have had some security updates throughout the site. Please make sure to always report all glitches so we can fix them right away.
Hope everyone has a great summer. Stay cool.
- Date Posted: 2017-06-16
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Wajas Showcase!
Hey Everyone, The Wajas Showcase has been completed. You can control which wajas display into which location by going into your settings - Profile tab. It's possible your wajas showcase might have been reset where your previous selections were removed. You can simply re-add them, organize them how you wish or add new ones! Cheers, ~ Estuko
- Date Posted: 2017-05-31
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Performance Issues and Site Maintenance
Some of you may have been noticing intermittent issues with performance. I am working with our hosting company to resolve these issues. In the course of troubleshooting the problem, the tech I spoke with noticed that our database needs to be upgraded. The tech believes that the upgrade will improve performance. I have scheduled the upgrade for Thursday, 3 AM EST (that's about 3 hours as of this writing). The site will be unavailable during the upgrade, and I expect it to last between 1/2 hour to 2 hours. We appreciate your patience during this time. - Dave
- Date Posted: 2017-05-31
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: New Feature: Layout Selector!
We have added a new feature called the Layout Selector or Style Selector. You can choose which layout you would like to use. Right now there is only 2 official layouts released: Our default one (Sunny Day) and Plain and Simple (a simple grey and white layout). If you have an idea you would like to submit for other layouts please feel free to comment or message me.
To change your current layout click on "Personal" (on the top nav) and from there go to your SolSettings. Look for "Style" in the form and from the dropdown menu are your current choices of layouts. This can be updated anytime by all users.
Beta and Premium Only layouts will be coming soon.
- Date Posted: 2017-05-26
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Happy Mother's Day
To all the mothers who play and allow their children to come visit Solpets - Happy Mother's Day!
Today is about you!
- Date Posted: 2017-05-14
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Solopian Weather Station has opened!
[center] [img][/img] You are given the chance to compete against our expert meteorologist on his prediction for the next day's weather. He will give you a hint of what range to guess in. If you are within 5 degree's of his guess you will be rewarded 500 sPoints. [/center]
- Date Posted: 2016-12-22
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Bug Fixes for the Holidays
[center] [img][/img] [/center]
We have made some security updates around the site for the beginning of this holiday season.
Along with the security updates we have had the following bug fixes: - Shoutbox links now open in tab. - Pets "ATTITUDE" and "HUNGER" now change daily. - User shops now do not have the "Shop does not exist" error when purchasing a item.
Please Note: Pet spirits are being removed from the site soon.
- Date Posted: 2016-11-10
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Trick or Treat!
Trick or Treating has started. Just visit a user's profile and choose between the available options. Have fun. Get some candy. :)
- Date Posted: 2016-10-18
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Summer Updates!
Summer is nearly half way through and that means it's time for some bug fixes.
- We have changed the terms to change your pet's name. You have to have a premium membership or have your pet be at level 50 or higher (instead of 10 or higher). - CSS bug fixes though out the site. Most noticeable on the forums and shops. - Bank link has been added to your sPoint total under your username in the layout (top right hand corner). - Fixed broken beta links for staff and beta users. - Support system has had some minor updates and bug fixes. - In the forums, the last reply is now the correct and actual LAST reply.
Keep sending in your error you find using the support system! - CL
- Date Posted: 2016-07-14
- Link: Original Post
Solpets: Happy April Fool's Day!
It's that time of year to joke with your friends (and hope they don't know what's coming).
This post is not about jokes though, we would just like to share what is being worked on. The Dice Game and Rich Pido are now completely working - for everyone. Slots needs some extra test, but we believe it is working for everyone now. High and Low and Heads or Tails still have some tests that need to be done.
Once all games are working properly for everyone, we will start working on the Item Helper and the solDome.
- Date Posted: 2016-04-01
- Link: Original Post
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