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IcePets: Phantasmoire Festivities Begin

Phantasmoire Ori Plush Handmade Phantasmoire Dovu Plush Phantasmoire Ducky

Autumn leaves tumble across the ground, the full moon illuminates the sky, and a spooky chill fills the air. It's official: Phantasmoire season is here!

Chocolate BarPhantasmoire Snow Jar Cherry Lollipop

For those who have not yet experienced Phantasmoire, be prepared for a month of spooky festivities and sugary treats! Pets all around Terrafrost have begun preparation for the upcoming holiday. If you'd like to join in on the fun, be sure to stock up on some Phantasmoire Snow Jars and some treats from your favorite shops!

Starting today, your Phantasmoire Pets can begin haunting. Be sure to give them a Empty Haunting Treat Bag before they begin -- they're available in all NPC shops, except for Snow Jar Igloo and Golden Touch. Once they're all set, they can visit fellow Users' doorsteps (or profile pages) to stock up on goodies.

And if you'd like to pass out some treats to your fellow Terrafrostians, it's fairly simple. Just purchase some food at your favorite shops, and go to your profile and click the Add food to Doorstep link. It doesn't have to be sweets, either -- the haunters will be just as happy to receive some refreshing fruits and vegetables, too.

Festive Ribbon CandyCottoncandy Macarons Dark Chocolate Cream Cookie

Starting this year, you can unlock new trophies by leaving food on your doorstep! There are currently only 15 different levels for this trophy. The food added is cumulative going forward; as a result, you will not have your food returned at the end of the event. Thanks to Phantasmoire magic, the remaining treats will be available again at the start of the Phantasmoire festivities next year!

Beauty King

Don't have enough IcePoints for a Phantasmoire Snow Jar? Don't fret -- as usual, the generous Beauty King will morph one of your pets for free. This offer lasts until the end of October, so be sure to snatch it up while you can.

Blob Coin Empty Grave Stamp Candycorn Cupcake

Also, the Token Booth will be selling some returning Phantasmoire-themed Items until October 8th 23:59:59 IcePets Time. After that, they will swap them out for a new set of Items. The first batch of Items they'll release are the Blob Coin, Empty Grave Stamp, and Candycorn Cupcake! Be sure to snatch them up while you still can.


We'd also like to mention that for the month of October, you can visit the Haunted House every three hours instead of the usual six. Those who are brave enough to venture in may even find some unique Phantasmoire-themed Items...

Staff Staff367.png

Last but certainly not least, we'd like to introduce our new editor @piedragon to the IcePets team! Be sure to give him a warm welcome.

Eqcetera: Ingot Sale and Mini Update!

Hello, everyone!


Horse Fable¢s development is rolling along smoothly. So much so, we¢ve done a bit more spending on art and assets thanks to those who bought forever upgrades! Today, we are opening up an ingot sale to help cover some very exciting developments in HoFa¢s release.


To give a quick summary as to what we are looking cover, we have roughly 700 new horse image layers ° , several explore images °¾, and backgrounds ° all in the works. Also! Western tack is almost done! Yeehaw! °¤ 


¢¯¸ Ingot Sale


Ingots are now on sale for up to 35% off! Included in the ingot sale, we have brought back packages which include spectral and magic token sacks. The ingot sale will run from today until October 15th, 11:59 PM EST/ gametime. 


¢¨ Available Bundles


To celebrate Eqcetera¢s final weeks, we have brought back all previous bundles which are up for sale in the ingot store. These bundles include limited-edition reindeer calf, breeders promise, valentine tack sets, and more! 

In the General Store both magic and spectral tokens are also on sale for those who wish to purchase them not in a large bundle.


¢¯¸ HoFa Updates

As a reminder, Horse Fable updates will not be posted to Eqcetera. Instead, they can be accessed through 2 channels: HoFa socials or by signing up for updates on , we suggest both following socials and signing up for emails. Our goal between now and when we launch HoFa is to really concentrate on building the social media channels and increase awareness about HoFa in general. 


We¢re planning email updates biweekly or weekly until launch with sneak peeks into some sparkly new features. 

[ Facebook ]      [Instagram ]     [Twitter]

Sign up for email updates at


Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!



Bedouin and Curly

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: Leesh won a Magical Yellow Ichu Mirror Shard.
2nd: jenboop20 won a Magical Ichu Sui Mirror Shard.
3rd: Blastoise
They have each also won 22,180 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 10 Purple Seahorse from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Powerpets: POWEX Winner!

Congratulations to PicklePen, for earning $8134895 in POWEX this week.
You have been rewarded with a POWEX trophy!

Will you be the next POWEX Mogul? Earn the most profit by next Saturday at 3 PM PP Time, and you can show other Powerpets players what you are made of.

Lythbound: Welcome to the Haunted Faire!


"It is good to return to the realms of Lyth once again this year. I welcome Lythians one and all to the Haunted Faire, to partake in our activities, until we lose our connection to your mortal realms once more."

Haunted Faire

The Haunted Faire has become once again accessible to Lythians from the mortal realms and a variety of activities are available again this year! The Faire runs from October 1 until November 7th at 23:59:59 site time, unless another date and time are mentioned for a specific activity.

To see everything available at the Haunted Faire, be sure to visit the event hub!

The Lost Realm is once again available for visitation and you may continue or begin your Realm Familiarity quests there. To get started, a free Lost Key is available here.


Ink has returned with a new set of art prompts! Win pets and an MYO ticket for completing varying amounts of the prompts.


Go bobbing for apples once each day. You probably will not come back with an apple.


Some Haunted Faire traditions have spread throughout other realms as well! Go trick-or-treating at your friends' doors and receive treats (or tricks) each day! The rewards are different for each option, so you will need to decide which you would prefer!

To trick-or-treat, simply visit another member's profile and interact with the UI at the top of the page. Trick-or-treating will only be available on the profiles of individuals who have recently logged in.


The Faire's visual art costume contest is back this year! Entries for this part of the event are only open until October 22, 2021 at 23:59:59 (to allow time for voting) so be sure to get your entries in!

264.png170.png 69.png

The Ringleader's stall is available for spending your Faire Tickets for a variety of prizes from past Faire events, including the limited time Moonsbane Potion! This portion of the event is open until the end of the year, December 31st at 23:59:59.


Got candy from trick-or-treating? There are a selection of thematic pets invading the Pet Shelter who would love to take it off your hands. If you're lucky, the pet you feed might decide to come home with you! Feed these pets in the shelter with your Haunted Faire foods while you can -- they will disappear on November 1st!


Having a good time at the Haunted Faire? Tell your friends and get entered into a raffle to win an exclusive custom character, sets of pets, and this year's new frame!


Starting on October 18th until October 31st, Eidolons will be released throughout the site for discovery... Will you find them all?

New (sub)Species

The Haunted Faire's influence has spread widely through the realms, and some Axomaurs are feeling... strange.


The Monster subspecies is now available for Axomaurs!
This is a temporary condition that overrides an Axomaur's normal subspecies. This means that an Axomaur can be both Terrestrial and a Monster by transforming between the two. A result of this transformation is that the Axomaur's size and strength increases by quite a bit! In this state, Axomaurs will chase anything that moves ¢ often resulting in them getting lost chasing birds or bugs ¢ and are prone to losing control.

Use a Moonsbane Potion from the Ringleader's stall to change your Axomaur into this subspecies.
(Monster Axomaurs concepted and designed by CakeBird!)


Not only are Axomaurs behaving strangely, but a new species has started appearing... dubbed the Djiminni, this new species is now available as a companion!

Djiminnis are spirits who are often associated with dark magic, as they are believed to be side effects from conjuring its spells. However, they are neither innately evil nor innately good; they come into being and then simply exist within the realms. They are made of a gaseous material that allows them to float silently about and even phase through solid objects. And, in reality, these creatures are quite shy! Most of the time, Djiminnis are covered by a solid exterior of their own making that consists of three parts: a mask, an outer shell, and other decorative pieces.

Read more about them here!


Collect materials to make their lure and build up your familiarity with the Lost Realm to capture these unique companions!
(Original concept for the Djiminni created by Traumlaterne and adapted by Raishiteru!)

  • Date Posted: 2021-10-01
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: October Has Arrived


The votes have been tallied, and it's time to announce the winners of Member of the Month (MOTM for short)! For this month's Yet to Win MOTM, everyone congratulate...


Thank you for making IcePets a better place!


Next up, the winner of the Free for All MOTM, please congratulate...


Thank you for your continuing contributions to our community!


Both of these fantastic members will receive 100,000 IcePoints and either the exclusive Member of the Month Avatar, or, if they already have it, the Honoured Member Trophy.

Member of the Month Avatar
Honoured Member Trophy


While member votes were tallying for MOTM, Staff votes tallied for SOTM, and this month's winner is...


To acknowledge their contributions to the team, we've created the following Item in their honour!

Fancy Code Monkey
Fancy Code Monkey


Hedge Maze StampAudrey IIITrapped Soul Ice Cube

As we move into October, new Items can be found in the I.C.E Shop for the duration of the month! Head on over to pick up Hedge Maze Stamp and Audrey III, along with the returning Trapped Soul Ice Cube. Each of these is priced at 500 IceCash (or 450 IceCash for Gold Members)!

Creepy Doll Trading CardWeekly Terrafrost News

Additionally, a few of our resident shopkeepers have added some new Items to their stock! The Creepy Doll Trading Card can be found at Toy Trunk while the Weekly Terrafrost News can be found at Ralph's Page Turners. The Plushie Quest will reward the Creepy Doll Trading Card immediately, but it will be requested by the Space Quest in one week. Similarly, the Weekly Terrafrost News will be requested by the Book Quest in one week. Be sure to stock up in advance!

Snowman Plush Frozen Snowman Tears

It's that time again! The Snowman Quest will have both its daily quest limit and rewards doubled for this weekend. This buff will run from October 1st to October 3rd at 23:59:59 IcePets Time, so get questing while you can!

Atrocity: Halloween 2021 and Pizza Ovens

Hey atrocitians! Im here to let you know the Halloween event has returned! The bakeneko are back from the shrine to celebrate with you <3

Its thehalloween event!

What does this mean?

it means that the bakeneko are back on the site for the holiday! Man do they love Halloween! in fact they've decided to be awesomely nice and share some treasures with you!

But not always for free!
Your pet will find Some Katty Taffy sometimes as you wander the site that you can use to persuade the Bakeneko to let you play! They're also being generous and giving you some free ones everyday!

**You can also now find them on the forums too as you browse there!

Head on over to the Event plaza to start playing! and winning items!

(I admit that the games are not perfect...I am an amateur coder..but I tried!)

There is also Some new items in
Caratrises, Habibis, and Delilahs stores!

As well as some spooky Pet genetics!


You can also do some trick or treating! You just need to visit a Users profile! A banner will randomly appear! and you then can click on it to get prizes!

This is what the banner looks like!

To be able to obtain these items you need to have a Which is available to buy in Habibi's holiday for the Month!
Please Also try to leave a Lovely message on their profile when you find something! we all deserve some love!



Also please Feel free to Join in the Discussion Forum about halloween!

This Event Will Last until October 30th!



Pizza Ovens!

You may notice that your house looks a bit different, same functionality, but theres something new added- a pizza Oven! which you can buy the permit for over at Account upgrades!

What does it do? It lets you cook pizza!

These Pizzas are special in the fact that they Fill your pets meters 100%

How do you get the ingredients?

Well the wood is found by your pet

And the ingredients can either be found at the Supermarket, Farmed foods, Or by exploring the meadow farm and encountering farm animals.
(mind you I may change where you get some of them- but it will always be one of these three as in take some out of the supermarket to get from the farm animals instead- sort of deal.)

Thats all for now! Still working on other stuff too!
Till next time!~

Celestial Equine: October Updates!

October Updates!

Happy October 1! This news post will be covering our new releases for the month of October, development updates, and a reminder to sign up for updates regarding our new Etsy shop. Keep reading to stay in the loop!

October Releases

The Celestial Shops are feeling quite spooky! Our brand-new October genes are officially stocking in the Magic Shop along with our returning October genetics. For those of you interested in grabbing the entire pack of Magic Shop October genes, we do have a Spotlight Event Package available for purchase in the Cash Shop. This package includes every single gene released last October and the new 2021 genetics.

The Klaud breed has also received its new genes (new marking, collar variations, new horns) and is ready for creation in the Shadow World!

We have also made several new Spotlight Event Packages including our 2020 and 2021 spooky genetics/wearables! You can preview all of the available genes and packages here.

Development Updates

Our update to the battle feature is live! We did experience a minor hiccup regarding the items being distributed through battle wins - this issue is now resolved and working as expected. Be sure to head on over to the battle arena to earn exciting coins and items for each NPC defeat!

Next up, we will begin development of the four alliances seen on the Exploration map. We are not sharing spoilers at this time, but keep in mind this feature is sure to be a crowd favorite. *hint* - this area will be using the World Coins!

Celestial Equine Etsy Shop

Lastly, we have added a link to our Etsy shop in the Navigation bar. Be sure to favorite the shop if you are interested in beautiful stickers, enamel pins, stationary, coloring books, and more! This shop is the ultimate fantasy paradise for CE lovers.

Lythbound: October 1, 2021

Featured Lythian This month's Featured Lythian is...

SY293 Hylox
Owned by: syrup

Gifting Gacha Increased Rates Items with increased rates in this month's Gifting Gacha are:

Assorted Seeds
Piece of Bark
Candy Corn Carrot
Spira Shell

New Monthly Contest A new monthly contest has begun. You can read more on the Costume Contest page!

Congratulations to the winner of last month's Monthly Contest!
"A Kella Ser could be found balancing unsteady atop a stepping stool as they tried with much difficulty to reach a bottle that was at the top of the spice rack. The house had clearly not been made for a smaller species such as themself and it had for a while now been causing problems to overcome. Now however they weren't really sure how to, there wasn't a counter or anything near enough to climb onto and the only stepping stool he had, was already balancing underneath them. With a frustrated groan the small feline like creature made a quick but likely dumb decision, unable to think of any ot..."
Read more
Submission by: AceConfusion

  • Date Posted: 2021-10-01
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Pocket Puma Pets: October 2021: New Premium Gift Available

A brand new month has arrived, which means we also have a new Premium Gift!


This Premium Gift is available until the end of the month for all upgraded users. Head to your Index Control Panel to accept this month's gift whenever you are ready! Don't forget to open it and see what is inside. :)

Not yet Premium? CLICK HERE for more details, or head to the TE Items Shop to buy an upgrade item! Enjoy!

  • Date Posted: 2021-10-01
  • Posted By: Newzy Puma
  • Link: Original Post

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to lavender133 on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Storms

Wajas: Spooktacular Breeding Contest

Spooktacular Breeding Contest Hello, hello everyone! It is October, which means it's time to get SpOoKy! Are you all ready?! I know I am! Just a notice - as per the newspost last year, we will not be doing another month long forum ToT. It's very strenuous on the people keeping up with it, and it actually really bogged the site down. We will have it still, but it will only last a week, so be on the lookout for that. We will of course be having the door, but that will be later this month, as per it's normal schedule. Finally, there will be other games and such that come towards the end of the month to make this a full Fall Festival, but this contest requires more time than they do, so we are rolling it out early to allow for it. Please make sure you read ALL of the information and rules. This Breeding Contest is not your normal breeding contest, and failure to follow the requirements for this contest will result in you not being eligible for any prizes a

Wajas: October Monthly Items

October Monthly Items Hi hi guys! It's the start of October, and you know what that means right?! October Monthly items are in! This months items were done around an user submitted companion from the 15 Year Anniversary winners. If you all recall, Zebe designed a Forest Spirit (the deer), and the awesome artist who took over doing their submission thought it might be cool to make a whole set around it. Sparra did everything but the wallpaper, Estu made the wallpaper. Without further adieu, here's your monthly items! Leaf Exchange: Forest Spirit, Forest Spirit Aura, Forest Spirit Path, Forest Spirit Squrriel, Forest Spirit Stone. Bonus Barn: Forest Spirit Dragon. CWP Shop: Forest Spirit Woods Raven's Shop: Forest Spirit Fox, Forest Spirit Owl Raccoon King: Forest Spirit Flower, Forest Spirit Leaf Forum Trick or Treat Area has been returned . But remember, the actual forum ToT event will only happen for one week, so if you post a

Powerpets: Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat baskets are now functional! Have fun giving treats to your fellow players. If you happen to visit Themetal's basket. Don't be cheap!

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
How often do you vote in the PF mayor election?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Use the "Contact" link for more information