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Flight Rising: Dev Update: Accessibility Update # 2

A banner shaped image with a white background and interlocked cogs of varying shades of coppery brown. There is a mechanical monkey on the right side of the banner and the overlaid text reads Developer Update

Today's Dev Update sums up our most recent batch of accessibility changes, quality of life updates, and previews some upcoming features to pinglists.

We're pleased to provide an update on the second batch (of several planned) updates in our ongoing efforts to enhance the usability of Flight Rising for all players. As many of you know, we're placing a priority focus on improving accessibility in every place we can, ensuring that everyone can fully enjoy our world and all it has to offer. This update continues our commitment and effort to do right by our entire community, making your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Let's dive in!

Accessibility Updates

We've been rolling out updates as they're completed and tested, so many of these may look familiar to you. In case you missed those, however, we've happily summarized them below! As you can see, a good swath of features received some extra screen-reader love, including:

  • Predict Morphology has been updated to include stronger screen reader support and now automatically generates dragon text descriptions based on the selections you've made in each field.
  • Several text-based areas of the Game Database, such as item descriptions, categories, and comments from fellow players have been hooked up to be screen reader-friendly.
  • We all love expressing ourselves, so we've taken the time to catch-up most text areas of the Clan Profile. Clan biographies, elements, and profile comments should be much easier to interact with for players using screen reader tools.
  • A collection of navigability & functional improvements have been rolled out for the Lair & Hibernal Den.
  • Screen-reader support has also been extended to the Forums, as well as important sitewide navigability elements:
    • Breadcrumb links
    • Pagination

But we're not done yet! A handful of additional screen-reader integrations are in testing right now and will be rolling out very soon! They include:

  • Functions of the Hoard & Vault
  • Readability improvements for Dragon Profiles, and...
  • Expanded accessibility for the private message system

These changes will all make their way into our Dev Tracker.

Quality of Life Changes

In addition to accessibility, we have also been committed to continuously implementing oft-asked for quality of life improvements whenever we can. Here are some changes that have rolled out in the last few months:

  • Like many other cosmetic specialty items, it is now possible to preview the effects of a Reflection Scroll by clicking the item's icon in forum posts, dragon profiles, and other places that support BBcode tags.
  • By popular demand, we have created read-only versions of our concluded sitewide events, Dustcarve Dig & Unfathomable Odyssey which are now available through the Encyclopedia. If you missed either limited time event, or simply want to relive each moment, now you can! Player suggestions were instrumental to this project, and we're happy to provide it, considering how important both events have been to the ongoing story of Sornieth!


Very soon, we'll be rolling out a few helpful modifications to the Pinglist system as well! We've been intently watching discussions that will help forge the future of this feature, so it should by no means be considered a stopping point. In the meantime, we felt these were some good steps in the right direction:

  • It will soon be possible to sort your pinglists by the following parameters: Pinglist ID, Pinglist Name, and Pinglist Subscriber Count
  • A new option is being added for pinglist owners allowing them to clear the list of its subscribers. This will provide pinglists expanded flexibility for use in more ephemeral situations like limited time player-run activities or skin shop sign-ups, and more.
  • Pinglist owners will gain the ability to appoint another player (or players) with the newly-implemented role of "List Assist". While owners will still retain full management control over their personal pinglists, List Assists will be granted permission to use the pinglist command (eg. @pinglist-#) for the list they've been invited to assist with.

There's a ton of really exciting stuff in motion within the workshop, but that'll have to be it for today! Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep making Flight Rising even better.

Oh, and by the way...

We have increased the maximum number of lair slots by 5. You can now have up to 225 dragons in your lair! 341.png

IcePets: Token Booth Stock Has Been Updated

Spring Goodie BagSummer Goodie BagAutumn Goodie Bag

With the Icepets Team being away earlier in the year, the Token Booth stock was a little stagnate due to no paws being available to stock the new shipments as they came in. Have no worries though, Kaylus was there to put together all the goodie bags for the Terrafrostians who were continung to save up their tokens! While the Winter Token Booth stock has been removed, you can try your luck to fill in your missing collections with the Spring, Summer, and Autumn Goodie Bags. You will want to open them before December 1st, 2024 though since Kaylus is positive there will be a new Winter Stock coming in and we all know that means the other goodie bags will be picked up until the next season.

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Melt it, slice it, or eat whole. I give you the always versatile cube of cheddar cheese!
The answer was: Cheddar Cheese Cube.

14 out of 14 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Wajas: [subtember] Roosters and Feathers Spotlight

Rooster Guild Link Cost to make: Technically, these are unavailable as customs to users except under specific circumstances.  In the past, staff have hosted contests where custom Roosters were a prize obtainable to users, and the users were able to design their own custom rooster.  We have also raffled off a couple of Rooster customs.  That in mind, typically users will only have access to Gen 2 + Roosters. Celebratory Month: N/A Subbreed Blurb: You can identify Roosters by their signature markings and mutation:  Feathers Filling ,  Feathers Lacing , and  Rooster Tail .  These marking and mutations are considered available to staff only, though in the past custom Roosters have been available as prizes through site contests and raffles.  You can obtain Gen 2's during Rooster events or when the staff breed and sell them.  Gen 2's are also occasionally released by other users who have won custom Roosters from contests.  G

Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of our Scavenger Hunt:
Kazzy, Dragonflower, Suzanne38, RedMist, fifercats, Malorta, d4rk_saga, QueenFlower, Oz, Pink-Steel, jamileigh17, AnitaCupaCoffee, ralmap, Smudged_Note, SweetFire, Snowprincess, Caleby, delight, picklepuss, mittens11131517, djandlittledog, Debowski, Carlyy95, -Twixy-, tamemeimpala, 30140, fireheartone, LawGurly, blueeyes, -tiger-tiger-, Zero, fulpgirls, Buliwyf, steenbokker, Pearl, Romulus10242001, TheMetal,
They were randomly selected out of the 37 correct entries and have a received a vault code for Investigator Mutarat Stuffy

The correct answer was: Kohaku Koi

Play the Scavenger Hunt on the 25th day of every month!

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: michelle2244

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 3671

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Ichumon: Gryphix Day!

Happy Birthday to all Gryphixs!

Gryphix Birthday Cake

Every Ichumon Species Day Duke will be giving away a Birthday Cake for that day only. Today is no exception! Claim your Gryphix Birthday Cake at the Prize Claim Center!

Magical Gryphix Berry

On Ichumon Species Days you have a 50% chance of getting that Ichumon's Berry from the Luwhut Tree in Fargo's Forest. If you don't have a Gryphix, you can now!


If you have a Gryphix enjoy free healing of HP and Diseases at the Heal Center in Lightest Tower all day long for your Gryphixs.

Wajas: [subtember] Sassy Unicorns Spotlight

Sassy Unicorns Subbreed Thread | Guild Link Cost to make: 30 CWP or 20 CWP (Basic) Celebratory Month: November / Novus November Subbreed Blurb: Sassy Unicorns are somewhat unique in that its creation rules are a bit more relaxed than most. You can make the Sassy Unicorn of your dreams with this much customization freedom! The lore behind this subbreed is extensive, rich, and constantly expanding. We are a large and active subbreed with a sea of customs already made. If a custom isn't in your budget, fear not! There is an equally large sea of higher gens to purchase, find in the park, breed, and love! Examples:  

Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt!

It's time for the monthly Powerpets Scavenger Hunt!

How to play:
The Clue will give you a hint to an item.
Look at the item description.
Write down the letter that is indicated (ex. Word 3, letter 2)
Once you have all the letters, unscramble them to find the Item Name we are looking for.
You have until Thursday, September 26, 2024 to enter your answer.
Start My Scavenger Hunt

Note: You can discuss clues and hints on the forums if you wish. Just remember, the more you talk about it, the less chance you can win as we will pick 200 random winners from all the correct submissions.
If you are one of the lucky recipients, you will receive a vault code for a brand new Investigator Mutarat Stuffy.investigatormutaratstuffy.pngGood luck everyone!

Wajas: [subtember] Cozy Calico Spotlight

Cozy Calicos Subbreed Thread | Guild Link Cost to make: 29 CWP + 825 RKP + 200 LP Celebratory Month: November / Calicovember Subbreed Blurb: Cozy Calicos are the coziest subbreed this side of Lunaria! Using only one token slot and year-round dyes, customs and dye projects are easy to make. With over 100 customs currently created, Cozy Calicos come in every breed and color your heart could desire. Whether you prefer Morning or Evening, pastels or stark contrasts, twelve mutations or none, this subbreed welcomes all. We hope to see you in Calicovember for our first annual subbreed celebration! Join the blanket fort today! Examples:

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught bellcatsmeow for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Powerpets: Miles Magic Box

It's time to head over to Miles Magic Box and see if you can figure out which item is depicted by the artistic rendering. If you do before next week, you'll win a cool prize!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Wajas: [subtember] Shaggy Gremlins Spotlight

Shaggy Gremlins Subbreed Thread  |  Guild Link Cost to make:  80+ CWP  Celebratory Month:  October / Gremlinfest Subbreed Blurb:  Shaggy Gremlins originated in the wilder, untamed corners of the wilderness of Lunaria. Recently some nomadic gremlins have ventured into the more settled parts of this world. These shaggy, mischievous wajas are very secretive and wary of others. It is much more dangerous in the wilds where they come from, and they tend to be slow to warm up to strangers.  The founding generation in this new community (gen 1's) of gremlins usually prefer to keep themselves somewhat ambiguous, leaving outsiders to wonder what it means to have a second face. Their society and lifestyle generally encourages it's members to keep it that way as a mysterious means of protection, and they shun drawing too much attention to either of their heads. They pride themselves on having matching (if somewhat messy) long fur. The front hea

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