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Pocket Puma Pets: update

After much begging, pleading and gnashing of teeth... Dance has been extended until Wednesday midnight November 17th.

At midnight on the 17th, all ghosties, goblins and ghouls are hereby put on notice to vacate... regardless of what the pumas say...

  • Date Posted: 2021-11-12
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
What is your highest number of wins in a single drawing of Luck of the Draw?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

IcePets: Ready To Share Some Crafts?

Painters Palette Chefs Hat Half-Knitted Scarf

It's no secret that Terrafrost is home to some creative individuals -- whether cooking up some delicious meals, stitching together some love-filled plushies or writing tales filled with wonder and suspense, there's no shortage to the different types of inventive works that can be found! The level of your skill is not important, so long as you put your heart into your creations. Though the creative spirit works all year round, Terrafrost has come to use this time of year as a period to celebrate all the wonderful creators their world has to offer. With the changing seasons and the much-anticipated Aurestal peeking around the corner, these festivities are used as a time to both create and support the creations of the community around you! Though nameless at first, over the years this small celebration has come to be known as Craftshare!

Heart Pancakes Makoat Meal Mac N Cheese Meal

Craftshare is always noted by an uptick in Terrafrost's creative community! Pets are often known to let their creativity run wild and share said creativity with those around them, whether it's by drawing a picture for a friend, knitting a sweater for a stranger, or creating a wood carving for their community. All forms of creation are welcome, and the resounding artistic atmosphere often serves to inspire one another even further. That's not all! At the very end of this festival, Pets all across Terrafrost will gather with their loved ones for a big potluck. As they dine on sweet and savory dishes, they'll share their creations with one another.

Snow Participation Trophy Token Bag

Do you want to join in on the festivities of Craftshare? It's super easy! In the comments section below, tell us about what you like to create. Any type of creation is allowed, so long as it follows the community guidelines. Sculpting, cooking, woodworking, songwriting -- don't hesitate to share your passions with your fellow Terrafrostians! You may also include examples of your work if you'd like, perhaps it'll even inspire another!

Everyone who participates before November 25th, 23:59:59 will receive a Snow Participation Trophy as well as a Token Bag. Prizes will be sent out shortly after the contest ends.

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to let your creativity shine!

Flight Rising: Gee Those Genes


Several genes have come to Banescales and Gaolers! A new friend arrives!

Parallel Gene Expansion 66.png
Fade, Blend, and Capsule have been expanded to also offer options for Gaolers and Banescales. Fade and Blend can be found in the treasure marketplace, while capsule is available to alchemists levels 18+.

Primary Gene: Fade (Banescale) - Specialty ItemsSecondary Gene: Blend (Banescale) - Specialty ItemsTertiary Gene: Capsule (Banescale) - Specialty Items
Primary Gene: Fade (Gaoler) - Specialty ItemsSecondary Gene: Blend (Gaoler) - Specialty ItemsTertiary Gene: Capsule (Gaoler) - Specialty Items

Something Familiar 8.png
A new, multi-stage familiar has been released in the gem marketplace. This fabled beast can appear as one of six different illustrations when you equip it as a familiar!

Supernal Brightbeast - Familiar

Rockbreaker's Ceremony Skin & Accent Contest 6.png

The ninth annual Rockbreaker's Ceremony will begin November 21, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!


Additional Updates 119.png

  • Starmap and Constellation on Obelisks now has the corrected stars and lines.
  • Aviator Satchels are now listed under the extras category in the dressing room.

Ichumon: Harvus Festival



Bersurkey and Boarserker have returned to the Crusade Arena! You can find Boarserker and Bersurkey on any map with other monsters, if you're lucky you will get an Empty Cornucopia as a drop! You can also receive Empty Cornucopia's from completing Quests.

Harvus-Turkey.pngReturn your Empty Cornucopia to Harvus to attempt an IchuHarvest Quest! To spread the happiness of IchuHarvest you will be asked to fill your Cornucopia with 3 types of items, Toy, Food, and Clothing.
harvus_avatar.png Receive the Harvus Avatar randomly after you have filled an Empty Cornucopia.

You will receive 1-3 IchuHarvest Points for your efforts in filling a Cornucopia. After IchuHarvest ends November 30th you will be able to redeem your IchuHarvest Points for prizes. No new items this year due to the low event participation, all Harvus items will still be available.

To commemorate Harvus Festival the Turkey Icon is now stocking in the Limited Items area of the Cash Shop.

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: k8k

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!

Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 9567

There were NO winners.

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.

Pocket Puma Pets: New Animated Gears!

More styles and colors of our animated gears are now available in The Cogsworth Cat


32 new items in total! :) Enjoy!

  • Date Posted: 2021-11-10
  • Posted By: Quadricat
  • Link: Original Post

Wajas: Reminder: Games and Contest

Howdy, howdy! Have you entered the two contests that are prepping for Christmas!? Time's ticking by fast until they end. Make sure you get in quick so you don't miss out. Visit them here: Gifting Tree Ornament Design (ends November 14th) Letters to Santa, all I want is recolors (ends November 21st) I'd hate for anyone to miss out so be sure to get in soon! ¢¥ Happy Wednesday, drink your water, take a deep breath, and have a great day! -Sadi

Ichumon: Lottery

ticket.pngCongratulations to jenboop20, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 34,000 iP and the item prize was Bunny Plushie!

This week's item prize will be Holo Tectowl Stamp! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.

Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner

Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.

26995_125573736.jpg?noThis week, the award goes to Boone, who just recently got a loving caring home with Romulus10242001! (read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner Romulus10242001 a free account upgrade! Congrats!

Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!

Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.

Lythbound: Haunted Faire, Staff, and Secret Santa Sign-Ups!

Haunted Faire Wrap-Up Status


We are currently in the process of working through final approvals for Haunted Faire art/writing submissions! If your submission is declined for any reason, you will still have a grace period opportunity to resubmit.

The submission turn-out for this event was incredible and we've loved seeing everyone's work throughout!
Ink's prompts (Drawtober) prizes are slated to be awarded after all Drawtober submissions have been sorted, and the raffle will be rolled as soon as possible! We appreciate your patience during this wrap-up period!

Staff Opening

We would love to add another individual to our team for Masterlist and ARPG Organization! The full details of this position are available here, but to summarize:

An individual working the Masterlist and ARPG Organization role helps handle internal operation, including (but not limited to):
- approving/denying ARPG submissions
- approving/denying MYO pet/companion/Lythian submissions
- assisting with other internal manual work such as spreadsheet organization
- awarding prizes for games like "Draw the Lythian Above"

This position is considered backend/internal, but may involve user interaction when clarifying information regarding submissions. While strong communication skills are a plus, the most important aspect of this position is attention to detail and ability to meticulously sort through information!

To apply, please email us with the form found on the opportunities page.

Secret Santa Sign-Ups


Our yearly Secret Santa exchange is now available for sign-ups! Please visit the page for full information and the sign up form! Sign-ups close November 25, 2021 23:59:59 EST!

  • Date Posted: 2021-11-09
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

IcePets: Revamped Avatars and Some Fancy Custom Ones

1.gifDifferent ErasPickle PickleSnowman QuestsGold Lover59ed6ede617569e369f4f3202229f6c9.png

If you're an Avatar collector, you may have noticed your collection looks slightly different today. No need to fret, though -- we've just done a little revamping! The Default Avatar, Different Eras Avatar, Pickle Pickle Avatar, Snowman Quests Avatar, and the Gold Lover Avatar have all received some brand new looks. There is also now a Default - Alternative avatar with no text for those who would prefer this! Bear in mind that these updates are purely cosmetic; you can still obtain these Avatars the same way you normally would!



Speaking of cosmestic changes, some Users have requested and received some lovely Custom Avatars since our last update! These beauties belong to the respective owners.

@atryeu @SlushieCat2 @melpaca @Rayquaza @Furresoto @Tune @Megrim @Read @piedragon @inami




Some of our Users like to change up their Avatars more frequently than others. The following avatars belong to @IcePrincess (Top row - last one gifted to @LollyX), @Lokki (Second row), and @whereisthend (Last row).

If you would like a Custom Avatar of your very own, they can be found on the User Requests page!

Powerpets: Aquarium Weekly Winner

The bait has been hooked, fishing line cast and we have caught BigJoe55 for this weeks aquarium contest winner!


¢¢Remember, make sure you feed and care for your fish/tank and collect your nessies bonus daily, if you want a chance to win next week!

Use the "Contact" link for more information