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Pocket Puma Pets: New Items? Yes!


If you cannot be a least live like one. Roommates
has the latest in unicorn approved furnishings!

  • Date Posted: 2022-05-21
  • Posted By: PhantomFire
  • Link: Original Post

Flight Rising: Ancient Aerie


A new site of archeological interest has been discovered. Dragons across Sornieth seek to uncover the history of Ancient Aerie, our newest dig site.

Ancient Aerie
A new dig site has been opened for dragons with an archaeology skill of two and above! Ancient Aerie features flora, fauna, and relics from third age harpy territory.


[Image Caption: A button featuring the image of a skeletal terror bird, and the text "Ancient Aerie".]

Items available through the Ancient Aerie dig site include:

Bonecarver Ancient - FamiliarHarpy Ancestor - FamiliarMundane Terror Bird - FamiliarFancy Terror Bird - Familiar
Pet Roc - FamiliarProto-Roc - FamiliarScene: Ancient Harpy Canyon - SceneVista: Ancient Aerie - Forum Vista
Wise Bonecarver Cache - ChestsWise Bonecarver Stock - ChestsBrave Bonecarver Cache - ChestsBrave Bonecarver Stock - Chests
Skilled Bonecarver Cache - ChestsSkilled Bonecarver Stock - ChestsSupportive Bonecarver Cache - ChestsSupportive Bonecarver Stock - Chests
Primary Gene: Boulder - Specialty ItemsSecondary Gene: Myrid - Specialty Items

A reminder of some additional changes that were made to Arlo's Ancient Artifacts earlier this week:

Arlo's Ancient Artifacts has been updated to aid your clan's archaeological and paleontological activities!

Alert Settings 119.png
If you would like to avoid receiving alerts related to Arlo's Ancient Artifacts, you can now disable them! Just look for the new settings button on the main Arlo page.

[Image Caption: A new settings button on the main Arlo's Ancient Artifacts page will let you set whether or not to receive any alerts related to the feature.]

Focus Digsite 91.png
As Arlo's Ancient Artifacts grows to contain new digsites, we want to make sure you can direct research notes to the site that matters the most to you. This update adds a new Focus digsite switch to determine what site should receive those notes.


[Image Caption: A new toggle switch on the the Digsite Contracts page determines what site will receive incoming research notes.]

  • Players must have a level two skill to be able to access Ancient Aerie.
  • The archeology experience cap has been raised to level 3.
  • For this dig site we have removed the randomized chests to try out splitting the apparel sets across two dig sites each. The reason for split chests (or randomized apparel) is that one dig site yielding seven items is a bit imbalanced for the cadence of archaeology. After reviewing feedback, we determined that the randomized chests were somewhat unpopular. The downside of the split is that its more dig sites for pickaxes and notes to be spread across, but the split allows reliable results from each chest. We hope this change helps to alleviate the frustrations of the randomized chest distribution method.

Dragon Cave: 2022-05-21 - Dragon Cave's 16th Birthday!



Dragon Cave has been around for 16 years! Thanks for being here and helping make it an awesome time. To celebrate, enjoy these new eggs. There's one per biome¢but what's that? There's a seventh egg? What sort of adventures will you need to go on in order to obtain that one?


Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg
Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg Egg

Ichumon: Restock Race

ichumon_restock_trophy_gold.pngichumon_restock_trophy_silver.pngichumon_restock_trophy_bronze.png 1st: qnb733 won a Blue Crocodile Plushie.
2nd: meadowopossum won a Magical Teal Ichu Mirror Shard.
They have each also won 30,315 iP and trophies for their profile!

A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 14 Treasured Mines Puzzle Piece 9 from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!

Wajas: White Friday - BOGO

Just a reminder, starting tomorrow is our White Friday - BOGO sale!  May 22nd - May 29th

Powerpets: POWEX Winner!

Congratulations to Noke, for earning $5782260 in POWEX this week.
You have been rewarded with a POWEX trophy!

Will you be the next POWEX Mogul? Earn the most profit by next Saturday at 3 PM PP Time, and you can show other Powerpets players what you are made of.

IcePets: Revamps And New Finds

Fireball Ice Fireball Earth Fireball Wind Fireball

Over the past week or so, Aila has been hard at work buffing up some of her most treasured weapons. So if you notice the Fireball, Ice Fireball, Earth Fireball, and the Wind Fireball are looking a bit more vibrant, that's why! Aside from their slight change in appearances, these Items are no different than before.

Fake Shrink Ray Pink Plastic Tea Set Solid Gold Tea Set

Aila isn't the only one freshening up her stock -- Samuel has revamped a few more of his Toy items, too. The Fake Shrink Ray, Pink Plastic Tea Set, and the Solid Gold Tea Set have been redesigned to be more durable and more aesthetically pleasing! Additionally, the Solid Gold Tea Set is now considered a Toy item instead of Miscellaneous, so it may start popping up in Quests in the future.

Fine Tea Set Wooden Tea Set

If you enjoy the redesigns of those tea sets, you're in luck -- while revamping the old ones, Samuel has also created two new tea sets for your Pets to enjoy! The Fine Tea Set and Wooden Tea Set are now available at the Toy Trunk along with the other tea sets. They'll also be rewarded by the Plushie Quest, and in a week, they'll be requested by the Space Quest.

Speaking of questing, the Space Quest is having a buffed weekend! From today until May 22nd, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the Space Quest will have twice as many questing opportunities, and it will be giving out twice the prizes! Be sure to take a look at your Space Quest Request List and stock up on Items while the opportunity lasts.

If you're having trouble viewing the new changes, try doing a hard refresh using Ctrl+F5 on Windows or Cmd+Shift+R on Mac.

Ichumon: Persona of the Week


The Persona of the Week Contest has been judged! Congratulations to lavender133 on winning this week's competition.

PersonaTrophy.pngThis week's theme: Beach

Wajas: Breeding Contest Info and Misc Notes

Reminders: As per the News Post at the beginning of the month, the CWP sale starts 5/22. It should start automatically. African tokens and packages will leave the CWP shop at the start of next month. You have just over a month to get your Breeding Contest sorted and entered. I haven't forgotten about the Easter contests, I'll get the winners announced probably this weekend or Monday. Breeding Contest Info: Grand Tier - 5 Winners Qualifications: 1 Start with a Rooster in your initial breeding. 2 The markings Feathers Filling and Feathers Lacing above 90%. Maintain the mutation Rooster Tail as visible. Breed in one other marking and get it to 80% or above. Prizes: 1 Gen 1 Rooster of their color choosing. Barnyard Pasture Wallpaper, All 3 Silkies, and the Eggs. The Rooster King trophy Placement Notes: We will only have 5 winners for this placement. Winners will be based on how high you manage to get your marks. Marks will be tall

Powerpets: Inquiring Minds

The poll booth has a new poll available for you.

This time, we would like to know:
Did you participate in the May 2022 250k Staff Mini Bubbles Challenge?.

Go There: Poll Booth

Thanks for participating!

Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!

Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :

If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!

Lythbound: Wiki, Site Updates, Email 2FA, and New Items

Lythbound Wiki

The Lythbound Wiki is now available and seeking editors! If you¢ve ever been curious about a specific item, species, pet, or companion, the Lythbound wiki is now here to answer all your Lythbound lore needs. It might look a little empty right now, which is why we¢re seeking some hardcore Lyth-heads to help us add and edit pages!

Site Updates

- 2FA is now available via email!Simply head over to your account settings and click the tab that reads ¢Two-Factor Auth¢ to get started. If you already have 2FA enabled via smart device, you may add email 2FA in addition to smart device 2FA and both will be applied.

- Selecting a Lythian for ARPG submissions or attaching inventory items is now easier! You may now search for Lythians by their set name, along with their masterlist ID number.

- Companion profiles have received a revamp! Click on one of your companions' profiles and you¢ll find we¢ve updated their pages to better match playable Lythians. That includes brand new pronoun and gift writing fields you can apply to your Lythians¢ little pals!
 - Additionally, the companion transfer cooldown has been lowered to 1 week (previously 2 weeks).

New Items

771.png 770.png

Some players may have noticed certain MYO tickets for both companions and playable species may look a bit different! These new gem tickets, unlike regular MYO tickets, can be traded or gifted to other players and are obtainable via Thistle¢s Gem shop. Please note that, like normal MYO tickets, the items themselves can only be traded/gifted and cannot be sold for real currency!


The Igroven Lythian frame is now available via general (non-familiarity) Igroven realm quests! Rumor has it this frame is pretty rare though, so it may take a few tries to get it¢¦

  • Date Posted: 2022-05-19
  • Posted By: Lythbound
  • Link: Original Post

Ichumon: What Am I Results

gamewhatami.jpg Last week's round of What Am I has ended.

The item description was: Packed with all kinds of minerals, be careful though, it could be quite bitter.
The answer was: Seaweed Juice.

2 out of 2 Ichuans answered correctly.

A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!

Powerpets: 250k Staff Mini Bubbles

Tomorrow (May 20th) we will be holding our monthly 250k Mini Bubbles Challenge.

Staff and moderators will be putting up challenges in the Games Room. Once you have beaten a staff/moderator, please DO NOT challenge them again. It is our goal to get everyone who wants to win a vault code for a Caeprin Mini Bubble. Vault codes will be handed out on Saturday.

Good luck and may the bubbles be with you.

Powerpets: Snapz!

Congratulations to our Snapz! of the week winner: rocknroll

If you want to have a chance to win next week, make sure to keep your Snapz! updated and current for the season.

Use the "Contact" link for more information