Dragon Cave: 2023-05-21 - Dragon Cave's 17th Birthday!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-21
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Raffle + Trivia + Trophies
Raffle Result
This weeks raffle was won by tarshaan.
They received 2,074,500 IP!
Trivia Result
Trivvy has a new question for you! Click here to try question #202. Trivia #201 was answered correctly by 24 people!
Game Trophies
The latest trophies have been awarded, and the leaders are as follows:
First Place, with a score of 254:
Second Place, with a score of 88:
Third Place, with a score of 77:
First Place, with a score of 50150:
Second Place, with a score of 37400:
Third Place, with a score of 15040:
First Place, with a score of 15760:
Second Place, with a score of 10070:
Third Place, with a score of 7740:
First Place, with a score of 160:
Second Place, with a score of 80:
First Place, with a score of 1520:
Second Place, with a score of 1133:
Third Place, with a score of 992:
First Place, with a score of 83:
Second Place, with a score of 78:
Third Place, with a score of 48:
First Place, with a score of 3850:
Second Place, with a score of 2040:
First Place, with a score of 135:
Second Place, with a score of 132:
Third Place, with a score of 102:
- Date Posted: 2023-05-21
- Posted By: autobot
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Battle Royale
Anne won last week's Battle Royale with a time of 95 seconds! All who completed the Battle Royale have been awarded their cP prize and first, second, and third place have also won trophies for their profiles.
Sign up your Ichumon in this week's Battle Royale Contest!
You will need to kill 18 Whisper in the Battle Royale Map as fast as you can. The quickest user to complete the battles will receive the top prize of 25,000 cP!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-21
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Known Issues - Do Not Report
We are still heavily into recovery mode.
As everyone returns to the site, there will be lag. The next few days we will work on adding indexes to the database to resolve any areas where lag may be common.
The following are known issues that we are still working on.
If they are listed here, no need to report them!
Things we cannot fix:
PROBLEM: Rooms inside PF houses are gone.
SOLUTION: Rebuild your rooms
PROBLEM: Things are missing from my pet. Fur Tonics, Recipes, Workshop and Hydroponic knowledge.
SOLUTION: Reapply fur tonics. Complete Desi, Cilantro and Fred's quest to relearn lost knowledge.
PROBLEM: My mini lost all of its rinses
SOLUTION: Reapply mini cream rinses to your mini
PROBLEM: My clothes collector is empty
SOLUTION: Collect clothes and resubmit them to the stocker - though we recommend waiting until rewards for collectors are available again.
PROBLEM: My bots vanished
SOLUTION: Go to the exploration center and click the blueprint, they will reappear.
Items on the To Be Fixed list:
PROBLEM: Stories inside books in my bookshelf are not there.
SOLUTION: We will be adding a new book author section. Once that is done, you'll be able to submit stories for books and we will add them as we go.
PROBLEM: There are no PF Stories
SOLUTION: Resubmit your stories
PROBLEM: Runa's Quest disappeared
SOLUTION: Questions for cuddlies need to be added in again.
PROBLEM: Kyla no longer gives me knowledge
SOLUTION: Kyla's knowledge needs to be restored
PROBLEM: My fish and aquarium aren't losing any health.
SOLUTION: We are waiting a little while to give everyone a chance to get their fish back to full health before we reactivate this feature.
PROBLEM: King Cobra's Dojo and Battle Stages disappeared.
SOLUTION: Battle stages are offline and awaiting a full recode.
PROBLEM: Environments just show a number, not a name
SOLUTION: Environment names need to be input again
PROBLEM: No lockers in locker wars.
SOLUTION: Locker wars needs an admin update so we can recover lost locker images and resume this feature.
PROBLEM: I cannot find the grooming parlor
SOLUTION: The grooming parlor is being recoded to resolve past issues.
PROBLEM: None of the stocker/collector games have rewards.
SOLUTION: Rewards need to be added again. We recommend waiting to add anything to your stockers until this data is added again.
PROLBEM: Ambassador Segue doesn't know anything.
SOLUTION: Ambassador Segue information needs to be added again.
PROBLEM: Farnox is a little messed up and gardens are not working
SOLUTION: Farnox needs a review, some data rebuilt before we reactivate the automated features that update fields, farnees and ants.
PROBLEM: Help section is empty
SOLUTION: Staff will work on readding all the help/wiki information
PROBLEM: Desi, Fred and Cilantro know nothing or very little.
SOLUTION: Staff is working on adding recipes, plans and hydroponics information
PROBLEM: Barkchem Secret Doors does not work
SOLUTION: Code needs to be fixed
Games Problems* Dicey mice won't load
* Bingo won't load
* Scratch 4 Power - Requires rewrite
* Tux Luck currently disabled
* Dog catcher arrows not functioning
* Barkchem Chomp doesn't work
* Venom doesn't save final result
* Slime Time doesn't work
* Mini catcher works, just shows 0 score on final screen even though the payout is correct.
* Dassie's Dizzy Dust Devil and other "Wheel" games don't work
- Date Posted: 2023-05-21
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: We Found Your Marbles
We have been losing our marbles over marble!
Thankfully the pumas found them for us.
[ We Found Your Marbles ]
A new theme shop for MARBLE!
I hope your pence pouch is heavy, these are a bit spendy!
Over 70 new marble wares have been loaded into the new shop!
Marble all the things!
OMG so much marble!
-hoards all the marble-
My precciiooouuuuusssesss
- Date Posted: 2023-05-20
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Restock Race
1st: whiteice won a Corek Puzzle Piece 16.
2nd: Natsu won a Red Cute Female Hair.
3rd: portia14
They have each also won 21,920 iP and trophies for their profile!
A new Restock Race has begun!
You will need to purchase 11 Twin Headed Throwing Axe from the Mushroom Shops before next Saturday. The Ichuan with the fastest time wins. Remember your timer starts with your first purchase of the item, Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-20
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: [Flash Game] Tell me something good!
Morning folks! I'm working today to try and round up all the judging / ID collecting for our Spring event we had at the end of April. My hope is to have it all taken care of by Tuesday. This includes all on site and SM games/events, so if you've not received anything yet, it's because I'm still finishing up tallying / collecting stuff. That said, it's been a bit since I've done an on site news post game, soooo...lets do that while I finish up my brekky! Tell me something good. I will RNG ten random winners to receive 1x CWP. At the end of the contest I will staff only this post. Please keep all entries PG-13. This will end at 11 AM Wajas time. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-20
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Two New Friends and a Questing Weekend!
Out of the jungle emerges a familiar yet different face -- it's the revamped Woodland Audril! With its wild new look, this Audril is feeling more playful and energetic than ever. If you're fond of this Pet's new style, head over to the Snow Jar Igloo to pick up a Woodland Audril Morphing Potion, which has been freshened up as well. You can also find it at the I.C.E Shop for a limited time -- it'll be selling for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts) until the end of May.
Need a new snuggly friend? Look no further than the new Plushie Dovu! This Dovu is filled to the brim with cotton, feathers, and most importantly, love! If you've been yearning to hug this adorable new Pet, you'll want to get a Plushie Dovu Morphing Potion. They'll be restocking at the Snow Jar Igloo periodically. You can also purchase this Item at the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts). Just make sure to pick one up before the end of May!
It's gonna be a super stellar weekend! From today until May 21st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the Space Quest will be offering double the rewards and questing opportunities. Make sure to stock up on plenty of snacks and toys!
If the you do not see the updated artwork, you may have to do a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows computers, Command + Shift + R on Macs)
- Date Posted: 2023-05-19
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Welcome Back to Powerpets!
Welcome back to Powerpets.
On April 20th, 2023, our network was attacked with ransomware. Unfortunately the backup servers were infected as well.
For a few days we thought all was lost. With a bit of luck and a lot of hard work and a month of long hours, we were able to recover most of the lost data.
Some things were lost forever, but most we were able to recover or recreate. There are still quite a few things to do on our list before everything is back the way it was or better.
The site may also be slow and you may experience lag for a while as we recreate database indexes.
Thanks for being patient.
- Date Posted: 2023-05-19
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: What Am I Results
Last week's round of What Am I has ended.
The item description was: Do you think TeeniWeeni Bunnies eat TeeniWeeni food or regular sized food?
The answer was: TeeniWeeni Bunny Figureeni.
8 out of 10 Ichuans answered correctly.
A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-18
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Upcoming Update - Progenitors!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-17
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: A Grab Bag of Funded Delights
Do you have a Pet that adores music, but you're not quite ready to arm them with another instrument? Protect your ears while still encouraging them with the new Keri Eurodine Plush, funded by @mochihugs!
This rock star of a Plushie can be found in the Plushie Palace, or received as a reward from the Book Quest. A week from now, the Plushie Quest will begin asking for it as well.
Samuel is proud to present Cowboys on Ice! Okay... maybe not, but he's been hard at work creating new Toys that could make this frozen rodeo a reality: the Royal Portable Pali, funded by @IcePrincess, and the Cowboy Orbie, funded by @jolly!
These delightful Toys can be found in the Toy Trunk, or received as a reward from the Plushie Quest. A week from now, the Space Quest will begin asking for them as well.
It looks like not even the sky is the limit to these two new Companions! The Storm Herji, funded by @Ines, can keep up with even the most energetic of Pets. Meanwhile, the Cosy Kiwi, funded by @tae for @tarshaan, seems to have some clouds of its very own.
These new friends can be adopted from Jacobi's Companion Reserve.
After discussions with several members from the IcePets community on the forums, we have decided to put the freezable version of restockable duckies back into the Snowman Quest request pool. Along with this we have removed the Ice Cube versions of Snow Jars and replaced them with the snow jar stamps from the United Terrafrost Post Office. Thank you to the community for continuing to help make Icepets a fantastic place!
While restocking for these new items, or perhaps stocking up on quest items you may notice we have a new captcha system in place. You no longer have to fill out a box with text -- we have a new system which will work behind the scenes. Every now and then you may have to solve a puzzle, but overall as long as you are not doing anything abnormal, you should have a much better shopping experience!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-17
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to Natsu, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 20,500 iP and the item prize was Magical Pilair Polisis Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Magical Demon Danemue Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2023-05-17
- Link: Original Post
I was in Liverpool this weekend, so here's a bunch of Beatles trivia questions with love From Me To You. My favourite Beatles songs are Blackbird and Golden Slumbers. What are yours?
- Date Posted: 2023-05-16
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: It's almost that time again!!!
It's May and we all know what May means....TOWELS!!
And as Towel day is almost here we gather to pay homage to that great institution... to VOGON POETRY CONTEST!!
Get your thinking caps on and add in your best attempt at Vogon Poetry! Clicki me!!
- Date Posted: 2023-05-15
- Posted By: PhantomFire
- Link: Original Post
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