Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of our Scavenger Hunt:
d4rk_saga, -Twixy-, Caleby, fifercats, Oz, Cindermella, ralmap, Pink-Steel, jamileigh17, lynxcat, SweetFire, RedMist, Kazzy, TheMetal, mittens11131517, Smudged_Note, Malorta, Debowski, Eanda, Suzanne38, Dragonflower, fireheartone, blueeyes, steenbokker, Bunchy, Buliwyf, Newtatious, Pearl,
They were randomly selected out of the 28 correct entries and have a received a vault code for Investigator Chamog Stuffy
The correct answer was: sled
Play the Scavenger Hunt on the 25th day of every month!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-26
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Luck of the Draw Winners!
Congratulations to the following winners of Luck of the Draw, winning $100,000 PB :
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Luck of the Draw - Available at the House of Luck in Badgeria!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-26
- Link: Original Post
Wajas: Re: Error Messages when you accept a Waja
As some of you have noticed, when a transfer of a Waja is accepted it is giving an error message. We are aware of this and Code will fix it ASAP. I have tested it and it appears that when you accept, despite getting an error message, you do receive the Waja that was sent, you just do not get the confirmation screen that it was accepted. For now if you want to be safe, we recommend holding off on accepting things. Also don't forget to check out our new feature, the project manager !
- Date Posted: 2024-01-26
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Inquiring Minds
The poll booth has a new poll available for you.
This time, we would like to know:
What is your estimated daily average for gold found in Powerbuck for December 2023 - January 2024?.
Go There: Poll Booth
Thanks for participating!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-26
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Smallish Crafting Update
Recipes that called for the Twigs tag now ask for Sturdy Sticks.
Sturdy sticks are crafted via any 4 twigs using the tag system, and will make 20 sturdy sticks at a time.
Hopefully this cuts down a bit on the need to re-insert items that are tagged when mass-crafting!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Smallish Crafting Update
Recipes that called for the Twigs tag now ask for Sturdy Sticks.
Sturdy sticks are crafted via any 4 twigs using the tag system, and will make 20 sturdy sticks at a time.
Hopefully this cuts down a bit on the need to re-insert items that are tagged when mass-crafting!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Fishing Ventures!
Fishing ventures have arrived!
Fishing ventures will give you fish scales 99.9999% of the time :') and hopefully you'll find some cool fish! Harder fishing ventures award more fish scales.
To go on a fishing venture, you will need some bait cubes.
Bait Cube - Insect
Bait Cube - Fish
Bait cubes are crafted!
Combine some Plain Dough and 3 bugs, or fish, to make the baits. It will make 50 cubes at a time!
These are tagged ingredients, so not all fish or bugs will work. Try the recipes below if you get stuck!
Need some help with crafting or recipes? You may wish to check out this thread on the forums!
[ Crafting & Gathering Discussion ]
Happy Fishing!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Pocket Puma Pets: Fishing Ventures!
Fishing ventures have arrived!
Fishing ventures will give you fish scales 99.9999% of the time :') and hopefully you'll find some cool fish! Harder fishing ventures award more fish scales.
To go on a fishing venture, you will need some bait cubes.
Bait Cube - Insect
Bait Cube - Fish
Bait cubes are crafted!
Combine some Plain Dough and 3 bugs, or fish, to make the baits. It will make 50 cubes at a time!
These are tagged ingredients, so not all fish or bugs will work. Try the recipes below if you get stuck!
Need some help with crafting or recipes? You may wish to check out this thread on the forums!
[ Crafting & Gathering Discussion ]
Happy Fishing!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Posted By: Quadricat
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: What Am I Results
Last week's round of What Am I has ended.
The item description was: Keep those ears warm on a chilly Ichua night.
The answer was: Fur Hat.
9 out of 11 Ichuans answered correctly.
A new round of What Am I has started. Good luck!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Mega Money Madness Winners!
Today's winning Mega Money Madness number is: 6244
There were NO winners.
If you want to be a winner next time, check out the Mega Money Madness under the GAMES icon.
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Scavenger Hunt!
It's time for the monthly Powerpets Scavenger Hunt!
How to play:
The Clue will give you a hint to an item.
Look at the item description.
Write down the letter that is indicated (ex. Word 3, letter 2)
Once you have all the letters, unscramble them to find the Item Name we are looking for.
You have until Friday, January 26, 2024 to enter your answer.
Start My Scavenger Hunt
Note: You can discuss clues and hints on the forums if you wish. Just remember, the more you talk about it, the less chance you can win as we will pick 200 random winners from all the correct submissions.
If you are one of the lucky recipients, you will receive a vault code for a brand new Investigator Chamog Stuffy.Good luck everyone!
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Link: Original Post
Powerpets: Pet Zone Weekly Winner
Every week, we will be selecting a random pet's blog from the Pet Zone. Only up-to-date blogs will apply for this.
This week, the award goes to Mittens, who is now friends with Stinky Steve!(read the blog to find out more)
For having an up-to-date blog with cute pictures, they have earned their owner ColonnadeKay a free account upgrade! Congrats!
Make sure you don't forget to put your real life pet images in the Pet Zone and ADD/keep UPDATED BLOGS to your pet images, so you have a chance to win!
Who knows, they might win the next weekly Pet Zone contest.
- Date Posted: 2024-01-25
- Link: Original Post
Ichumon: Lottery
Congratulations to osita, who has just won the Ichu Lottery! The jackpot was worth 23,500 iP and the item prize was Magical Yellow Danemue Mirror Shard!
This week's item prize will be Magical Newborn Iraknid Mirror Shard! Lottery is drawn every Wednesday.
- Date Posted: 2024-01-24
- Link: Original Post
IcePets: Building Rainbows!
It looks like the Rainbow Traptur is fully embracing the newness of the year! Donning a fresh coat -- fresh splattering? -- of paint, this colourful and fluffy friend is ready to celebrate Ansvin!
Get your Pet in the Ansvin spirit with the Rainbow Traptur Morphing Potion, available as a reward for completing its Jigsaw Puzzle. You will need one of every basic Traptur Morphing Potion, so double check your Storage for any stray bottles! It is also available in the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Gold Accounts until the end of the month.
Samuel thinks this is an excellent time to introduce the brand new Pastel Building Blocks set, and we agree! Thank you to @Zig for funding this delightful Item, which can be found restocking at the Toy Trunk. It may also be awarded from the Plushie Quest, and a week from now the Space Quest will begin requesting it.
- Date Posted: 2024-01-23
- Posted By: IcePets
- Link: Original Post
Celestial Equine: New server is live!
Good afternoon, CE players!
I am thrilled to announce our migration was successful! This server migration has solved our disk space issues and will also enhance our speed. The server upgrade was a long overdue task and I am so appreciative of everyone¢s patience! Please be aware there will still be some slow areas of the site. Eve is hard at work untangling a mess of old/low quality code. Upon completed of these fixes, you should see additional speed improvement!
Server Migration
It is my understanding that a handful of players lost data in the move due. This can happen if changes were made too close to the migration time. However, we do have the ability to replace lost coins and gems. Any other lost data such as horses and items will have to be handled on an individual basis - but please do not hesitate to reach out with your own specific situation. These conversations should be initiated via Discord for the fastest response with the following form -
Player Name:
Player ID:
List of items missing (coins, gems, etc):
Development update previews
Lastly, here are some fun previews of updates Evi is working on regarding our user interface. Who else is excited for a mobile friendly CE?
- Date Posted: 2024-01-23
- Link: Original Post
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